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Everything posted by Michael

  1. Doubt it's the monitors fault, pretty sure it's some sort of issue with the Asus. You on the latest bios and video drivers?
  2. The links in the first post are fine, it's just that each line has two links, one broken, the other is good. Just hover with the mouse on the links and you'll see that there are two. use the first.
  3. what happens when you click on details ?
  4. It's absolutely nuts and i love it!
  5. Enjoying Preacher quite a lot these days Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk
  6. Love SwiftKey and hoping that msft won't destroy it. Sent from my XT1572 using Tapatalk
  7. Looks a lot like the LG g4. If the price is right this can be a very attractive option Sent from my XT1572 using Tapatalk
  8. @hans123 thanks man! Any idea what do I use to flash it? Sent from my XT1572 using Tapatalk
  9. Helping a friend restore his pre-dell alienware M17x-R1 that one : The note got two ATI 3870 cards. The master card went bye bye, it still boots with it but with tons of artefacts. I need a way to dump the master vbios and write it to the slave card so that we can use the slave as master. What tools do i need to do that ?
  10. Never thought it's that hard to find this kind of a machine. My friend wants a windows workstation, graphical performance is a non-issue His minimum requirements are 1. i7 CPU 2. 16GB memory 3. 3K or more screen 4. Lightweight as possible 5. 13 to 15 inch 6. Preferably aluminum or other high quality body. 7. SSD of 512GB or a magnetic drive that is upgradable. 8. Under 2K USD would be nice. We've only been able to configure the Lenovo Thinkpad W with such a configuration. Any other options out there ?
  11. Hey buddy, we had to roll back our DB one day back and unfortunately some posts have been erased. sorry about that. As a good faith gesture i've upgraded you to full permissions Hope that you'll get the answers you're looking for the second time as fast !
  12. There's a widespread issue going on with the retina screens of macs produced between 2012 and 2014. Apple won't admit it so far, but they are aware of the issue and do offer repairs free of charges if accessed by the right channels. here are some pictures describing the issue. There's many more, just access staingate.org or look for #staingate on twitter. I myself was affected, and was denied service while still under warranty twice by apple store employees which claimed improper use / cleaning. I kind of let it be, but then i discovered how widespread it is and, while being out of warranty for a while now, written a polite email to [email protected] explaining my issue and attaching some pictures. Next day i get a very polite call from apple's corporative relations manager telling me they are making an exception and will replace my screen free of charge. A few days later i went to apple service center, there was already a cscode appled to my mac's serial number so i didn't even need to do any explaining. I got it replaced right away. While i still think apple should issue a recall just like they did in the past with the nvidia gpu failure and other recalls, at least i am happy they are backchannel-resolving it for now. So for anyone who's screen starts to peel off - don't give up and don't believe the apple store minions, write to tcook and you'll have it replaced at no time. References : Staingate.org https://www.facebook.com/groups/607572909386595/?ref=ts&fref=ts https://twitter.com/hashtag/staingate
  13. yes, of course! you can cancel your membership immediately via paypal!
  14. Off topic do not count towards downloads. Only other option to download without contributing is to become an elite member.
  15. For breaking bad fans - watch better call soul! Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk
  16. +1 on the wrt1900ac. Very nicely built router, good and stable. Software could be better, not sure I like that dumbed down interface much but it gets the job done. Openwrt is an option although until belkin provide open source drivers for the hardware instead of closed source blobs it's limited but working. Sent from my SM-G900M using Tapatalk
  17. Not even the beep on startup? Sent from my SM-G900M using Tapatalk
  18. Just yesterday I've discouraged a friend of mine who is looking to upgrade his m14x to one of the new alienware offers. Convinced him go go with a Lenovo x1 carbon + desktop for gaming. Sent from my SM-G900M using Tapatalk
  19. Science behind it is quite solid actually.
  20. Didn't think it was confusing at all.
  21. thanks man. I will, eventually, lol. gonna start going to forums where they are active and posting my story. that'll get their attention.
  22. I am out around 2k usd. I didn't sell, I bought products and didn't receive them.
  23. Hi guys, looks for a small claims lawyer in Miami or around that area. Been dealing with a dishonest business over there and i need some help moving this forward.
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