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Member Introduction Thread - Post Here!

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Hey guys, I didn't see an "Introduce Yourself" thread or subforum, so I guess I'll start one here in OT.

I've been registered at T|I for over a year on another account, but I've decided to keep my account name the same as the one I've had on NBR, so I just registered this one today.


My name is Mike and I'm a notebook enthusiast, just like you all. My first gaming notebook was a Gateway P-7811FX, which was a great buy at the time, until the dreaded GPU problems started to surface. I did a review at NBR on it. My first taste in modding (software & hardware) started with that machine. Last year, I purchased a MSI 16F2 barebone which was a hell of a deal and I can't wait to put a 7970M in that baby, or possibly a 680M GTX if everything plays right with that card and my machine. I've also unlocked most of the MSI 1st and 2nd generation-core i notebook's BIOS which I posted at NBR. I was hoping to get the multipliers unlocked for my XM CPU, but unfortunately, AMI has let us down :ops:. At the very least, the BCLK is unlocked for a measly 3-5% OC. As you can see, I really loved NBR and notebooks, I was one of the oldest members there, having lurked for a good year before deciding to register, but things weren't all rosy in the end.

So, how did I end up at T|I? Actually, I've been lurking T|I for a long time. The ICD7/24 thread, TS and svl7's threads are what got me started here. You guys aren't just reposters, you are hands-on people, original devs.


I've grown incredibly tired of the lack of respect at NBR. I haven't bothered to continue my work on the BIOS after MU went down, as people were reposting my work and taking credit for it or begging. While it is free and I didn't take any donations for it, I was the one who did all the Googling, trying to decipher bad translations, downloading files with no documentation or clue as to what they did and had to figure it out on my own, and lastly, I was the guinea pig. I put my $1,200 notebook on the line for the better of the community and I would still get PMs filled with bad attitude and idiots who bricked their notebooks and blamed me for it because they couldn't read or had an incredible lack of common sense. The least one could do was give credit where credit was due, like I said, I never asked for a penny, unlike most BIOS unlocking forums.


Heck, anyone who PM'ed me asking how I did it, I would straight up tell them everything, including linking the files needed and all directions. For a good week or two of my time and a some bad headaches, they had it handed to them on a silver plate in 5 minutes. The most frustrating PMs would be that I was rep whoring and anyone could have done the work I did. Well guess what? You didn't do it and I never rep-whored once I my life, if you look at the original post I give credit to my original testers, but I never say +rep me for my work.


So, my journey at T|I posting starts today and I hope I can be of value here just as I was at NBR. I don't carry a vengeance against NBR, but the overall quality of the news page and forum has diminished significantly to a point where I barely enjoy browsing it. Also, this not a PG-13 forum, hurrah.

So how about it, let's here how you all got started at T|I and a little bit about yourselves?


FYI, the links are for reference, I'm not plugging my links for clicks/views as I don't benefit from it. I'm also not attempting to start a flame NBR thread (If there is an issue you can delete this thread without warning, I understand), but I notice that many of T|I members are also NBR members or were at one point so I believe a connection can be established.

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Well then, officially welcome to T|I! :D Nice to see you here!

So, how did I end up at T|I? Actually, I've been lurking T|I for a long time. The ICD7/24 thread, TS and svl7's threads are what got me started here. You guys aren't just reposters, you are hands-on people, original devs.

Haha, nice to hear this!! :)

It's really annoying if you do all the work and then it gets just re-uploaded at other places, especially if no credit is given and if you didn't get asked in advance. It also makes it much harder to receive feedback and to push a new version.

T|I is quite a bit different than the "other forum", that's what we intend and we will keep it that way. More freedom, fun, a nice community.

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You're absolutely right, feedback is key. How can I improve on my work if there is no criticism or comments? I hope this community continues to grow, I'm sure I'll find it enjoyable. Thanks for the welcome! :woot: Now, if only I had the knowledge to port XTU into my BIOS, then I'd have everything unlocked. :sour:

I also think I'll be looking into an AW as my next system, Clevo has been a let-down for the last couple of years and I have mixed feelings on MSI.

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Aye, thanks for the welcome Brian. It's good to know I wasn't the only one who felt that way; that would explain why I see so many former NBR members here. It's a shame MU got shut down as I've lost all my files forever and I had just reformatted my PC and was going to back them up on my external. What luck!

Combined, I had roughly 15k downloads for all my files and they were only up for 2-3months, so I know they were useful. I think I may restart my projects and post them in the MSI section to spark some interest in that subforum.

Also, nice to see Tapatalk support. :welcoming:

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Aye, thanks for the welcome Brian. It's good to know I wasn't the only one who felt that way; that would explain why I see so many former NBR members here. It's a shame MU got shut down as I've lost all my files forever and I had just reformatted my PC and was going to back them up on my external. What luck!

Combined, I had roughly 15k downloads for all my files and they were only up for 2-3months, so I know they were useful. I think I may restart my projects and post them in the MSI section to spark some interest in that subforum.

Also, nice to see Tapatalk support. :welcoming:

Cool if you do and want them hosted on the main T|I site, just drop svl7, me, stamatisx or michael a PM. And yeah, we've got Tapatalk and the most recent build of vbulletin, don't know why the other forum is having such a hard time :D

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Awesome, once I get everything sorted I will do so.

And yeah, we've got Tapatalk and the most recent build of vbulletin, don't know why the other forum is having such a hard time :D

I didn't rub want to rub in that last part, haha.

But don't worry, it'll be upgraded in a week. . . errr, a month. . . make that three months. . . TBA.:Banane35:

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Welcome to T|I Xonar. :very_drunk:

Talented individuals are always welcome here.

If there is an issue you can delete this thread without warning, I understand.

That's funny. Crazy stuff like that doesn't happen at T|I. You must be thinking of NBR where every time they get a phone call from Dell; posts and threads magically start to disappear. Throttling, what throttling? My favorite is when a mod arrives and proclaims that quite a few posts needed to be cleaned up. aka. Deleted.

Over here at T|I if you buy a laptop and it turns out to be a piece of shit, don't be afraid to come to the forums and tell it like it is. Honesty is appreciated over here. It is definitely not a reason to be banned.

I also got fed up with other sites stealing my work and distributing it as if it was their own. That's why the ThrottleStop beta editions expire and the link takes users directly to Tech|Inferno.

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Haha, I enjoyed this post very much. Quite concise and to the point. :Banane35: Thank you.

To clarify that part: I meant deleted for interpreting this as intentionally inciting a flame war against NBR.

But yes, I have realized the environment here is a complete 180* difference. NBR has turned into a quasi-police state to say the least. People use mods for defense, rather than to 'moderate' discussions. Also, telling someone to use Google is considered condescending and infraction worthy. Really? If anything it's a lesson for future questions and less clutter in the forums, not to put someone down. Also, they aren't very friendly if you seem to know too much. . .

Don't even get me started on the front-page reviews. Before NBR became massively commercialized, laptops on the front page would be through users not some NBR staff. Heck, they'd even offer you money to review your notebook and have them edit it and post it. Those were some quality reviews. Now you have a gaming notebook, Asus G75VW, reviewed and check out the games they test. Mass Effect 3 and CoD:MW3, both console ports. Best damn joke I've heard in a long time.

And the kicker?

I have no reservations recommending the ASUS G75VW to enthusiast gamers. It excels in nearly every area as have previous-generation ASUS G-series gaming notebooks.

I think the reviewer forgot that the G73JH had the top-of-line 5870M inside of it. After that, ASUS has taken a step backwards and opted for mid-range and ASUS-crippled version solutions like the 460/560/660M GTX for $1,700+. Now they have the 670M, but who cares, it's a little late to be adding a high-end Fermi card, don't you think? ASUS has fallen off the radar for any serious gamer in the past year.

Thieves piss me off. Especially ones that steal free work. I've now edited strings in the BIOS to confirm my identification and hid some signatures inside to also do the same. It's bullshit that I even have to do that. But proof is proof.

Edit: Anyways, I'm sure everyone gets the point. I'm done with the NBR sucks circlejerk and I'm done answering PMs on that site.

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Hi Xonar, nice to meet you mate. :)

I'm one of the crazy desktop guys here, though I have dabbled in notebooks also. Anyone who is willing to share info and be friendly is more than welcome here in my opinion, it's a high quality forum that is headed nowhere but up, especially with our ability to draw in knowledgeable people such as yourself.

With the level of talent we have, along with such a great team of mods (except for Brian, that guy's a prick ;) ), I see more new members and more defections in our future.

Most of the grumbling about NBR is due, I think, to the memories of what it used to be and could have been. Some of our members were treated atrociously in what I can only hope are rare instances (though evidence may suggest otherwise). I wish them luck, but now we're going to be giving them some serious competition. Who knows what the notebook forum landscape will look like in a few years time?


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Thanks Jimbo and nice to meet you as well. :D

There's a (dead) desktop forum for you to post in. I'll have to close this thread as it's in the wrong forum. ;) Bahaha, pardon me, I couldn't help myself. Speaking of which, the desktop hardware subforum is something I miss as well.

My wishes are for this forum to grow. I've even thrown a couple bucks towards the server costs as a sign of faith. If it does continue to grow, expect a couple more on the way.

P.S. How's the 2920xm ES working for you? I'd bought one in anticipation of uping the multipliers on it, but I am disappoint.

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The ES is fantastic, it's just the issue of keeping it cool! I wish there was more aftermarket cooling support for laptops, I think for poplular models the market is there for something that is truly superior.

@mw86 was able to get his wprime scores within a few tenths of my watercooled 2600k running at 5.3ghz, the 2920 is a total beast. :D

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The ES is fantastic, it's just the issue of keeping it cool! I wish there was more aftermarket cooling support for laptops, I think for poplular models the market is there for something that is truly superior.

@mw86 was able to get his wprime scores within a few tenths of my watercooled 2600k running at 5.3ghz, the 2920 is a total beast. :D

Yeah the 2920xm is a great performer indeed. If we all chip in and buy @svl7 a m18x he might even design a better cooling solution for it :-)

Sent from my ParanoidAndroid powered GNote

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Hahahaha, send it over :58_002:

I'm not sure how much it would be possible to improve the cooling... there's not that much room in there for huge design changes, but it would certainly be interesting. Thing is, it gets really expensive once you need custom heatpipes, and I still have no idea where to get custom made copper fins for a sane price....

So back to topic:

Hello, I'm svl7 and this forum looks cool! :77:

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I'm not sure how much it would be possible to improve the cooling... there's not that much room in there for huge design changes, but it would certainly be interesting. Thing is, it gets really expensive once you need custom heatpipes, and I still have no idea where to get custom made copper fins for a sane price....


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Here's the kind of leech site I was talking about.


He has so many links posted that it looks like a ThrottleStop porn site. :)

Google likes it so he better get some ads up so he can start making some cash. Surprising he doesn't have a ThrottleStop download link up yet.

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Here's the kind of leech site I was talking about.


He has so many links posted that it looks like a ThrottleStop porn site. :)

Google likes it so he better get some ads up so he can start making some cash. Surprising he doesn't have a ThrottleStop download link up yet.

Looks like some kind of indexing site.

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Hello all, first post!

I'm John from Washington. This seemed as good a place as any to introduce myself; thanks to Xonar for making the thread. I've lurked NBR for awhile but this seems to be more my type of environment. :cool:

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm headed over to the 420 thread.

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  • Founder
Hello all, first post!

I'm John from Washington. This seemed as good a place as any to introduce myself; thanks to Xonar for making the thread. I've lurked NBR for awhile but this seems to be more my type of environment. :cool:

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm headed over to the 420 thread.

Hello and welcome to T|I John!

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Hello all, first post!

I'm John from Washington. This seemed as good a place as any to introduce myself; thanks to Xonar for making the thread. I've lurked NBR for awhile but this seems to be more my type of environment. :cool:

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm headed over to the 420 thread.

Welcome John!

Nice to see you here, I'm sure you'll find this community a lot chiller.

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