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  2. I'm completely glad to visit your blog. At this point, I have found what I genuinely care about. I truly look at your blog and try to obtain something from your blog. Manpower Recruitment Solutions Permanent Staffing Payroll Services Staffing Solutions
  3. Yesterday
  4. Hi, I would need the same help as the user above Lenovo X250 with old 3G WWAN module, trying to replace with newer 4G. Can you please unlock WWAN?. Thanks in advance x250orig.bin
  5. Last week
  6. Hello Klem! I've got a G710 (8ECN95WW) which I need the Advanced Bios Settings unlocked and Wifi whitelist removed. result.zip available here: https://www.sendspace.com/file/9zq7z8
  7. Hello, I have my Lenovo X250 with old 3G WAN card and i would like to replace it. Can anyone help me please remove whitelist of WAN card? Here is the link to SPI ROM: LENOVO X250 DUMP
  8. Hello I don't know if you are reading this thread yet, but I will post the BIOS recovery method for P370EM. Since it is the same P series, you should be able to restore the BIOS using this method. I also used this method to restore the BIOS of my P570WM. Hey everybody sup, i recently tried to update and flash my bios on my p370em with a moded one and i bricked it totally,i was in need of help and saw that there was no easy guide available to help me recover it. so i decided to put this up in case anybody gets in the same situation. 1)you need a usb stick formatted to fat32. 2)download the stock bios rom from the net(google it) 3)rename the file to P370EM.rom or for the 3D model P37EM3.rom (caps sensitive) and then place in usb port 4)plug in the ac and battery 5)power and press and keep holding fn+B( you should see lights blinking on usb a few times to know its working ) after a bit it will boot up and u r sweet as and ready to boot into windows again all Good luck.
  9. UPD. It works with a connector from v15.
  10. Hello everyone I’m going to upgrade my clevo p870tm gpu to rtx 3080 but i need a modded gpu heatsink for it . Anyone can help where i can get it ?
  11. Hello Klem, I have an T470 and already check all the topic twice to see if i can find answer to my question and i did not So i have to ask you and please forgive mi ignorance but the whitelist removal includes for the battery? Thank you!!!!
  12. Earlier
  13. Hi! I have a Lenovo z50-70 laptop. Can you please remove wlan whitelist from bios? Thanks you https://www.sendspace.com/file/xxrxap
  14. Has that improved on the second one?
  15. hey guys is it possible to upgrade the alienware m18x r2 to a quadro rtx 5000 card since the 1060 is starting to die out
  16. Hi all! I have bought subj and started from the RAM UPGRADE. There is a slot for ddr sodimm and 3200 suited well. BIOS accepts it. But there is another question! Inside it has a 2,5 drive tray but do not have a connector. But i can see a possible connector on motherboard. I know that LONOVO uses similar connctors in other models. Like this one https://www.amazon.com/Connector-3-15ADA6-5C10S30212-NBX0001VD20-NBX0001VD10/dp/B0D16LR99F Question - if i buy a 2,5toMOTHERBOARD connector that is used in other LENOVO laptops will BIOS see it? Thanks.
  17. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xV76Rdu6RBMvbxl0qtueeLLVoWyeF7v8/view?usp=sharing
  18. Hi! Please read my post above, and prepare your bios dump with using hardware SPI programmer.
  19. Hi, Can you help me? I need to unlock the bios of my laptop to upgrade CPU. I need whitelist removal and unlocked bios options. BIOS: 62CN97WW Lenovo G580 (20157) Help please.
  20. Hi all. Please help me mod for whitelist BIOS for my IdeaPad Z500 (model 20202). I want change Wi-Fi card for dual-band. I want too (as far as possible) unlock advanced bios for i7 cpu i7-3632QM unlock turbo boost. It work my laptop with base 2.2GHz freq Not work turbo boost. My backup BIOS files below: with BACKUP_Tools19p: https://www.mediafire.com/file/wwzq41ehijmvcvp/results.rar/file with Universal BIOS Backup ToolKit 2.0: https://www.mediafire.com/file/saf5duv9em94xvr/LENOVO-71CN51WW(V1.21).rom/file
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