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[BIOS/vBIOS - MODS] Prema Mod™ & Stock


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It seems I am out of luck, when using 6 cores, it go down to 35 multiplier... it only hit 39multiplier when in 1 core as far I know... Fully running = 35 multiplier.

What CPU code is shown in HWInfo64 "μ" Window?

Hello again perma!

I finally flashed your new bios to my p370sm3 xmg laptop. Everything is going perfect. Thanks for that!

I have a few config questions you may be able to tell me how to set them out:

1. I bought 2133 2x4gb rams, but I had problems getting 2133 with xtu with stock bios. How do you reccomend me to set those frequencies now having your bios? by bios manual mode or still using xtu? do I only need to apply the multiplier and restart?

2.How can I overclock my 4700mq from bios? Could you please tell me a safe OC set up, and how do I apply it? Im tired of seeing ups and downs while playing games in the CPU frequency, so I would like to know how to keep it boosted!

3. ( maybe you can also help me with this one ) Im having weird gamming experience with 780m sli. should I use nvidia latest drivers or stick to the clevo ones from the clevo web page (even being so older )

THaanks again perma really u are the best !

1. Just set "Performance Tuning" > "Memory & iGPU Overclocking" "Performance Memory Profiles" to "custom" and se"Memory Multiplier" to "16".

Then raise "tCL", "tRP" & "tRCD" by one digit.

2. Go to "Performance Tuning" > "CPU Overclocking" > and set "x Core Ratio Limit" to:

36 (1 core)

35 (2 core)

34 (3 core)

34 (4 core)

3. Use this NVIDIA driver:


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THank you, I will try with those configs.

I have intel xtu installed on my laptop already, do you recommend me to uninstall it as I red before in the forum?

Also, I assume I have to set x core ratio limit to 34 to max performance for gaming. What about the turbo boost technology that makes those ups and downs while running one game or another?

I understand it will save energy and is optimized by computer or game request/demand, but , should I leave it like that?

On desktop we usually set the frequency to 4/4.2 and so on, while playing with voltage and little more things. I really don't want to mess up with my laptop but I am curious about it.

Did you include any maxfan shortcut/fn+key in the p370sm3 ? I have seen my sli temps go around 90ºC and I don't really understand why or if that is normal. Any way to fix it or play with it? any solutions?

just add that I find this community, and talking seriously, the best and most supportive one I have ever been in. Great job really and congrats

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THank you, I will try with those configs.

I have intel xtu installed on my laptop already, do you recommend me to uninstall it as I red before in the forum?

Also, I assume I have to set x core ratio limit to 34 to max performance for gaming. What about the turbo boost technology that makes those ups and downs while running one game or another?

I understand it will save energy and is optimized by computer or game request/demand, but , should I leave it like that?

On desktop we usually set the frequency to 4/4.2 and so on, while playing with voltage and little more things. I really don't want to mess up with my laptop but I am curious about it.

Did you include any maxfan shortcut/fn+key in the p370sm3 ? I have seen my sli temps go around 90ºC and I don't really understand why or if that is normal. Any way to fix it or play with it? any solutions?

just add that I find this community, and talking seriously, the best and most supportive one I have ever been in. Great job really and congrats

Thanks for the kind words...spending many hours each day on all of this...just wish people would push the "coffee button" more often... :24:

There is no need for XTU on this model when using the Mod.

(In fact both write into the NVRAM of the BIOS so it's good to uninstall XTU.)

You don't have to alter any Turbo settings, they are automatically also on an overclocked system.

Like I said on the page before set:

36 (1 core ratio limit) stock = 34

35 (2 core ratio limit) stock = 33

34 (3 core ratio limit) stock = 32

34 (4 core ratio limit) stock = 32

Those are the maximum values for your CPU, it should run perfectly without any extra voltage.

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Firstly, please accept my knees! @Prema

Today is the first day that I know about PREMA'S BIOS MOD and I am very excited.

Would you tell me is W230ST_302_PM_v1.1.rar supports to enable Virtualization Technology(VT-x)?

Thank you very much!

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I have recently purchased a W355STQ model laptop which is fantastic with the exception of the fan! It's silent most of the time, but then it fires up like a jet when it gets a bit too warm. I wouldn't mind it revving up for a few seconds if it turned off again when it was cool again, but it just goes on forever! From what I have read this is down to the Nvidia card heating up and the EC not switching the fan off when it gets cool again?

Prema, I've voted in your poll for this model to receive the next Mod. Will this include fixing this problem (as I believe you have done for other models? am I correct?). I was considering buying a laptop cooler to try and help alleviate this problem (~£15), but if you produced a mod to fix this problem before the weather starts getting warmer, the money would definitely go to you instead!

It is great what you are doing for everyone, I hope you enjoy it.

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Recieved my p150sm today and just flashed your BIOS, first I got this weird problem with backlight not being adjustable and the soundcard nor ethernet worked and I was afraid I bricked the EC. But it all worked out after doing a system repair so it was software related.

Thanks for your hard work man! I've bought you a coffee ;D

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Would you tell me is W230ST_302_PM_v1.1.rar supports to enable Virtualization Technology(VT-x)?

Thank you very much!

I don't have a CPU that supports it, so you'll have to confirm yourself...

I have recently purchased a W355STQ model laptop which is fantastic with the exception of the fan! It's silent most of the time, but then it fires up like a jet when it gets a bit too warm. I wouldn't mind it revving up for a few seconds if it turned off again when it was cool again, but it just goes on forever! From what I have read this is down to the Nvidia card heating up and the EC not switching the fan off when it gets cool again?

Prema, I've voted in your poll for this model to receive the next Mod. Will this include fixing this problem (as I believe you have done for other models? am I correct?). I was considering buying a laptop cooler to try and help alleviate this problem (~£15), but if you produced a mod to fix this problem before the weather starts getting warmer, the money would definitely go to you instead!

It is great what you are doing for everyone, I hope you enjoy it.


Good day!

Prompt if I install a modified firmware from PremaMOD, I can plug in a laptop 32 Gb RAM?

It works for most, but really depends on the RAM...


Thanks for your hard work man! I've bought you a coffee ;D

Thank You! ENJOY the MOD :)

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Thanks for the kind words...spending many hours each day on all of this...just wish people would push the "coffee button" more often... :24:

There is no need for XTU on this model when using the Mod.

(In fact both write into the NVRAM of the BIOS so it's good to uninstall XTU.)

You don't have to alter any Turbo settings, they are automatically also on an overclocked system.

Like I said on the page before set:

36 (1 core ratio limit) stock = 34

35 (2 core ratio limit) stock = 33

34 (3 core ratio limit) stock = 32

34 (4 core ratio limit) stock = 32

Those are the maximum values for your CPU, it should run perfectly without any extra voltage.

Hay Prema My system specs r in sig. The i7 4800m has a clock multiplier of 27 (2.7Ghz) stock and turbo of 37 (3.7Ghz) at least that's what I was lead to believe when I purchased the system. Why have I only seen my CPU clock go to 3.59Ghz?

You stated (both write into the NVRAM) and maybe this is why I'm experiencing issues in performance since I updated my Video card drivers to 334.89?

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I will soon Flashing premamodbios on a p370sm. One question: When I leave the notebook in download, i usually switch control energy savings to low, but the fans of the 2 gpu and cpu are always active ( even if temperatures fall between 28 and 32 ° C max).

is possible to create a step ( T < 35 ° C) in which the fans are turned off?

Thanks :)

Sorry for my bad english! XD

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XTU has nothing to do with dedicated graphics...

stock 4800 @ 39/38/37/37 (1core,2cores...)

You may have to raise the TDP Limits Turbo (Short) Power Max a bit...

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Hello, I have a P170EM from Malibal and would like to upgrade my BIOS and eventually the VBIOS on my graphics card as well. My current BIOS version is 1.02.16. What are the differences between the different 170EM versions and which one should I use?

Thanks in advance!

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Hello, I have a P170EM from Malibal and would like to upgrade my BIOS and eventually the VBIOS on my graphics card as well. My current BIOS version is 1.02.16. What are the differences between the different 170EM versions and which one should I use?

Thanks in advance!

Hi welcome to T|I! :)

The version just depends on the location of your Windows:

P-EM Regular Version > Win key on the right & FULL FAN = FN+9

P-EM K2 VERSION > Win key on the left & FULL FAN = FN+1

The T2 versions are just for people who want to try to get unstable RAM stable...

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Mod BIOS while using ...

Sometimes when you reboot the system turns off, why? (stock bios is no problem.)

What system do you have? Is it overclocked? Are you using Intel XTU?

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(NON Win8 Mode UEFI BOOT support & full fan speed mode):26_002:

I am using the same Mod on the same system along with a thousand others, we don't have that problem...you should maybe check your Windows/driver installation...

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Hi welcome to T|I! :)

The version just depends on the location of your Windows:

P-EM Regular Version > Win key on the right & FULL FAN = FN+9

P-EM K2 VERSION > Win key on the left & FULL FAN = FN+1

The T2 versions are just for people who want to try to get unstable RAM stable...

Alright, that makes sense. Thanks for the quick response and thanks for the welcome!

I'll be sure to try it out once I get my post count up.

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