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..and a Happy & Prosperous 2019 to you all.


I'm an I.T. guy, recently with NCR!! currently undergoing recuperation.


Just joined this site and have questions which I'll post in the appropriate forum.


Speak soon..

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I'm trying to resurrect my Alienware M17xR3, Graphics card died so am using on board graphics.


Got win 10 installed, got it to recognise my SSD fine.  Worried the cpu fan isn't working properly.


I'll post in the right forum

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Hello guys, I'm the newest member of the team. Please to meet you all. :)


France at Home is an online French Supermarket that sells French products such as bread, appetizers, cheese, jams, foie gras, condiments, shampoo, saucisson, french mustard, and French bread. France At Home offers new & quality French Food because it imports products from France then deliver directly to your doorstep.

Edited by Franz123
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Hello everyone!

I'm here for the same reason as Hobgoblyn I think lol. Woke up to my M17x r3 only displaying a black screen with a white cursor on the top left side. Hoping to revive this beast. I must say however, this thing has put up plenty of a fight.

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Hi all,


I'm here trying to resurrect the GPU on my old Lenovo y410p, and I came across the BIOS mods available in the forums. This old beast still works wonderfully after all these years, and I'd like to upgrade the RAM, but I can only really justify that if I can get the discrete graphics fixed.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey TI users I'm new to this form and am now a recent owner of a Lenovo Ideapad Y510P (Gt 755m SLI version). It was pre-owned and I got it to use in school but wanted to give it some performance upgrades IE; new sata ssd, new m.2 ssd, and a new Wifi card to replace the antiquated wireless N-Standard with an AC card. AHHH the notorious Lenovo BIOS whitelisting. I've hit a brick wall now as i've installed the drives and wifi card and am ready to install Win 10/Ubuntu now but cannot as the whitelist is telling me to remove the newly installed card. Im following member: svl7 post on how to flash the BIOS but I just joined the community today and do not have sufficient privileges to download the required programs and files for this fix. Please if any admins can point me in the right direction or help me get these files that would be great.


A Short bio. Currently pursuing my AAS-T in my CNET coarse here in the USA and recently received my A+ Cert. I love all electronics from old to new and love taking them apart and restoring them to nominal condition. I love gaming on PC, Steam, XBL and learning about Ubuntu. My dream is to become an Network architect or a Big Data farmer one day. This Lenovo is technically my third gaming class laptop in history, the first being Alienware Area 51-M D9t pentium 3, the second a Asus rog g51v, and the now third Lenovo y510p. Ive taken apart and fixed hundred of laptops from my teenage days when i fixed laptops at a local repair store. 

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Hello everyone, my name is Paul. I'm interested in computers since I can remember. For a long time I have been looking for a specific knowledge base and I have just found it. I hope I will be helpful and for you. Sorry for my English.

Edited by rudy
wrong language
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello everyone...
I am here because I want to expand my knowledge of the latest computer technology and I have just encountered it in this forum. Hopefully by joining here I can get it.
Thank you very much

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi!  I'm Tom.   Just like 'garryrice30' posted on January 19th, I too have issues with a M17xR3 and that's how I found this site.  I hope I can contribute something, other than affording people the satisfaction of helping some noob who doesn't even know how to use this site...


      I'm not sure where to begin...  I'm often online looking for tips and advice and usually links to forums come up.  I never really had much faith in the forums and I'm not even sure if I clicked the right field to enter my text into!  I know a little about computers, but what I don't know far outweighs what I do know.  I tend to do allot of reading, rather than posting, which makes sense considering this is the first forum I've ever signed up to!  After reading some of the content, I'm not sure I can offer much in the way of computer related advice so I seriously doubt I can actually contribute anything useful.  But I do have allot of questions.  Now, if I can figure out how this forum environment works without having people flame me for doing it wrong, I just might get somewhere.  Thanks in advance for bearing with me.

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27 pages to read on the history of BIOS Flashing, and I'm not even sure that should be my first move.  Some very good laughs tho!:hyper:

Especially Otsego- first post he was all excited, next post he bricked his Computer!  He should have gotten promoted just for that!

I have allot more reading to do as I'm only on page 10 so I'll have to come back a few more times.

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Hi David,


Welcome!  It's pretty silent around here.  There's allot of good resources here for learning if you are willing to sift through them!  It's after 5 AM here so I'm logging off.  Perhaps I will  see you around sometime.  Happy learning...

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  • 3 weeks later...


Started in IT in 93ish, always interested in tech. Been working in IT professionally since 98, started a computer service and a WISP.

Currently disabled, trying to get back to work before I lose my mind.... tinkering with all of my tech to keep myself busy. Inspiron 7559 main laptop, custom desktop, Xeon 1230 v2 overclocked, 970 SLI, backup laptop is an Asus G73SW that I'm hoping to upgrade to a Kepler or maybe a Maxwell. We'll see. Planning on getting a PCIe to MXM adapter so I won't have to blind flash.

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Hi Everyone,


SWE with an embedded background, first computer was an Atari 1040 ST(e). Been employed in the industry since 2004 shifting from desktop programming to embedded systems over time.

Used to be real into my games and built a few gaming rigs, before deciding on an Alienware Mx17R3 prior to the birth of my first child.

Unfortunately my graphics card suffered death by Linux, and I'm now looking at getting a new discrete card in.

At the time I thought the issue was overheating -- caused by the proprietary NVIDIA drivers running KDE with full 3d affects. Now with Ubuntu 18.04 I've heard the temperature beeps again which makes me think the OS is just not probing the temp at all.

I'm finding the guides on this site and the tips really cool and hopefully once all my parts arrive I can fix / upgrade it without bricking it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Guys & Gals,


I recently got a gt60-20C. I've always had a thing for mods and making the most of my machine.
Currently, it has a 770m (at this day and age lol) and I'm planning on upgrading it's mxm card soon.

The information on this site is amazing and I've been learning all I can from user tweaks and mods,

Hoping to contribute what I can soon.



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Hello everyone. I'Ve come this far because I have a M17X-R4 since the 2012 and the 7970 is already short, so here I am absorbing all the information I can to take the step to a 1060. I Hope I'm not too heavy and sorry in advance for the English. I'M using a translator. Greetings and thank you for accepting me in the community

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I'm not tech savvy and not going to even pretend I am.  I'm from the UK and my not-so-faithful laptop is a custom built GTX980M Clevo P771ZM which seems to have a half-life of about 2 years before it cooks itself to death (the last fix took almost 2 months from PC Specialist, now it's out of warranty so it's up to us to fix it.)  Let's say that as of recent my experience with "gaming laptops" has made me decide against buying another as this is now the 2nd "gaming laptop" I've owned where the gfx card has fried within 2 years and is a nightmare to find replacement parts on the same side of the planet.

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