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I cant flash my gpu !

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Did you try the command extensions recommended in the flashing guide?

As in, add -6 at the end. If you are not aware what this does you should probably avoid it.

Edited by sirana
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The second error 

C:\Users\YUNUS\Desktop\bios>nvflash -6 bios.rom

NVIDIA Firmware Update Utility (Version 5.227)
Modified Version by Joe Dirt

Checking for matches between display adapter(s) and image(s)...

Adapter: GeForce GTX 660M     (10DE,0FD4,17AA,3977) H:--:NRM S:00,B:01,PCI,D:00,F:00

ERROR:  Detecting GPU failed.

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  • Bios Modder

Hey guys, take it easy! :)

 (10DE,0FD4,17AA,3977) - it is Lenovo G580, therefore vbios is a part of system bios. In this case he have flash whole system bios of laptop. A great way for him, in his case just read carefully this link:   https://www.techinferno.com/index.php?/forums/topic/1769-lenovo-y580-y480-unlocked-bios-versions/

Edited by Klem
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On 08.01.2016 at 4:51 PM, Klem said:

Hey guys, take it easy! :)

 (10DE,0FD4,17AA,3977) - it is Lenovo G580, therefore vbios is a part of system bios. In this case he have flash whole system bios of laptop. A great way for him, in his case just read carefully this link:   https://www.techinferno.com/index.php?/forums/topic/1769-lenovo-y580-y480-unlocked-bios-versions/

Thanks but it is for Flash bios not vbios  I mean I cant put vbios into to bios flash file. I prepared just nvidia bios file not all bios file. So I dont know how to put inside bios file. When I tried ' Warning: The file does not contain enough data to completely fill
         the target write area! Continuing will truncate the Write
         Length to the File Length!
            File: "bios660m.rom"
            File Length: 89600
            Write Length: 4718592  İt says size is so less because just vbios not all. Can you help me ?

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  • Bios Modder

Before flash, you need insert your mod vbios into system bios, and then flash whole bios. Unfortunately I am not a teacher, and I can't give training to you. I am sorry.

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On 11.01.2016 at 7:30 AM, Klem said:

Before flash, you need insert your mod vbios into system bios, and then flash whole bios. Unfortunately I am not a teacher, and I can't give training to you. I am sorry.


How can I insert ? Which program ? just tell the name of program please

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likely you have to use bios modding tools to insert the vbios failing that probably with hex editing software best left to seasoned bios modders instead as differing sizes and possibly starting addresses of the vbios and other modules even a different order of the modules is enough to cause the bios to be unbootable.   

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On 17.01.2016 at 3:55 PM, James Michael Acierto said:

likely you have to use bios modding tools to insert the vbios failing that probably with hex editing software best left to seasoned bios modders instead as differing sizes and possibly starting addresses of the vbios and other modules even a different order of the modules is enough to cause the bios to be unbootable.   

How can I do it with hex editor ?

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I don't know if this works efi systems but on AWARD bios  you basically find the stock vbios or module part on the bios then replace it with your desired file and some trimming here and there so that the modules are where they are supposed to. Be prepared with at least a replacement bios chip and a soldering iron as it is highly probable that the product will be unbootable.are you overclocking the 660m ? slv7 has already made an unlocked bios with an overclocked vbios included as well :


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On 19.01.2016 at 0:13 PM, James Michael Acierto said:

I don't know if this works efi systems but on AWARD bios  you basically find the stock vbios or module part on the bios then replace it with your desired file and some trimming here and there so that the modules are where they are supposed to. Be prepared with at least a replacement bios chip and a soldering iron as it is highly probable that the product will be unbootable.are you overclocking the 660m ? slv7 has already made an unlocked bios with an overclocked vbios included as well :


Yeah I know but I wanted try best overclock for my gpu because you know chips are can be different

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  • 1 year later...

Here i am sharing some guidelines with you, he most common way that most of us know for resetting or clearing the BIOS password is to physically remove the power from the computer by disconnecting all cables and removing the battery from the motherboard for a few minutes. Another way is to short the clear CMOS jumper on the motherboard itself if one is present. These methods work because on most desktop and a few laptop motherboards, a battery is used to sustain the BIOS/CMOS settings. By cutting off the power, the BIOS/CMOS settings and password will be erased.

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