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Hello guys...My name is Marc, I am a french and passionate of hardware. I currently own an Alienware 17R4 and some other laptops and PCs , after a 17R3,

Hope to find in this community good tricks to share with you.  I cannot say that i have a gamer profil but rather into other things.

Currently my Alienware has Windows10 (I dislike) on SSD  and mostly i boot on a Kali Linux version from a persistant 64G Extrem Sandisk key.

Wish you all a nice day !


(My english is not the best)


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Hi everyone! I'm a student and I'm interested in many arts of IT tech. Programming does not sound like it's for me though. Also an owner of X220 and trying out eGPU methods.

P.S I'm a fan of cheap Chineese electronics. Faulty or not, I am suprised how it's quality for the buck is really good these days.

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Hi there guys just got a MSI GT780DXR and was looking into modding it and found this lovely little website havent really done any modding on laptop so excited to get started so if anyones got any tips and tricks shoot them this way

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Hello everyone,

i'm Oliver from Germany. I started my notebook career with some Dell Studio's and after some time i upgraded to different Alienware notebooks. Currently I have a M17xR4 and a M11xR3.

After reading some threads on techinferno i thought it is time to register. So, here i am.

Hope i can learn some usefull tips and tricks, and maybe I can help others with my experience.

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Hello :)
I'm from France. I am studying IT engineering, I have a M17xR4 that I want to upgrade, so I came looking for help, I am really thankful for all the hard work that you people do in order to help the others .
I hope i can return the favor and be useful to the community ^^.

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hi im new Obviously, i have a mac ATM have had 1 mac before my current one and before that i had XP machine,  i refused to go to vista so i jumped the windows ship.

but in the future im planning on going back and building a gaming/editing PC but for know i want to build a cheap EGPU for my 2012 RMBP give it a few more years while i scrimp and save to get a pc again.


im dyslexic so sometimes i dont spell things correctly, so i hope your not to bothered by the odd grammar mistake   

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After owning my NP9370 for almost 4 years now and still going strong, I FINALLY upgraded it. My 500GB HDD was showing signs of death, 24 dead sectors after running a SMART test and the click of death I decided to upgrade it with a 500GB SSD and a 750GB HDD slave drive. I was just cruising through the web looking for a newer BIOS and stumbled across this website! Looking forward to doing a GTX 980M upgrade from a 7970M. Otherwise the laptop is completely untouched. Still can't figure out which mod I need and what bios I can upgrade to, for new features, upgrade ability (for when I go to the GTX 980M) and all that fancy jaz! 

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Hey guys.

I'm from germany and i bught a few weeks ago a Lenovo Y500 with SLI GTX650.

A short time before i realized, that the WiFi card is pretty ... well "outdated". I cant even use the 5GHz Band of my router.

So i bught a new WiFi card: Intel AC 7260

Replacing the original card i realized, that this notebook have a "whitelist", (as my old IBM ThinkPad T42 as well).

So ... using google for a while and reading several tutorials i thing this one, written by svl7, is the best one.

I hope my account will be unlocked next saturday, so i can downlaod the necessary files and unlock the BIOS to use all WiFi cards

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Hi I'm Bob from the Netherlands. Well, I'm here like many folk are, to download certain files. (Unlocked bios in my case).


I own a MSI GT683DXR and am patching it up as the GPU has recently died.


But for me this is a learning experience too. Looking to pickup knowledge and hopefully contribute :) 

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Hey All, I'm Dak from Los Angeles. Old-school gamer, built my own Gaming PCs before Pentiums were a thing, but the last desktop I built had only a Thunderbird 1.2Ghz processor, and I can't remember what the video card was. But I rocked dual Voodoo2's back in the day...


Currently trying to get some life out of my Ideapad y500 with 650M/SLI. Thinking about bumping up the RAM from 12 to 16, and installing a 256GB mSATA drive for the OS.  What I really need, though, is to update the WLAN card to something with 5Ghz. Found this site looking to hack the BIOS.



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On ‎27‎.‎10‎.‎2015 at 6:27 PM, syspsi said:

Hi all, I'm Syspsi

Arrived here searching for modded bios for my Alienware M17x R4.

I'm trying to upgrade from a 680M to a 980M, if possible.

That's is why i'm here, a lot of technical information and bios/vbios to the upgrade procedure.

Thanks a lot for all in advance.


Go to this Topic, works great, completely with detailed description for the installation:


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