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Lenovo Y510p wireless card


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I sold my 2 year old samsung rc512 that supported 5ghz to get a new lenovo 510p that doesn't support 5ghz and also be locked from upgrading the wifi card, while being so easily placed to access? what was lenovo thinking?

i get 50-60 mbps on the 2.4ghz N with the netgear r7000 router, while all my other devices in my household get the full 110mbps available internet speed on the 5.0ghz N.

hopefully i can get past 5 posts now, so i can download the bios fix. Lenovo_Y510p-Y410p_[v1.07][v1.09][v1.10]_BiosFixer.zip is nowhere to be found on google unless you speak chinese

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  • 2 weeks later...

jdabro2 I really hope there's no bracket adapter needed :) I don't know for sure yet though. I bought an Intel 7260-ac card recently but I didn't switch it yet. I was looking at some videos about how to replace it and this one is quite ok, it looks easy, maybe this can help you as well if you didn't do it already:

I'm more concerned about the BIOS upgrade to disable the whitelist, but hopefully that will go without any problem as well :)

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If you get a good BIOS hack, its pretty easy to do. I am getting ready to do this to my y510p using the hack on this forum once I have my 5 posts. I previously did this with my nieces HP and it went pretty well, but I have a friend who knows the one on this site works. The Wireless issues on this laptop should be corrected by Lenovo in my opinion.

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If you want to change wirless card you have to mod your bios to unlock possibility to replace yours. But as temporary solution you can turn off bluetooth in device manager, It helped me, now it works well, but slow.

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I've got an Intel 7260HMW and is unauthorized :(. I have to mod my bios to get it work. I have seen here that is a very good option for a good conectivity and speed. Can't wait to have good connection. It;s a shame that Lenovo is using a white list.

I hope I will not need the warranty.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well after scouring the web I'm glad I finally stumbled here. I had never really noticed the card being flaky before but as soon as I moved into graduate housing and relying on a campus network it started flaking out. It wasn't noticable in browsing or streaming but the second I tried any online gaming I was rubber-banding, freezing etc. Likewise with any big file downloads, random spikes. Following the advice here I ordered an Intel 7260 HMWG on amazon. Hopefully gets here soon. I still have my main desktop that works flawlessly but I need my laptop working also heh.

Honestly I'm not sure if I should blame Lenovo or Intel on this one. Yes lenovo put the card in the laptop but its freaking intel's card. I found many threads on intel's forums related to the 2230n and its crappiness.

I will blame Lenovo for scumming it up with a whitelist though.

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I'm just about to mod my laptop with the 7260HMW card. I got it on Ebay for about $34 AUD. It came after about 2 weeks or so of postage. It's a shame that Lenovo are like Dell and they keep a BIOS whitelist though :( that made me really unhappy. I don't see any point in this as other manufacturers don't do that.

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  • 1 month later...

Can't wait to mod my bios and finally upgrade to a 7260. Why Lenovo has a strict White list is beyond me. All i can say is if anything goes wrong during the mod, I'm leaving my y510p in the dust and moving on from Lenovo.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

The built in wireless card is horrible. I have Wireless N at 5GHZ but this card can only see it at 2.4 GHZ. My old Dell computer from 2008 has a better wireless card installed. LIke what everyone else is saying the only way to improve the wireless is the custom bios and new card.

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  • 1 month later...

The stock Intel 2230 is horrible! Tried to replace it by an older Atheros card that works fine in my other laptop. But my Lenovo refuses to boot with that card installed. Stupid Whitlist.

Thinking of buying a USB wifi dongle now.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have AC dongle but what really sucks about it is that this notebook got only 3 USBs so you find it annoying to plug it each time also the dongles are big if you want good one also carrying it around sucks, PCIe mini WLAN card swap looks more comfortable. So flashing for me is better i think. Also AC dongle costs about 50 euro as PCIe mini 7260AC only 30 here.

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