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Everything posted by Bloetschkopf

  1. The TDP is locked at 180W in EC Firmware for the GT70.
  2. The Powerlimit is locked in EC Firmware at 180W,but also with unlocked EC Firmware the GPU do not make more Power. The maximum Clocks are up from the Chip,not every Chip makes 1020MHz.
  3. For what You need a unlock bios in GT60? The latest Bios is the 51X,and this You need when You want upgrade the GPU to GTX 780M and Upper.
  4. M2000M is a Maxwell Card,this You can`t flash under Dos. You need to flash it under Windows,You can save the Vbios with GPUZ.
  5. The GTX 1070 is also working in GT70,but the Fan is allways running with 100% The Card is from a Zotac Zbox EN1070,but the Fan runs also with Clevo and MSI Vbios 100%. May be the Card from Gecube or Aetina is working without this Issue. https://www.3dmark.com/3dm11/12771729 https://www.3dmark.com/3dm11/12771878 https://www.3dmark.com/3dm/26545736 https://www.3dmark.com/3dm/26607267 https://www.3dmark.com/3dm/26607372 GTX 1080 is also working,but don`t fits mechanically https://www.3dmark.com/3dm11/12757596
  6. Every Bios shows GT780 because this is the Basic Barebone. The Failure is normaly not the Motherboard,it is the GPU. It have a beginning Shortcut which shut the Notebook ramdomly of under Load. This is a big Problem from GTX 460M to GTX 675M.
  7. You use a GTX780M in a MSI GT783(MS-1761)? Shure? All Kepler Cards are not working in a MSI GT680/GT780,only GTX 770M and GTX 765M with Clevo Vbios. If You write something than read before which Notebook he have. But it works with GTX 970M7GTX 980M
  8. The MS-1761 don`t have Optimus,it starts with blank Screen witout GPU. Take the GPU out,when the Laptop starts the GPU is defective. You can change all Components,the Wifi Card is under the Touch Panel. If You want change only the Card it must be a Card with MSI or Clevo Vbios,for Dell Card You need another Laptop to flash the Vbios. You can use also upgrade to this Cards: GTX 770M(another Heatsink) GTX 970M/980M (another Heatsink) Quadro M3000M-M5000M (Heatsink like GTX980M) All other Keplercards from GTX670MX to GTX880M are not working in Your Barebone,only GTX 770M and GTX 765M/GTX965M with Clevo Vbios.
  9. Hello Usually the error in the graphics card is the one that starts to cause short circuits. Unfortunately not very many graphics cards work in this device. Except for the GTX 770M, no card works from the GTX 670MX to the GTX 880M. But the GTX 970M and GTX 980M as well as the Quadro M3000M-M5000M work there. Prerequisite is that the card has an MSI Vbios. MS-1761 is just the internal name of MSI for the motherboard, this has been installed by many other manufacturers. And for all cards except the GTX 570M -GTX 675M another heat sink is needed. Or your own needs to be adjusted.
  10. For both You need to fill the green Area with Thermal Pads
  11. Why You regret it? This Barebone is one of the best upgradeble Notebook on the Market. For what You need a unlock Bios?
  12. You can`t find,GTX 970M with G-Sync is not working correkt in GT70. It is not possible to flash Vbios without G-Sync.
  13. Nvflash for Dos or Windows? Nvlash for Dos don?t work with Maxwell GPU
  14. Not with the GTX 1070 from MSI, this does not fit because of the Layout If one works then this one,but only with modified Driver. https://www.ebay.de/itm/Clevo-P570WM-GTX-1070-Upgrade-Kit-8GB-DDR5-MXM3-82x105mm-w-o-VGA-Heatsink/112598727281?hash=item1a37683a71:g:XyMAAOSw9gRZ5gw-
  15. MSI is the most compatible manufacturer when it comes to upgrading. You do not need Unlock Bios or the like, for some cards, only the drivers modofiziert and heatsink must be adjusted.
  16. It,`right,You can use it. Both GT70 have the same Display,You can also use the LCD from GT780. The Displaytype is Chi Mei N173HGE-L11,You find it here: https://www.ebay.de/sch/Notebook-Displays-LCD-Displays/31569/i.html?_sop=15&_from=R40&_nkw=N173HGE-L11&LH_PrefLoc=2
  17. Of course the GTX 1060 is the better Choise. It needs less Power for more Performance. The Price is only it little hgher.
  18. Only MSI GT Series use MXM,all other are soldered
  19. Yes,don`t use the 1C20 Vbios for 1C60
  20. Hello Excuse the late reply, I have not looked. Thank You very much. Now i must find a Way to flash it,with nvflash it is not possible.
  21. This is nothing from the Battery,he only needs to solder the 2 markered Pins new.
  22. Hello All Kepler Quadro Cards are not working in MS-16F2.
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