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Intel 3770K Owners - Tips/Tricks


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  • Founder

So who has one of these and what is your max overclock? I've got mine on an H100i closed loop with 1.26v and 4.5 GHz for 24/7 use. It maxes out at 67C with prime95 or gaming which is pretty good. I've gotten as high as 4.8 GHz on 1.31v but haven't pushed higher yet since temps start creeping up after that point.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • Founder
I do and it's 6.5 GHz max over clock on ln2. :)

SS is like 5.5 to 6.0 GHz depending on the test.

But I sold that chip to a friend. About to pick up another one later today.

Mine tops out around 4.8. Was hoping to do 5 ghz but just won't do it.

Sent from my GT-N7000

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With Ivy your right at the WOW look at how much voltage I need to go up a stage. You need to be in the 1.5V range and up. This chip can run on 1.9V under ln2.

Had to go back and check... It's more like 5.4 ghz SS and 5.5 and up on ln2.

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Mine tops out around 4.8. Was hoping to do 5 ghz but just won't do it.

Sent from my GT-N7000

Did you finally up the volts or are you still only touching the multi? :P

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  • Founder
Hmm, I'm thinking your gonna need a little work Brian. Im at 5.0 ghz now.

I got to 4.9 GHz using 1.5v but it was super unstable and any higher the board wouldn't post because it gave voltage warnings. I think this CPU just can't cut it with the h100i, gonna need real water cooling to pull it off. I'm starting to save up for my next big upgrades, namely the Caselabs Magnum SMH10 and custom water cooling setup with EK blocks.


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I got to 4.9 GHz using 1.5v but it was super unstable and any higher the board wouldn't post because it gave voltage warnings.

You probably need to either change a bios setting or load a different default OC profile in the bios in order to get around these warnings.

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  • 1 month later...

Have any of you delidded? I'll be getting a 3770k soon, but have decided to delid it because it has been known to drop temps as much as ~20c. Almost seems necessary in order to push the highest clocks.

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  • Founder
Have any of you delidded? I'll be getting a 3770k soon, but have decided to delid it because it has been known to drop temps as much as ~20c. Almost seems necessary in order to push the highest clocks.

I haven't yet, I might when I build a custom wc loop.

Sent from my GT-N7000

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  • Founder
If you ever decide on delidding use a Vice, I couldn't delid it with a razor but with a Vice I was able to easily.

Got any pics or what you did with the vice? And are you on water or air?

Sent from my GT-N7000

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I got mine up to 4.5 stable but its a SFF mITX build so I couldn't sustain that due to heat buildup with the case closed. Are any of you using DDR3 over 2133mhz? I'm running DDR3 2800mhz but I had to push the VCCSA voltage to 1.2v-1.25v. I'm wondering how other peoples IMCs are holding up.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...
I was using 2400mhz ram with my 3770K and had no problems. That was a great chip, it ran 4.6ghz at 1.9V. Bumping to 4.7 made me go up to 1.3V though..... sigh

1.9V? :D What was the actual value?

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