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About brokendown

  • Birthday 12/02/1987

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    Actor, Sales

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  1. Hey guys. I know GTX 9xxM cards are possible to put in my Clevo P370EM laptop but I've found upgrade kits for GTX 1060 on ebay? Is this really true? I have looked everywhere for information but I haven't found any upgrade threads like the one that was going on with 980m for instance. Any help appreciated! Best Brokendown
  2. Has the BIOS mod that was to come soon at my latest post been completed yet for the P370EM? - - - Updated - - - Eh, wow. You went and overdid yourself. You can use the same heatsinks as you had with the 680M and 980M since they are exactly the same. Otherwise if you had read this thread you would also have seen that most of all you bought on the side was included in deals that we have mentioned. Full packs. And as to whether or not you needed a CPU upgrade or not is up to you. If you have a 680m setup most people have a more than good nuff CPU to play all games on the market. So for me for instance the upgrade would be the 700 bucks for kit and thermal paste. Why would you ever buy the card separetely when there is kits with all included?
  3. AIght! Thanks. Perhaps best if I await your completed BIOS for 370EM. No rush for me. If I didn't tell ya earlier I gotta do it again! You sir are awesome for making us able to prolong and better our longgivity on the expensive laptops we've already bought! Let's make devs of GPU's and mobo's and retailers know that they should make the laptop market more customizable like desktops! That's the future or we make it so ourselves with guys like Prema and others! - - - Updated - - - If it's allowed to post pricing then it was 725$ plus 90$ shipping to Sweden and customs tax if I wanna buy it. Otherwise moderators just delete this message
  4. Thanks for your reply! So if I buy it what I have to do is flash my BIOS first then it should be plug n play (proper assembly, pasting of course)? Or am I missing something? Your vBIOS mod is already flashed to their cards? Best Regards Brokendown
  5. First of all I wanna give a huge wow to Prema for the dedication to making upgradability happen for laptop users when mobo, nvidia and retailers themselves are slacking and obviously have the ability but just don't wanna. Second I don't wanna rain on the parade but I just spoke about an hour to a sales rep at Mythlogic and he said a purchase included these things: 1. Nvidia GTX 980M VGA Card 2. X-Bracket with matching screws 3. Thermal Pads (for VRAM chips) 4. P370EM Heatsink I asked about the bios and vbios specifically and he specifically said that all the modding had to be done yourself and no pre flashed cards nor bios came with the purchase. I have seen this being mentioned in every thread I have been reading now so I am a bit confused as to what I would have to do if I buy the card. Thirdly the more I have read the more confusing it's become as to what bios or not to use. I understood it as first flash MOD to premas BIOS for my P370EM, switch cards and flash premas vbios = play with any Nvidia driver and be able to OC further or how is it? There have become so many stock this mod that now that I for one isn't sure what would give me the best performance if I swap my 680m to 980m in my P370EM Clevo Again thanks Prema for making it possible!
  6. Very interesting! Lastly does somebody know where I could pick up a 980m separately? I live in Sweden and I imported my custom parts laptop from Germany and we aren't really bathing in spare parts for laptops. And also do you know if it works flawlessly after the method you described? Right now I am running my 680m overclocked so I know how to flash. But I wouldn't upgrade if the compability is just so so with the 980m after.
  7. Somewhat on this topic. I spoke with mysn.de from where I bought my XMG clevo based laptop with custom choice parts. I wanted to know the possibility to upgrade my CLEVO P370EM with nvidia 680m to 980m. They told me they couldn't or didn't have supported upgrade options nor sold GPU's separate. But in chatting with them I found out that a modded vBIOS for CLEVO P370EM would work with the 980m even if its unsupported by both devs. So question is if anyone happen to have such a modded vBIOS out there?
  8. That old issue was that of dust in the heatsinks actually. Dropped down well below after getting rid of it. Also just found out about 2 years later I picked a worse alternative of vBIOS for the overclock lol. Forum noob mistake. But as soon as I have 5 posts I will re flash again if I can find out which version of voltage is better for me or if 67.00.01 is in any way better than the 33.00.10 version in OV versions
  9. Which is the best choice of the CLEVO versions of the vBIOS listed in the zip files? I have actually been running on the first svl7 bios all along for about 2 years just cause I didn't see the zips listed in the second post. (Thought he always edited original post with latest version). Anyway. Now I am gonna re flash to either one of the OV versions 34.00.10 or Clevo 680m - 'OCedition' revised_01.zip (112.8 KB, 399 views) But I honestly have no clue as to the difference of 34.00.10 and 67.00.01. My logic says 67 has a higher number i.e. it's a later version? I also like to know differences if I go for 1.000V or 1.050V? I hate choices lol! I thought I have been running it on the only modded vBIOS there was for a long time now only to find out there are about 6 more I can use? At the end of the day I wan't the games to stop crashing like they have been while I have been running it on the first version witch IMO shouldn't be able to download since the creator himself have ruled it out as flawed.
  10. Hey Guys! I misread this thread long ago and OC'ed my 680m with the first CLEVO version before the post with all the zip files and OV versions. Anyway I have been pleased with the results at 980 core and 2250 memory but I sometimes got kicked out of games due to driver crashes so I started investigating and found out that there where newer versions of the vBIOS svl7 made. I was actually confused at first too since my voltage kept being stock. Now I am pondering which OV version to use Clevo 680m -'OCedition'_revised_01 - OV 1000v.zip or Clevo 680m - 'OCedition' revised_01.zip (112.8 KB, 399 views) Whats the difference between the 33.00.10 and the 67.00.01? Btw I am on Clevo P370 and have already flashed once before
  11. So I have tried everything it feels like. I wish a notebook OC master can help me here. Firstly I was running GTA IV modded with 2.1 Icenhancer really well, that was until my laptop hit it's 93 celsius mark and started throttling on me. I keep loosing my fps bit by bit the longer it runs. Nvidia Inspector says it caps itself at half my clockspeeds but GPU-Z says it's maxed out. Which should I trust? My rig is CLEVO P370EM GTX 680M i7 3740QM 16GB 1600 DDR3 I thought oh well lets OC the bastard so I clocked the i7 to 4.1Ghz and the GTX 680m to boost clock 980mhz and memory clock 2250, getting that 144GB/s bandwith. But the same problem persists. As soon as it hits 93celsius and the fan starts revving I start loosing 1 frame bit by bit minute by minute. Before that happens I have gotten about 30% increase in performance from the OC but I can't seem to work around the issue. The computer has always hit it's 93celsius and started revving its fan in most performance heavy games but never lost fps like a damn time bomb. Now I have the same problem in Crysis 3 too. Something I have never noticed before being an issue. And before you say it is due to OC the problem was the same without OC and the temperatures usually hit that mark at 99% GPU usage. What am I missing here? Why is my throttle and fan kicking in at just 93celsius. The fan should prevent it from happening at an earlier temperature one would think. Save me oh Gamer laptop wizards?
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