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AMD 7970m - modified VBIOS

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It seems my 7970m comes with a newer bios then the modified ones.

Could that be the reason why flashing an old vbios wont touch the voltage?

Been trying for weeks to change the voltage, but no luck...

We're not sure about why it doesn't work. @svl7 may have some new theories.

Sent from my GT-N7000

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Same problem here.

I just tried those vbios in a CLEVO P150EM (with Enduro) nothing changes. I tried the OV with modified clocks, i used a P150HM unit to flash it since you can´t flash with a EM unit. Nothing really changes, even though ATIFLASH reports the vbios change with success everything is like stock, clocks and voltage at stock values.

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Same problem here.

I just tried those vbios in a CLEVO P150EM (with Enduro) nothing changes. I tried the OV with modified clocks, i used a P150HM unit to flash it since you can´t flash with a EM unit. Nothing really changes, even though ATIFLASH reports the vbios change with success everything is like stock, clocks and voltage at stock values.

John what voltage is your gpu getting?

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Hello there svl7, can you kindly provide me with a 0.925v of the Dell vbios for the 7970m? I can't seem to find anything lower than 0.95v in the vbios pack and I'm trying to fix a throttling issue which occurs every time I OC my processor. I'm using a M15x with a 920XM.

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Hello there svl7, can you kindly provide me with a 0.925v of the Dell vbios for the 7970m? I can't seem to find anything lower than 0.95v in the vbios pack and I'm trying to fix a throttling issue which occurs every time I OC my processor. I'm using a M15x with a 920XM.

Here you go. Patch at your own risk. =P


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Thanks mw86 , one more question , so the things i'll have to do is to make a bootable usb drive with 'HP Format Utility' with the 'win98 booting files' , to make it bootable and put 'atiflash and the modified 7970m bios' and only 2 files i'll have to put in it ?

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------So the Prompt there i'll just type 'c:/atiflash -p -f 0 dell.rom . Thats it ?

I wouldnt just run the command "c:/atiflash -p -f 0 dell.rom"

follow the guide: http://forum.techinferno.com/general-notebook-discussions/1738-%5Bguide%5D-amd-vbios-flashing.html#post21467

I recommend backing up your current vBios before doing anything.

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A new version of vbios patcher will come when @svl7 and @chmod1337 find the time. Their plan is to completely re-write the program so it supports both notebook and desktop cores fully. It will come but there is no ETA atm.

ETA is not too soon. I am giving my best, but I have a lot of high priority work to do. Also svl7 has more important work to do and it is not always easy to find a time frame for knowledge transfer.

Please keep in mind that reverse engineering is a time consuming and expensive job (regular hardware isn't cheap, latest hardware least of all). Putting that knowledge into actual code is relatively cheap (lots of coke), but still a lot of work.

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