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How does your desktop look like


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No offense, but NOTHING tops mine. :)

I spent weeks, even months settings everything up to make it look as perfect as it does right now.

My desktop brings all the boys to the yard.


2nd one is blank because of dual monitors.

Anyways, you do have an awesome looking desktop there. :Banane31:

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yeah, rainmeter and window blinds. On the bottom there is rocket dock installed but hidden when not in use.

I honestly can't believe there's nobody else doing some makeup with the desktop :(

I just like things clean. Sure usability and one click functionality is also great plus braggin rights and just awesomeness but I guess I'm lazy. I do however have a custom alienhead start button that glows when pressed.

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Jahnsinn nice desktop cool concept. I dont think i could handle such a desktop lol. I like to just pick my program out of a list. Normally i have nothing on my desktop and i place the recycle bin in my task bar by notifications. I set it as large icon no text and place a recycle bin shortcut in a folder set a new toolbar with the mentioned settings and it looks and works like the original. Hide the one on desktop and im golden. Often though if i get something i was working with to keeo it fresh on my mind i leave it on desktop. Once i complete whatever it is my desktop is finally clutter free again. I certainly can appreciate how cool your desktop is though.

Lol at ILB having boobs on his desktop. Could it have been any other way?

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Here's mine. Pretty plain. not much time to mess with it. Been meaning to get in on the rain meter action. My M17x R2 Keyboard LEDs are colored to match. Left and right side of the keyboard is Red along with the speakers. Middle left keyboard area is blue, and middle right keyboard area is green. The colors on the keyboard blend and match the photo so it looks like the photo extends beyond the computer screen. Looks quite cool.


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Here's mine. Pretty plain. not much time to mess with it. Been meaning to get in on the rain meter action. My M17x R2 Keyboard LEDs are colored to match. Left and right side of the keyboard is Red along with the speakers. Middle left keyboard area is blue, and middle right keyboard area is green. The colors on the keyboard blend and match the photo so it looks like the photo extends beyond the computer screen. Looks quite cool.


Simply awesome great idea and use of Alien FX :)

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