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980M seems to be compatible with EM series


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Hi :) I have a P150EM, and today I've found out that i can upgrade my graphics card to a gtx 980M. I'm so happy.

I'm planning to buy one card in ebay and do the upgrade myself so I'm looking for guides to do so. If anyone could point me to some guide or give some tips i would be grateful.

By the way, thank you Prema for all your mods and support :)


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You might just get the P150/P151/P170EM Upgrade Kit here.

Eurocom VGA

You may be able to get the card cheaper elsewhere but the kit is good because it includes a custom heat sink with all the thermal pads already applied in the right places. I think this kit also includes the prema vbios pre-installed.

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I'm seeing a lot of comments saying that it's pointless to do the upgrade to a gtx 980m, because the laptop wont be able to get the most performance of it.

Is it really worth to do the upgrade? Anyone here already made it?

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I did the upgrade and even if it's difficult to get it overclocked (which was not the real purpose), it is working fine at expected results on my laptop (p170em), and I can play witcher3 at max details with hardly any stutter with hairworks, and completly fluid otherwise... actually nvidia doesn't recommend hairworks for the 980m even is working fine. I don't even run any benchmark as I'm very satisfyied with it.

I tried overclock a bit, but I just get warmer for a very small gain... I mean, the p170em cooling is not done for such a hot card, and having it working is a good surprise.

I had a 675mx before and the gain is tremendous, I can play whatever i want... Tr is playing at 70fps+. Here is firestrike: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980M video card benchmark result - Intel Core i7-3920XM Processor Extreme Edition,EUROCOM Neptune 2.0

So at the end, the laptop may not be able to get enormous overclock (400+), but still at base frequency it is a good operation. Actually a 970m can do the job by overclocking, but will you be able to overclock a 970m?

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I upgraded my P150EM from a 675m to the 980m and there's a huge difference! Running Witcher 3 and far cry 4 on ultra with no issues. Before I had to run fc4 at 720p on medium with the 675m to get a decent framerate.

As far as I know to get full performance you just need the latest prema BIOS and vBIOS with modded INF drivers from LaptopVideo2Go... unless I'm wrong...

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Thank everyone, that's what i wanted to hear clear.png

My real doubt right now is:

Should I do a full upgrade to my actual system like buying the gtx 980m, a new CPU and even a ssd hard drive and stick with it for a couple of more years or should I do a minimal upgrade like buying the gtx 970m (which seems to be enough for me right now) and maybe an msata ssd hard drive and wait for the new generation of clevo laptops to come out with new generation CPU's and GPU's?

What would you recommend?

By the way my actual system is the P150EM with this specs: i7-3610QM | 8GB 1600MHz | GTX 675M | 500GB 7200RPM

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I tried overclock a bit, but I just get warmer for a very small gain... I mean, the p170em cooling is not done for such a hot card, and having it working is a good surprise.

What do you mean you "just get warmer for a very small gain"? Have you tried using Prema's vBIOS on the 980M (if it isn't already installed) and what kind of OCing did you do? And what temps did you get? Technically if you're at like 80c with an overclock using max fans in games like Witcher 3 and your GPU's running at 99% all the time, you're not doing bad at all.

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I just don't want to play games with max fans... Tried 100 to 200+ on core and start reaching highest speed, which is not convenient for me, but it's still possible. It is just that I don't feel to play with an airbus under the keyboard...

biklas7: the calcul is purely fiducial, it depends how much you'll pay. Try and study a new laptop with an upgrade, and the spare parts, it will tell for you. This been said, I wouldn't say the 980m is worth every penny. Nvidia is selling this card at a very high price, but I could afford it.

First question is: how is rated your power supply. If you have the big one, it is possible, otherwise you will have to buy another bigger one, and it has to be taken into account.

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First question is: how is rated your power supply. If you have the big one, it is possible, otherwise you will have to buy another bigger one, and it has to be taken into account.

I don't know exactly... I think that my power supply is 180w.. It's the standard power supply that comes with the P150EM with a gtx 675m.

Is it enough?

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Do you have copper heatsinks on your P150em or the stock ones? If stock, you should go for a 970m: from a 675m, you will have a pretty nice upgrade, perfectly working with the 180w PSU (even with overclock).

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I just don't want to play games with max fans... Tried 100 to 200+ on core and start reaching highest speed, which is not convenient for me, but it's still possible. It is just that I don't feel to play with an airbus under the keyboard...

biklas7: the calcul is purely fiducial, it depends how much you'll pay. Try and study a new laptop with an upgrade, and the spare parts, it will tell for you. This been said, I wouldn't say the 980m is worth every penny. Nvidia is selling this card at a very high price, but I could afford it.

First question is: how is rated your power supply. If you have the big one, it is possible, otherwise you will have to buy another bigger one, and it has to be taken into account.

Well in that case that makes sense for your form factor. Please note: when attempting to "cool" a card or a CPU, Max Fans is indeed part of the design. But if you don't like your fan to kick up, well kudos I guess. 980M's coolness comes in.

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Do you have copper heatsinks on your P150em or the stock ones? If stock, you should go for a 970m: from a 675m, you will have a pretty nice upgrade, perfectly working with the 180w PSU (even with overclock).

Thank you, for the reply..

Yeah.. Everything is stock. Probably I'm gonna choose the 970m and when the new generation of CPU's and GPU's comes out, probably I will do a full upgrade and buy the new clevo laptop that eventually should come out.

I've found a store in Portugal that does the upgrade to a 970m for ~580€.. Around 660 US dollars. Is it good value?

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Thank you, for the reply..

Yeah.. Everything is stock. Probably I'm gonna choose the 970m and when the new generation of CPU's and GPU's comes out, probably I will do a full upgrade and buy the new clevo laptop that eventually should come out.

I've found a store in Portugal that does the upgrade to a 970m for ~580€.. Around 660 US dollars. Is it good value?

You can get the 970m from Eurocom for 535 euro (+shipping). Thats the full kit 970m card, new heatsink, X frame, Thermal pads and the thermal paste.

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You can get the 970m from Eurocom for 535 euro (+shipping). Thats the full kit 970m card, new heatsink, X frame, Thermal pads and the thermal paste.

For me the Eurocom is 732€ with shipping and 23% tax (which we pay in Portugal) probably i could buy it without paying the tax but in this case is possible that the customs will retain the shipment so...

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IF you order a card for EM they will flash a special version of my vBIOS Mod to the card. The BIOS Mod will come soon (so that you don't need an .inf Mod and get proper behavior of the cards).

It doesn't matter when or in which order you flash the BIOS/vBIOS, before or after installation is fine.

Has the BIOS mod that was to come soon at my latest post been completed yet for the P370EM?

- - - Updated - - -

That's probably because even though we can now use 980m; it's still an expensive upgrade. Baring in-mind those who are doing their research before doing it like me and things needed;

1. Those who do this will want to pair it with best cpu. I chose 3920xm £283 used.

2. With new cpu I also bought full copper heat-sink £56

3. Coolaboratory liquid metal pads for laptop kit £20

4. GTX 980m 8GB is around £600+ full eurocom kit.

5. Thermal pads for 980m (unknown variable until I got card).

6. Power-supply. Need 230watt to be on the safe side. Modded power-supplies seems to be the only way right now. Cost is approx. another £100 + 1x now useless 180watt power-supply.

Upgrading from 3610qm + 680m 4gb to 3920xm + 980m costs over £1100. Those lucky enough to have one of the better cpus already will only have to get the 980m. For an additional £300-400 you can actually buy a whole new system so I guess many p150em users are finding it very hard to justify the expense.

Eh, wow. You went and overdid yourself.

You can use the same heatsinks as you had with the 680M and 980M since they are exactly the same. Otherwise if you had read this thread you would also have seen that most of all you bought on the side was included in deals that we have mentioned. Full packs.

And as to whether or not you needed a CPU upgrade or not is up to you. If you have a 680m setup most people have a more than good nuff CPU to play all games on the market.

So for me for instance the upgrade would be the 700 bucks for kit and thermal paste. Why would you ever buy the card separetely when there is kits with all included?

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I will lie if i tell you that it's a simple thing to make the 9xx card works on Clevo em series (could be a waste of time if tweaking is not a hobby): so if your local reseller provides both the card and the installation for that price, just go for it. you will probably enjoy the upgrade. the 970m will lift up the perf of your laptop for sure.

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Those are soldered only as far as I know, as they are the 860M Maxwell rebadge, and that was soldered only. 965M would be the card you're looking to see about.

Your right, I checked Eurocom and they have them instock,I am just not sure if they are worth the upgrade.

P150/P151/P170EM Upgrade Kit ;Nvidia GeForce GTX 965M; 4GB DDR5; MXM 3.0b;

495 dollars

Eurocom VGA

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Your right, I checked Eurocom and they have them instock,I am just not sure if they are worth the upgrade.

P150/P151/P170EM Upgrade Kit ;Nvidia GeForce GTX 965M; 4GB DDR5; MXM 3.0b;

495 dollars

Eurocom VGA

Laptop Video Cards :: nVidia GTX 970M 6GB Video Card for Clevo Laptops - R&J Technology, Clevo Barebone Notebook kits, Laptop and desktop system builder you could get a 970M for cheaper

Laptop Video Cards :: nVidia GTX 965M 4GB Video Card for Clevo Laptops - R&J Technology, Clevo Barebone Notebook kits, Laptop and desktop system builder or a 965M for even cheaper

I would personally suggest the 970M for that price, it's that much stronger than the 965M. The SM-A variant should work for the EM.

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