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Y510p overheating


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problem with another graphics card 750m.

Temperature Ultrabay graphics card are after a few minutes were over 97 degrees, there was throttling.

I took it from the port, disassemble it and I see:


It is the cause of overheating.

To fix the problem you need repaste the Kepler GPU.

Repasting the ultrabay GPU will NOT HELP...it may take a little bit more time to reach the 97C, but it will.

Laptop cooler will not help neither...only way I could think of is to lower the vcore voltage by 80-90mV...too bad there is no probram out there yet which we can use to edit the voltage in the ultrabay VGA bios...

Funny thinng is, the ultrabay VGA is cooking inside the laptop., but the fans are not running 100%. If you run dust removal, you can hear the fans running on a much higher RPM. (btw I am on BIOS 3.05)

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What does your ultrabay fan look like? I ordered a y510p off amazon and it had a lot of blades on the fan. It got very hot. I didn't repaste that one just returned after I found an open box one on newegg. The open box ultrabay reached about 85-90c max and after repaste never goes over 80c. But the newegg one has fewer fan blades. I don't know if the number of fan blades has any affect but it appears so. I wish I had pictures but I don't.

Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk

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What does your ultrabay fan look like? I ordered a y510p off amazon and it had a lot of blades on the fan. It got very hot. I didn't repaste that one just returned after I found an open box one on newegg. The open box ultrabay reached about 85-90c max and after repaste never goes over 80c. But the newegg one has fewer fan blades. I don't know if the number of fan blades has any affect but it appears so. I wish I had pictures but I don't.

Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk

My ultrabay fan is this:

SUNON Maglev EG50060S1-C060-S99

Repasting the ultrabay GPU will NOT HELP...it may take a little bit more time to reach the 97C, but it will.

Laptop cooler will not help neither...only way I could think of is to lower the vcore voltage by 80-90mV...too bad there is no probram out there yet which we can use to edit the voltage in the ultrabay VGA bios...

Funny thinng is, the ultrabay VGA is cooking inside the laptop., but the fans are not running 100%. If you run dust removal, you can hear the fans running on a much higher RPM. (btw I am on BIOS 3.05)

A little help for those ultrabay cards, however fan speed mod is still needed. Probably with help from someone, who has better knowledge in EC firmware modding. ( My skills are limited in this, so i do hardware mods :D )


Tried to change fan to y500 replacement fan from ebay, (bigger, thicker, same dimension as main fan) but even with massive cutting and modding of ultrabay heatsink, chassis still thinner by ~1mm. :(

Probably with modding of the main chassis is doable, but did not wanted to cut machine to pieces, to find out it still wont fit.

Maybe i will try it sometime with removed motherboard, to check the benefit of bigger fan, but it will not happen in 2013. :)

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Here is my good fan. The one that heated up a lot had more fan blades than this and they were thinner. It was also the Sunnen brand

- - - Updated - - -

The biggest issue however is that the fan speed is not very close to max even though the GPU are getting extremely hot. I would say my fans only go to 50%. If there already is a mod to make these run faster than forgive me, but i do not think there is.

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I have tested, if the ultrabay FAN was running on max RPM, it would help a LOT. I've ran a game while I started dust removal and until the fan was running on max RPM the 2nd VGA temp started to decrease.

Wonder if it would be possible to mod the system bios or 2nd vga bios to force the fan to run on max rpm ...

oh and my fan looks like this and it overheats:


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Fan control is in the EC, can't mod that. Totally proprietary. Would need documentation or source code.

For lower temps... @angerthosenear made a simple and cool mod for running the fan at full speed on the press of a button, check it out: http://forum.techinferno.com/general-notebook-discussions/3437-thoughts-how-fix-insanely-hot-laptop-75c-idle-100-c-load-2.html#post59136

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Fan control is in the EC, can't mod that. Totally proprietary. Would need documentation or source code.

For lower temps... @angerthosenear made a simple and cool mod for running the fan at full speed on the press of a button, check it out: http://forum.techinferno.com/general-notebook-discussions/3437-thoughts-how-fix-insanely-hot-laptop-75c-idle-100-c-load-2.html#post59136

I see and what about voltage unlock in the 2nd VGA bios? Or if unlock is not possible can you lower it manually and upload a modified vBIOS? Lowering that would help big time. I've posted a factory 2nd 755M vBIOS in your other thread: http://forum.techinferno.com/general-notebook-discussions/1847-nvidia-kepler-vbios-mods-overclocking-editions-modified-clocks-voltage-tweaks-318.html#post78489

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Fan control is in the EC, can't mod that. Totally proprietary. Would need documentation or source code.

For lower temps... @angerthosenear made a simple and cool mod for running the fan at full speed on the press of a button, check it out: http://forum.techinferno.com/general-notebook-discussions/3437-thoughts-how-fix-insanely-hot-laptop-75c-idle-100-c-load-2.html#post59136

Did a quick tryout, and no success. Disconnected RPM pin does nothing, and this is no surprise, because my previous notebook, which was an MSI GT7725 acted like this too. In that there was a 3 pin fan, so this is unrelated to PWM.

However i did that mod years ago on my old Acer Travelmate 5720G, "game mode" switch was working with that one. :)

The MSI had a little 3rd party utility, which was written for gx740, where i was able to overwrite fan lookup table, but was working, since they had the same EC, despite generation differences.

With this lenovo i think its a bit more complicated, because there is 2 fan, and i bet, ultrabay has an individual lookup table.

edit:Official MSI GX640 Owner's Thread - Page 113

found it, it was written by Pherein@notebookreview

While we are there, probably we could find the register of EC which is responsible for 65C gpu throttling issue, since even with disabled BiDirectional PROCHOT ( Intel ME interface for software disable turbo) EC is still throtthling the CPU, so it is wired deep :)

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  • 1 month later...


I'm a little late to the party-but I had the same issue of overheating(sli version 750m)right out of the box. I uninstalled Lenovo Power Management(I knew it had something to do with fan control), lifted the back end of my laptop-and now it hardly goes over 75 even when playing 64 player servers on BF4. Oh, I also capped my fps to 70 on BF4-if you don't it fluctuates around between 60-140 and you do see extreme temp rises. The screen on these laptops being only 60hz, you're not even seeing the extra frames. Cheers!

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  • 3 months later...

Hi everybody! I have the same laptop and same overheating problem. When I play WoT my second (ultrabay) GT750m is hot as hell)) It's reaches 97C and it drop's fps. I'm using 337.88 NVidia drivers from off site I tried a Lenovo driver but in WoT it didn't work. I mean when sli is turned on its showing me an artifacts and performance is like 5-8 FPS... I have a cooling pad (cm notepal u3) I repasted my second gpu... I even tried to take of back cover of a laptop but on turned on cooling pad I reached 91C so its useless action. I heard that people who had this laptop with a preinstalled win8 didn't overheat it at all! This overheating only happens when updating to win8.1 or clean install the os. So could it be that Lenovo updated there os with some drivers or settings which can better cool this laptop or undervolt something to make it cooler. Please can anyone look in to stock lenowo win8 to get that settings. Thanks!

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I've noticed that this lappy gets a bit hotter than my asus g750jw, but probably just because it doesn't have 2 big ass fans exhausting out the back. I am also running the 755m in SLI whereas the asus is a single card so that might be something. I've not found that I really *need* a laptop cooler, but I do have the antec laptop cooler stand for it. Mainly it is just used to bring the laptop a little off the desk so I can have it hooked up to the other monitors at my desk and so it's out of the way.

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I dropped temperature!!! I'm happy as never before! I used a coollaboratory liquid metalpad and it's works! My max temps in games dropps pretty good in same loads previously where I got on my integrated gpu 750m 75 - 85C I got now stable 70C MAX on the ultrabay 750m I reached max 93 - 97C now it's stable 83C MAX! All test where done without overclocking and in room with temperature of 22C. I got some problems with applying this metal pads on cpu and gpu at first time I put there one layer of metal and it was not enough so after second attempt I put the 3 layers of metal and heated a radiator on motherboard with hot air to 80C. Then I assembled laptop and launched furmark on it for 10 minutes to heat a gpu and melt metal pad for better contact after it I let it chill for a while and started game testing and results where just perfect after all my pains))

P.S. In ultrabay gpu I put same 3 layers of this metal.

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  • 2 weeks later...

you would think since it's sold as a gaming laptop they would just do a little better job making sure the cpu and gpu's have good paste on them. I mean damn I'd pay extra just to make sure that was done from the start.

problem with another graphics card 750m.

Temperature Ultrabay graphics card are after a few minutes were over 97 degrees, there was throttling.

I took it from the port, disassemble it and I see:


It is the cause of overheating.

To fix the problem you need repaste the Kepler GPU.

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Here are some pics of the unassembled ultrabay before I re-applied the thermal paste and did the spacer mod trick. I also re-positioned the thermal pads on the ram (and even added on where there was no pad). I got significant temp drops after I did this, enough to stop the card from throttling almost immediately and my 3D mark scores went up by over 50%.



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Could you confirm that after you applied coollaboratory liquid metalpad to your heat sink it stayed intact, the question is: are there any aluminium parts in the CPU+internal GPU heat sinks as well as ultrabay heat sink, it looks like some aluminium alloy but I don't know for sure. I am planning to do the same, so just asking in order to not ruin my laptop.

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  • 3 weeks later...
What i noticed is while i play games usually the Ultrabay GPU is 10 C higher but thats not the case with Battlefield 3, both GPUs are the same temp in this game ???

Because BF3 heats up the CPU quite a bit, and since CPU and primary GPU have shared heatpipe and fan, it makes the primary run just as hot as the Ultrabay.

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