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About SilentMarket

  • Birthday 01/11/1993

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  1. recently i replaced the motherboard on my 1761 with a VER.000 bios, i don't know about the version of bios, but it's pretty awesome. i7-2670QM could be turbo to 3200Mhz , but the frequency always suddenly dropped . i flashed it without backup. does anyone have the version of bios?
  2. i found a monitor with VGA pluged but still not working when blind flashing i just heard the fan speeding up then laptop automatically shutdown and restart over and over again...with black screen ,then i pull out 7970m finding the chip so hot that i can't even touch it..
  3. i had the exactly same problem, the nb shutdown when pulged. but it's fine only using battery. i replaced the old motherboard with a working one.
  4. much thanks i'll try it if the dell card bios still not working
  5. do u have the bios file of 7970m for MSIGT780DX? mine doesn't working http://forum.techinferno.com/msi/3075-gt780dxr-doesnt-support-dell-7970m.html much thanks
  6. Nope, still blackscreen Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk 2
  7. yeah thanks,i tried but i couldn't blind flashing it in my laptop. maybe i should find an Alien laptop to flash it.
  8. is there any older version of 7970M vbios? that might work with gt780dx
  9. i bought a Dell AMD 7970M, a proper heatsink and a 330W adapter...seems everything ready...but nothing happened only balckscreen...what's wrong?
  10. yesterday while i was watching videos the screen flashed with cubes and lines spreading over it. i thought it was maybe a software problem sine i updated afterburn to 2.31. but after i restarted the laptop, the screen still flashed even in loading, then came the bluescreen. now i have to uninstall nvidia graphic driver to use the laptop. after searching i think some part of the memory of this card is damaged. it's a 3GB video card, maybe part of the memory particles is still working that's why i can still use this laptop. here is the problem: how to avoid using those broken memory particles?or i can simply remove those bad memory particles? laptop: MSI-GT780DXR video card: GTX-570M
  11. it's not an original adapter.I modified it to increase power supply but failed Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk 2
  12. My laptop is GT780DX with i7-2670QM and GTX 570M oc to 780 1560 1700.Most cases 180w is enough except running program requiring both heavy use of CPU and GPU like Far Cry 3.I have a meter in plug showing power use, when I play Far Cry 3,the meter shows that the use of power often goes above 180w(the highest is above 200w),then the CPU drop frequency together with GPU's,which is really annoying.So I have to change adapter to solve this problem. Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk 2
  13. :01:THX Trustudio Pro not working after update bios on GT780DX
  14. There's another problem: Before Win 7 got slower , I've forced laptop shut down sevel times. I have two OS in SDD,Win 7 & Win 8. When I copy & paste the same files from the same directory in another hard disk(not in SDD),I found it takes a real long time. While in win 8,it's much faster. How to solve this problem? I don't want to reinstall Win 7 to make it fast again. Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk 2
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