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OFFICIAL: Alienware M17x R3 / R4 - Owners Lounge


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See if this chart helps, you can customize what video cards to compare with what games. At least it will give you good idea.

Computer Games on Laptop Graphic Cards - Notebookcheck.net Tech

Thanks for sharing the links, I knew about notebookcheck gaming benchmark, it is just it would be better if I could verify it from any forum member in Tech Inferno.

Anyway thanks.:)

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  • Founder

I noticed that anytime i am on my descrete 6970m card, it's temps are around 60 degrees idle.

So after a short investigation i discovered that it's clocks are modulating between

100/150 which is what it should be in windows, to 680/900.

This is with PowerPlay enabled, once i disable it clocks drop back to 100/150 and stay there.

What's up with that ?

Anybody esle seen it ?

P.S - Running stock Dell drivers.

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That's exactly what I experienced when I flashed the Dell vbios on my card... after flashing back the original vbios of my card everything is back to normal. My card is a little different from yours of course, but it could be an issue with the vbios. I can give you my vbios if you want.

Let's hear what other M17x r3 users experience...

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Funny that you asked :)

I was testing just that.

So, with powerplay disabled the card sits at 150/100 even with furmark running.

Enabled powerplay again, now on 11.5 drivers, and in 2d clocks seem to be ok on 100/150 and they jump to 680/900 as expected.

So to sum up - on stock dell drivers there's a problem with PowerPlay and 2d clocks, 11.5 fixes that completely.

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@DaneGRClose, great, but since 11.5 totally fixed it i won't bother.

BTW, i tried balanced mode plugged in and i still saw those jumps.

Plus, what the hell is this card idle temps ?! They hover around 55-57, idle@150/100. Do you see it too ?

EDIT : Dane, please if you got a moment, help a brother out - http://forum.techinferno.com/alienware-m17x/529-r3-owners-i-need-your-help-10-seconds-your-time.html

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@Micheal: That's what I thought... no 3d clocks without PP.

Good to hear 11.5 solves the issue, in this case it's not a vbios issue. If I remember correctly I had actually the Dell driver installed when I experienced this issue with my card...

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I have no idea man, my card idles at about 50 after a repaste(no aftermarket pads yet) but it did idle a bit higher in the mid 50's with stock paste. So no you're not dreaming and you don't have a bad card. The nice part is I'm running flashed clocks at 775/1100 and the temps only go up like 2-3 degrees. I'll try that out later tonight, I've done a lot of benching today and my wife is feeling neglected lol.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Founder

one more annoying thing that keep happening is that when I leave the rig alone it will turn off the screen.

now when I come back, theres a 50% chance it won't turn on again and the only way to bring it back to life is a hard reset.

good thing it's going back :)

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yeah sending that one back is the right thing to do. mine has been great so far, no problems at all. except for the rised media bar but i fixed that too.

Glue FTW?


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no its actually the cable connector, I just used those twisty ties to make it more compact so when you push the buttons it doesn't make contact with the cable. ever since the media bar has been sitting perfectly flush.

on another note i almost hit 21.8k cpu vantage, not bad for a 2720

Edited by iloveb00bs
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