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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello all,

I am attempting to flash my alienware 18 770m sli, I did a backup of the bios , when attempting to flash with nvflash -I0 -6 vbiosfilename.Rom I get a pci subsystem mismatch of last 2 octets and accept with y, now screen is stuck saying the following. How long does flash take ? It's been 5 minutes, I used the Dell 770m rom posted by svl7.

I rebooted system with ctrl alt del because I noticed End of buffer when scrolling down I was using freedos booting from UBCD so figured it was done. Now I am getting 8 beeps on startup ;( do I have to do a blind flash now ?


EDIT: Solved problem, vbios got corrupy, with help of Mr. Fox swapped cards and removed sli cable. Was able to POST and reflash both cards with correct bios using freedos from rufus not UBCD.

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@issdar Is the 770m set as a default gpu on your system? I'm asking because i want to flash my 770m with a modified bios and was wondering if the fact that the fact that intel gpu is set as default does anything. Also am using legacy mode in bios (yeah, it's old, but at the time that was the only known way for me to install win7)

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@issdar Is the 770m set as a default gpu on your system? I'm asking because i want to flash my 770m with a modified bios and was wondering if the fact that the fact that intel gpu is set as default does anything. Also am using legacy mode in bios (yeah, it's old, but at the time that was the only known way for me to install win7)


When you have the 770m graphics installed on the AW 18 it gets set to default regardless. There is no setting you can change in the bios to force intel integrated graphics. As far as I know the only way to force intel integrated is to remove both 770m graphics cards or I believe you can set it software wise with FN+F5 while inside of windows (havent tried this yet). I am running in legacy bios mode as well because I have windows 7 nothing really special about uefi. When you say that your intel gpu is default where are you seeing this? In my bios under integrated graphics it says none and just shows both gtx 770m. Regardless you shouldnt have a problem flashing your 770m graphics cards as long as they are both showing up in the bios. I used Rufus version 2.1 and installed the default option of freedos to a flash drive then copied the nvflash util and the overclocked .rom.

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When you have the 770m graphics installed on the AW 18 it gets set to default regardless. There is no setting you can change in the bios to force intel integrated graphics. As far as I know the only way to force intel integrated is to remove both 770m graphics cards or I believe you can set it software wise with FN+F5 while inside of windows (havent tried this yet). I am running in legacy bios mode as well because I have windows 7 nothing really special about uefi. When you say that your intel gpu is default where are you seeing this? In my bios under integrated graphics it says none and just shows both gtx 770m. Regardless you shouldnt have a problem flashing your 770m graphics cards as long as they are both showing up in the bios. I used Rufus version 2.1 and installed the default option of freedos to a flash drive then copied the nvflash util and the overclocked .rom.

You see i have a GT70 and the led in the power button shows what gpu is doing the work. Was thinking that AW has a similar system, but i guess not if your 770s are always running (mine is chilling most of the time).

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I have a question concerning the flashing of a 880M from an AW17 bought in early 2015 (AW17-R1).

My concern is that the original 880M bios backup size differs from the modded 880M bios made by svl7.

my original bios size is 169984 bytes (backed up with nvflash 5.136 under dos) Version 80.04.F5.00.07 (P2053-0002) from 12-March-2014

svl7 modded bios is 170496 bytes (from Nvidia GTX 880m - 'OC edition' - rev00.zip)

Since I am quite a novice about flashing roms I would like to take extra precautions before flashing my 880M.

So my question is : Shouldn't both roms be of equal size ? (original and modded one)

It would be great if svl7 himself or any other expert could enlighten me about this issue.


I second this. My Stock Vbios was 94kb.

And the new one is 167kb?

The flashing also was completed successfully according to NVflash. However. My 880M only shows up as a generic video adapter and not an 880m. The drivers will also not install. Did I miss something?

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I have a question concerning the flashing of a 880M from an AW17 bought in early 2015 (AW17-R1).

My concern is that the original 880M bios backup size differs from the modded 880M bios made by svl7.

my original bios size is 169984 bytes (backed up with nvflash 5.136 under dos) Version 80.04.F5.00.07 (P2053-0002) from 12-March-2014

svl7 modded bios is 170496 bytes (from Nvidia GTX 880m - 'OC edition' - rev00.zip)

Since I am quite a novice about flashing roms I would like to take extra precautions before flashing my 880M.

So my question is : Shouldn't both roms be of equal size ? (original and modded one)

It would be great if svl7 himself or any other expert could enlighten me about this issue.


I am in the same boat here. Got my A17 R1 with 880M in late 2014 and I have the same vBIOS.


It's the svl7 Nvidia GTX 880m - 'OC edition' - rev00.zip updated for this machines or the "stock" vBIOS named before it is "newer"? (anyway I'm suffering throttling from time to time with this stock vbios)

Could someone "save" this stock vbios?

At this point I don't know if to upgrade or not...if I'm going to get in more trouble..

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Hi, i need some help.

I bought GTX765M to mine G73SW from dell.

On vga bios collection is vbios for asus, but after flash it. it does not work, black screen.

Currently i'm able to make blind flash because nvflash is booting from pendrive.

But still no success.

I do commands:

nvflash.exe -j -6 -A dell.rom -L log.txt

but reason is:


Version 5.163

Command: flash












Device:01:00:00=10DE:11E1:10DE:11E1 GPU



One to one mode

Testing adapter: GeForce GTX 765M (10DE,11E1,10DE,11E1) H:--:NRM B:01,PCI,D:00,F:00

Action: Override subvendor strap.

Original NV_PEXTDEV_BOOT_0: 0xCF58049A


Action: Read image head.

Action: Identify EEPROM.

Atmel Serial EEPROM Identify.

Reported Manufacturer Code (JEDEC): C8

Reported Device Code (JEDEC): 4012

EEPROM ID (C8,4012) : GD GD25Q20 2.7-3.6V 2048Kx1S, page

Action: Read EEPROM image.

Reading EEPROM bytes.

Start: 0x00000000

Count: 4096

Read complete.

Testing Image: dell.rom

IFR image mode

Mismatch Type: Computed: 0x0000010B

WARNING: None of the firmware image compatible PCI Device ID's

match the PCI Device ID of the adapter.

Adapter PCI Device ID: 11E1

Firmware image PCI Device ID: 11E2

WARNING: Firmware image PCI Subsystem ID (1028.05A9)

does not match adapter PCI Subsystem ID (10DE.11E1).

ERROR: GPU mismatch

Exit Code: 2

Have someone idea what command should i use to flash original dell vbios?

i tried -4 -5 -6. tried -5 -6 but after use this commands it dont create any log and still black screen. No idea how to solve it.. i try many many hours.. Please someone.

I use NvFlash 5.163 for DOS


With command : nvflash -4 -5 -6 GTX765M.rom -L log.txt

and blind put y/yes i get:


Version 5.163

Command: flash












Device:01:00:00=10DE:11E1:10DE:11E1 GPU



One to one mode

Testing adapter: GeForce GTX 765M (10DE,11E1,10DE,11E1) H:--:NRM B:01,PCI,D:00,F:00

Action: Read image head.

Action: Identify EEPROM.

Atmel Serial EEPROM Identify.

Reported Manufacturer Code (JEDEC): C8

Reported Device Code (JEDEC): 4012

EEPROM ID (C8,4012) : GD GD25Q20 2.7-3.6V 2048Kx1S, page

Action: Read EEPROM image.

Reading EEPROM bytes.

Start: 0x00000000

Count: 4096

Read complete.

Testing Image: GTX765M.rom

IFR image mode

Mismatch Type: Computed: 0x0000010E

WARNING: Firmware image PCI Subsystem ID (1028.05AA)

does not match adapter PCI Subsystem ID (10DE.11E1).

WARNING: Firmware image Board ID (E312) does not match adapter Board ID (E318).

Overriding PCI subsystem ID mismatch

Overrding Board ID mismatch

Mismatch Type: Adjusted: 0x00000000

Current - Version: ID:10DE:11E2:1028:05A9

GK106 Board - 204411E2 (Normal Board)

Replace with - Version: ID:10DE:11E1:1028:05AA

GK106 Board - 23031e10 (Normal Board)

ERROR: Update aborted

Exit Code: 2

Why at last step it's aborted?

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

Hey, I want to go back to default bios and vbios. I instelld original BIOS from Lenovo site but NVInspector still says that both cards has modified vbos. I don't understan it because first card vbios should be in the BIOS or I am wrong? What to do? I have Second card original copy but if I flash only this I get blurry picture.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • Founder

@ewentas try what operating system are you on? Check to make sure you are using the correct file name. You may need to disable the 880M in the device manager before attempting to flash it.


Then you can re-enable it:


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