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US$300 AKiTiO Node TB3 eGFX box (32Gbps-TB3)


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30 minutes ago, 613 said:

It's doesnt say it's active. Even the cable itself seems passive. 

For an active cable the connectors will be bigger than normal, since they will need circuitry in there. 

And at that lengthy, there is no way it will reach max speeds. Unless it's optical.

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13 minutes ago, biomangb said:

Wow, the price is insane ... I wonder who wants to buy this thing, because even the razer core is cheaper


They are advertising a turnkey solution (software + support), which has been been shown to be derived from DIY eGPU open source resourced. Apple users have deep pockets so may be willing to fork out the $$ they want.

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Hello. I wanted to ask what you think about BizonBox3 device?


Previous version BizonBox 2 was based on AKiTiO Thunder2 PCIe Box


For me the design looks like razer code.

Technically there are no many details available, but the base can't be Thunder3 pcie box, because it has less connections. But Akitio Node seems to have the same connection, even though it wasn't released yet.
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1 hour ago, ayrat.m said:

Hello. I wanted to ask what you think about BizonBox3 device?


Previous version BizonBox 2 was based on AKiTiO Thunder2 PCIe Box


Akitio is a brand of inXtron, they are basically the same company. Looks like Bizon uses their TB3 board. Intel's certification requires complete TB products.


Akitio Node is already listed at:


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1. Compare with https://www.amazon.com/USB-IF-Certified-Cable-Matters-Thunderbolt/dp/B01AS8U7GU/ref=sr_1_2?srs=13705622011&ie=UTF8&qid=1478197320&sr=8-2&keywords=thunderbolt%2B3&th=1.

This is the passive version. It has definitely smaller connectors than the active one

2. 1m passive costs $21, the one that I say is active costs $55 for 1m.

3. Product description: "MORE REACH with the longest available 40Gbps Thunderbolt 3 cables on the market"


To sum up: we have an active thunderbolt 3 cable although it doesn't say explicitly so.

BTW: Active cables go up to 2m. Beyond that we have to go with optical cables.

Edited by 613
more info
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On 11/1/2016 at 9:14 PM, DanKnight said:

We still haven't received our MBPs yet nor the adapter. Still waiting waiting waiting waiting. :(

EDIT// Looks like it may be a week or more till we get our new toys. :( Crying right now.


Welp. Now I'm crying too :(


Please post updates on how the Node performs with older TB1/2-equipped MBPs using TB3 adapters. 


If the Node (with appropriate Thunderbolt adapter attached) + Windows 10 (bootcamp) combo works seamlessly with my 2012 rMBP, I will be instabuying the Node when released.

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it is a great option to use with my Dell XPS 13 :w00t:

the only issue now is the release date .. we can't wait more than three months >.<

I wanted to go with the Core. but the compatibility issues alongside the insane price stopped me from doing so.

The Node's 300$ price is really appealing, and it might make it worth the wait.

well, since we are on the topic of eGPUs, has anyone heard about the release date of the upcoming ASUS's eGPU ? (it seems like a great option). or any other good eGPU ?

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Akitio just moved and announced a new eGPU enclosure, ok it was previously announced, but is now in final product form: http://www.span.com/product/AKiTiO-Thunderbolt-PCIe-Thunder3-Node-NODE-T3IA-AKTU-1x-TB3-USB-C-1x-PCI-Express-v3-0-x16-FHHL-x4-speed-75W-~60061


should be in shops at the end of the year. I personaly will go with the Akitio thunde3 because its smaller, but needs DIY, this shoudl be plug an play. 

I have a NUC skull canyon so I preffer portability and this is just too big for me, but its a good sign that more and more eGPUs will be available :)

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1 hour ago, Imagios said:


Akitio just moved and announced a new eGPU enclosure, ok it was previously announced, but is now in final product form: http://www.span.com/product/AKiTiO-Thunderbolt-PCIe-Thunder3-Node-NODE-T3IA-AKTU-1x-TB3-USB-C-1x-PCI-Express-v3-0-x16-FHHL-x4-speed-75W-~60061


should be in shops at the end of the year. I personaly will go with the Akitio thunde3 because its smaller, but needs DIY, this shoudl be plug an play. 

I have a NUC skull canyon so I preffer portability and this is just too big for me, but its a good sign that more and more eGPUs will be available :)


Why go with the usual Thunder3 for eGPU purposes if you pay the same price(both 299$) but:

1. You're limited in physical GPU size.

2. You're limited by GPU heat emission if you want to close the case, so you'd have to drill holes for air circulation.

3. You're limited by the power plugs that don't allow you too close the case without fiddling(making low profile plugs or just use the cables).

4. You have to fiddle with powering yourself, making a plug for the barrel + getting the cables into the case for the graphics card.


You can most probably find a way to attach your NUC to the other side of the Node so you just have to grab the Node and your peripherals, plug it in and play.


If you ask me there's absolutely no reason to pick the Thunder3 over the Node for eGPU purposes, except where you just want additional display and put in a GT 730 or whatever small graphics card there is currently.

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well in all honesty because of the size of the Thunder 3 Node : 20.24 x 9.72 x 14.37 in. (51.4 x 24.7 x 36.5 cm) within this dimensions, I can build a nice ITX, sell my NUC, save the money for the Akitio, and build a even smaller Mini ITX, wich will be more quite, smaller and may be even cheaper. 

What I need is portability, so the footprint should be about like the NUC, that means I any way will go with a mini ITX card, the most powerful mini ITX on the market is the 1070, and that is damn good, since I dont have a 4k monitor, nor I want one, I use widescreen, and currently run a 2580x1060 so for my self a mini itx  eGPU, is desirable, any way best would be for me a NUC sized enclosure with notebook 1060/70 that should be possible, even thinking of to do that, something like the acer eGPU they just did that with the 960m, so if that would be the 1060 would be a nobrainer

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I don't know if they just changed the information but you're citing the packaging/retail box size(for whichever reason this is important to know and needs to be listed...).


The real dimensions:

Dimensions (LxWxH)
  • 16.85 inches x 5.71 inches x 8.94 inches
  • 42.8 cm x 14.5 cm x 22.7 cm


From the Akitio Node page -> https://www.akitio.com/expansion/node

span.com also lists the same.

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OK sorry than its 

Dimensions (LxWxH)
  • 16.85 inches x 5.71 inches x 8.94 inches
  • 42.8 cm x 14.5 cm x 22.7 cm


just look at the picture of the box and the NUC

still my argument is valid, I could build a ITX that would be around the same price nice performance more quiet and even smaller than that, so no reason for me to have this big box on the table, in that case I can go with either the Devil, which is quite cheap or with Razor


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I don't quite get your arguments. Yes, an ITX build might be smaller, more quiet and more powerful. Why did you buy a NUC then in the first place? Did you plan to use an eGPU when you bought it or did it just come up afterwards? You're mentioning portability, in which ways? Moving it at home? Taking it with you to use elsewhere? Even a NUC alone isn't really portable as you still need all the peripherals + monitor, unless you've got two places fully equipped and just want to take the computer itself with you. Taking the Thunder3 you'll have at least an additional external PSU to take with you.


Don't get me wrong, I'm not telling you what to do, I'm just curious about the use case. To me an eGPU has it's purpose foremost in combination with notebooks, real portable computer on the go and graphics power at home. I don't see any real benefit for a desktop box + eGPU over a usual desktop system, just as you say yourself. And even if I'd do, I'd still go with the Node just to decrease the amount of external stuff that I have to take with me and might forget. So for all the external stuff you'd need a bag or something to store it anyway, that's why I don't understand why the Node is too big for you.

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12 hours ago, Morv said:

If you ask me there's absolutely no reason to pick the Thunder3 over the Node for eGPU purposes, [...]


Yes, from your point of view.

I'd also pick the Thunder 3.


I mainly swing between two places with occasional events.

The split is approx. 25/75 with the 75 part obviously being at home.

I want USB on the eGPU for peripherals even if I take a performance hit,
plus I have the option to just not connect additional devices.

The volume and weight of a Thunder 3 with PSU are less than the Node,

but it's really about dimensions as I will place a PSU at the other place, too.


8 hours ago, Morv said:

 [...] external stuff that I have to take with me and might forget. 


Thunder 3 + PSU + TB cable are 3 parts.

Node + power cable+ TB cable are 3 parts.

Just different sizes.




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@Morv - ok I should may be describe my used case, I have a gaming notebook, but I realized 1. I used it any way mostly for media consumption, its heavy and drains battery, so I realized I prefer my tablet for media consumption over the notebook. I travel mostly between 2 locations, on my primary I have a widescreen monitor,  and on my second I have none. So portability for me is not playing in train or on the way but using it in one of my locations, exceptionally in a hotel room during travel, so what I need is to fit it to my backpack with my business laptop. That is why I have the NUC, its small and light, even with the power  brick, I dont need another NTB. I bought the NUC from the begging with the intention to use a eGPU, but I need that to be portable, as for the monitor I use now a IPS panel I have from my older Notebook, I took it out and bought the pcb with the inputs to power it and HDMI in. Still I will get the ASUS 15" IPS usb powered mobile FHD monitor, that will be my portable monitor, it will nicely fit my notebook bag, any way I use at least two monitors for work so having another monitor for my business travel makes sense, besides my gaming plans :)

So as you can see I'm looking for a sort of compact (backpack fitting) mobile solution) the only alternative I could think off, that is portable and powerfull would be the Zotac Magnus 1070, but I already have the NUC, so what I'm looking for is a really compact eGPU, something like the Wolf eGPU on kickstarter was, I dont need a 1080 to run 4k since I dont have a 4k monitor, nor I want one - prefer ultrawide over 4k, so the top I would need is a 1070 which exists in ITX format, but to be honest with my setting a 1060 will do just fine, again ITX, there is just no need for me to have a full  size card. And again should I have to go for the Thunder3 Note, I rather sell what I have and get a really small miniITX core I5 with a ITX 1070, the case would still fit my backpack, adding the portable monitor, and still be better of than Thunder3 Notes big case, which I dont see as portable, at all. Sure that is just my personal preference, since I have this used case.


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29 minutes ago, Imagios said:

not really convincing the video to be honest


Yes, sadly.


I kind of expected that he shows off how to install the GPU, connect
the Node and make it work with a camera and then switch over to the game with
an FPS counter. The lagging itself is not much of an issue in my opinion, because
I doubt he streams that often and it has its difficulties for newcomers.


Having said that, I really appreciate the step toward the community
and hope AKiTiO keeps up the touch via social media.

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7 hours ago, Splitframe said:

VOD of the Akitio Stream:



Sadly, he forgot to show an FPS counter. The lags seem like
they come from the CPU or a bandwidth bottleneck.


6 hours ago, Splitframe said:


Yes, sadly.


I kind of expected that he shows off how to install the GPU, connect
the Node and make it work with a camera and then switch over to the game with
an FPS counter. The lagging itself is not much of an issue in my opinion, because
I doubt he streams that often and it has its difficulties for newcomers.


Having said that, I really appreciate the step toward the community
and hope AKiTiO keeps up the touch via social media.


Those were Vods from when I was testing out a new stream set-up I'm trying to work with here at the office. Forgot to change the stream title, but both VODS are stream testing. Stream rig not very high-end. Will be upgrading some stuff (like our internet connection X_X)

Benchmarks will be delayed. Been working on other tests ever since Apple released their MBPs. Sorry for the delays.

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14 hours ago, DanKnight said:



Those were Vods from when I was testing out a new stream set-up I'm trying to work with here at the office. Forgot to change the stream title, but both VODS are stream testing. Stream rig not very high-end. Will be upgrading some stuff (like our internet connection X_X)

Benchmarks will be delayed. Been working on other tests ever since Apple released their MBPs. Sorry for the delays.

Hey @DanKnight is there any news concerning 16 mbps compatibility?

@theitsage posted an update concerning addition of Metal Support and Acceleration in 10.12.2 Beta 2.


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On 2016-11-04 at 0:04 PM, oaoleley said:

Welp. Now I'm crying too :(


Please post updates on how the Node performs with older TB1/2-equipped MBPs using TB3 adapters. 


If the Node (with appropriate Thunderbolt adapter attached) + Windows 10 (bootcamp) combo works seamlessly with my 2012 rMBP, I will be instabuying the Node when released.  


I totally agree this will be a instant buy if this is the case.
currently ive got a 2012 rMBP with thunderbolt 1 for my personal laptop and would love to be able to connect it to a eGPU, but thunderbolt 3 is in my present/near furture.
 my curent dell work laptop already has thunderbolt 3 and once apple releases a MBP with 32gb of ram  (2017 hopefully) I will be upgrading my personal laptop.

so I'd much rather invest in thunderbolt 3 enclosure and have reduced speeds using a  adapter on my current laptop to future proof myself


Edited by dude1
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