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Is this normal for my laptop?


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Hi, I have recently purchased a MSI GT60 with a 675m GPU and a i7 3630 CPU. I have tried running some games on it and everything FPS wise seems good, but I've noticed that when playing some of the more recent games (Far Cry 3 being one), the fan will turn really loud after about 20 minutes. HWMonitor indicates that the CPU temperature idles at about 50 C and GPU idles at 40 C, and the GPU temperature shoots up to 90+ C in the said 20 minutes. I haven't noticed any FPS drop despite the really loud fan and really high temperature, but is it normal for the laptop to get this hot this quickly? I'm running my games mostly on med-high setting, never ultra, and I pretty much always have the most demanding features like MSAA off.

I read somewhere on this board that a cooler doesn't really do much because of how the GT60 is built, is there anything else I can do to help with the temperature? Should I replace the thermal paste? Or is this temperature OK and I should just not worry about it? The fan kind of scares me though even if this temperature is within reason...

Thanks in advance.

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90+ is quite high for FC3 med-high settings.

I have a GTX570M (different card, but I believe the temps difference wouldn't get too far), in FC 3 mix high-ultra oc'ed the core from 575 to 700 and mem to 1800 only get 82ish

I had replace the thermal paste with arctic cooling mx4 (the standard I recon it would reach 90ish C)

so I really suggest replacing the thermal paste of ur choice.

*sorry for my bad English :)

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@Xonar MSI laptops get that hot? I know they have a single fan/sink that cools both the CPU/GPU but I'd think 90C is incredibly hot for normal use. The cards in my system at default never crack 70C and they can be active all day long. Even with extreme OC they don't reach passed 75C. Yeah I know fermi vs kepler but even the 580M SLI I had before never got nearly that hot.

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Well, I was responding to how fast it heated up, rather than the final temperature. My 6990M will hit 95*C in 10-15min in BF3 (I did a shoddy job modding the heatsink), but I'm not actually worried as the temps plateau at that level.

Ideally with the 580M/675M you should be looking at mid 80*'s tops in that notebook. Lowest I've ever seen is 79*C with a fresh repaste. But 90*C is not too hot, but it is approaching that danger threshold. 100W cards really push it in such a small chassis & single fan.

I'd say repaste whenever you have time. Even if you bought it from a reseller (Xotic, PNB, etc etc) they come from the same warehouse in the end. If the fan speeds bother you a lot there's programs out there that let you edit your EC config and choose the RPM of the fan (you can then test the best results for your ears and GPU). I caution you though to not lower it by much because the fan is truly a workhorse in this notebook.

Also, 18'' (with 3 fans) vs 15.6'' comparison :26_002:. No fair! ;)

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You should be able to yeild better temps than that with a good re paste. 90C + for normal gaming is simply too hot. It's not gonna blow up but it's not good either. Mostly, the problem is the fans don't ramp up to where they should under load and can't desipate the heat well enough, same problem on the new clevo,s.

You should be able to improve it somewhat.. GL

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I got my msi gt60 with gtx680 down from 90s temp to 82 after replacing ic7 diamond 7 with artic mx 4. Problem is ic7 diamond cannot be spread with credit card swipe. chances of applying too much is quite high.

I changed to artic mx4 and spread with cradit card as thin as possible and now idling about 33-36 and max 82 without turbo fan on. With turbo boost is get 84-85. With turbo fan on i get high 70s.

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@Brian, a big difference in the temp comparison is a 16" and an 18" chassis. MSI's 17" run cooler with all the same specs just because of the ability for more airflow.

@Luthecis, for comparison I have a 570 in a GT680 running at 715/1800, run similar IQ settings, and top out around 79. Once my wife complains I run the turbo fan and can get it to about 75. So do a repaste and you should be good

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't think that this is unusual at all to be honest I mean It is an upclocked fermi card in a rediculously small case with a bad cooling setup so don't really worry about it :P I have a gt70 and just at stock clocks I get 70C so I can imagine inside the GT60 it might get to around 90C. you're fine!

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