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Jahnsinn last won the day on October 10 2012

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About Jahnsinn

  • Birthday 01/01/1980

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  1. couldn't bench much so far. quite busy at the moment, loads of work, don't know where to start first chiller is set on 12°C, that's just the point before condensation appears on tubes and quick couplings. gpu runs with full load taken at 35°C, cpu at 28°C average. unfortunately I don't have time to update my guide post. damn work, I need to find something I earn money whilst sleeping^^ weekend is near, maybe I get some more time there. cya l8er
  2. I've got the Asus RT-N66U for a couple of months now and I can't find anything negative on it. No wireless drops, no reboots had to be done. And the wireless is available through all my flat ( 150sqm, 7 rooms). Had a lot of routers in the past and I always lost connection after half of the flat.
  3. just made a quick benchmark with the new 12.11 beta driver, P6197 B-) custom clocks @ 950/[email protected] on all steps. Works just perfect cpu steps: 18x133mhz @ 65/62
  4. looks good. Are you able to get a picture taken from the side?
  5. what was the size of the monitor? I still get issues when connecting my 55" BEFORE I start a 3d application. After starting the app it's okay. So I guess yours was just fine whatever you've done with it.
  6. tried to flash my gpu yesterday, but surprisingly it doesn't work at all anymore. I went through the procedure of atiflash, was all successful and rebooted the system. back in windows I checked the clocks and they are still the same as before. So I thought there went something wrong with atiflash. So went back to dos and tried to flash again. But atiflash said, the vbios I try to flash is identical with the one on the card. Tried to flash some other vbioses, butthe clocks stay all the same O.o checksums all okay what I did since the last successful flash: - updated to catalyst 12.9 7900mod - installed updated version of msi afterburner with "xcl-command" to enable amd overdrive. uninstalled both but still the same. Can't get a different vbios flashed onto the card. The card just works fine, so actually no faulty card.
  7. sry mate for the late response. the cpu is a heatsink, originally made for cooling desktop GPU dies. eurocom is named as upgradeyourlaptop on ebay. AMD Radeon HD7970M (WimbledonXT) MXM 3.0b 2GB GDDR5 VGA Module - CrossFire Ready | eBay thanks to @mw86 and @svl7 for the quick reply to @frostie btw @mw86: I got a notifier you mentioned me and got redirected to Brians flickering issue O.o strange thing.
  8. I experienced flickering on my external tv screen whilst gaming, but not on the internal screen. weird thing.
  9. Are you sure it's the temps? How high do they get?
  10. Well, I'd just ask the Alienware customer support service. Quickest way to get one.
  11. Because I already have a laptop^^ a desktop is much more expensive and wouldn't be something special, actually I don't need the laptop as a "laptop" anymore. Got a asus transformer tablet with keyboard. So no reason to keep the heavy laptop handy. Also it'll be an eye catcher once all is propper placed.
  12. that's true, unfortunately but even by moderate OCing the cpu and gpu, I got drops due to high temps on the gpu. So now it's quite more stable and should get just a bit more performance. Maybe there's a little bird, telling me a mobo mod to get some more power on the mobo
  13. updated the pics. nearly all working now. need to figure out what's worng with the others. tomorrow I will add temperatures and benchmarks. Let's see if I can get higher clocks without throttling. But now it's time for a couple of beer
  14. http://downloads.dell.com/FOLDER00896545M/1/M14R2A09WIN64.exe that's the direct link. just click on it from time to time so you don't need to run through dell's homepage.
  15. update: http://forum.techinferno.com/alienware-m15x/2220-%5Bguide%5D-m15x-water-cooling.html unfortunately still not all pix working.
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