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  • Birthday 06/11/1979

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  1. Try disable and then enable sound card: "Cirrus Logic CS8409 (AB 54)" under "Sound, video and game controllers".
  2. @Bloodhawk 1. Compare with https://www.amazon.com/USB-IF-Certified-Cable-Matters-Thunderbolt/dp/B01AS8U7GU/ref=sr_1_2?srs=13705622011&ie=UTF8&qid=1478197320&sr=8-2&keywords=thunderbolt%2B3&th=1. This is the passive version. It has definitely smaller connectors than the active one. 2. 1m passive costs $21, the one that I say is active costs $55 for 1m. 3. Product description: "MORE REACH with the longest available 40Gbps Thunderbolt 3 cables on the market" To sum up: we have an active thunderbolt 3 cable although it doesn't say explicitly so. BTW: Active cables go up to 2m. Beyond that we have to go with optical cables.
  3. Actually there are: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01H5QF1GO/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1.
  4. It didn't work on my 2015 15" iGPU rMBP. I heard members with dGPU had more luck.
  5. It's been more than a month without success in enabling optimus mode in Windows 10 on 2015 15" iGPU rMBP (Windows 8.1 works perfectly). Any ideas?
  6. I tried with a clean Windows 10 installation using nvidia's latest driver 353.62 without success at optimus mode (Windows 8.1 works perfectly). Any ideas?
  7. I tried with a clean Windows 10 installation using nvidia's latest driver 353.62 without success at optimus mode (Windows 8.1 works perfectly). Any ideas?
  8. I tried with a clean Windows 10 installation using nvidia's latest driver 353.62 without success at optimus mode (Windows 8.1 works perfectly). Any ideas?
  9. It didn't work for me in optimus mode (I didn't try using external screen). Used geforce driver version 353.30. See eGPU Window 10 optimus mode problem and MBPr + eGPU & Windows 10. Didn't try nVidia's last driver ver. 353.62.
  10. It didn't work for me in optimus mode (I didn't try using external screen). Used geforce driver version 353.30. See eGPU Window 10 optimus mode problem
  11. Hi, I have 2015 15" MBP Intel Iris with GTX970-AKiTiO T2 eGPU. Everything was working fine with Windows 8.1 64 bit in Optimus mode (Used the guide published here in the forum) with nVidia driver 353.30 64 bit. Installed latest Windows 10 RTM 10240 with updated nVidia driver for Windows 10 353.30 64 bit. Having lots of problems enabling the eGPU in Optimus mode. Windows usually get stuck (BSOD) on startup. When hot plugging the eGPU, its being discovered by the system. Looking fine in device manager and nVidia control panel. However, when running a game, Intel Iris is used instead for rendering the game, giving an expected low FPS. I tried to play with nVidia control panel forcing gtx970. Reinstalled the System and drivers for couple of times but it didn't help. Unfortunately I can't roll back to Windows 8.1 because I already tried to reinstall Windows 10. Any suggestions?
  12. Great advice! About disabling nvidia audio... Should not installing nvidia HD audio drivers would be enough? anything else should be done?
  13. Ok, sorry :-) Regarding the internal display configuration, is it correct that there will be more performance loss in higher resolution/fps count (due to more information that has to go back to the computer through TB)? Is there any way of lowering the performance penalty (by software tweaking or hardware modding)? Thanks!
  14. Thanks! I see now that 750m is actually supported: PhysX GPUs | NVIDIA What would be the average Physx game scenario performance (not AC:BF) with i7 4880HQ machine comparing Iris Pro to 750m (mid 2014 15" rMBP)? So... AMD m370x, latest Apple rMBP upgrade, is actually downgrade Physx-wise?
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