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[BIOS/vBIOS - MODS] Prema Mod™ & Stock


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I have one more question: my current bios version is:


Can i update right away with P150EM_17_11_PM_v2.rar, or there are some others requirements ?

That's the minimum BIOS v1.00.04, please check the 'F2' BIOS if your EC version is also 1.00.04 or higher. In case it is you are good to go ahead and flash the Mod.


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OMG it is really working !

I jumped from (worst scenario wirdest shit going on)

min 20 FPS in DayZ to 44-61 on low

and from

min 30 in BF4 to min 54-67 on low

+ low temp

+ no BSOD

tank You kind stranger !!!

That's just the basic Mod effect on the CPU. You can now also install Intel XTU Software so you can overclock it , too.


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Don't raise the voltage. The chip should do 4-4.5Ghz without it...just try ;)

Mine only does 4250 without adding volts :(


You really can't go too high on volts since there is such high losses in the power traces to and from the CPU, so the CPU cannot see a high enough voltage to cause damage.

The voltage regulation will have overheating issues which you might run into if you try sustaining 70-85W, and definitely will 85W+, but everything has temp sensors and will throttle before things die.

In summary your limits will be CPU temps and voltage regulation (specifically the MOSFET gate drivers) temps.

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Prema, thanks for all the hard work you do.

quick question, my bios shows=


Bios 1.02.08 PM v2

KBC/EC 1.02.08PM

is that your latest bios mod for the P370em?

on your main page i see P370EM_08_08_v2_K2 but no P370EM_08_09_v2_k2

is there a diffrence between the 2 or is the 08 08 v2 K2 the newest release for what i have(windows key on the left)?

Again great work and thanks for the help!

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The usual early Turbo throtthle, T2 Timings when 4 RAM are used, limited OC options...that's why we have the Mod for P-EM. ;)

good:couple_inlove:, if I put your bios mod then I can go back original bios?sorry my english:pudency:

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Prema, thanks for all the hard work you do.

quick question, my bios shows=


Bios 1.02.08 PM v2

KBC/EC 1.02.08PM

is that your latest bios mod for the P370em?

on your main page i see P370EM_08_08_v2_K2 but no P370EM_08_09_v2_k2

is there a diffrence between the 2 or is the 08 08 v2 K2 the newest release for what i have(windows key on the left)?

Again great work and thanks for the help!

Yep, that's the highest version which was made at that time for your layout.

good:couple_inlove:, if I put your bios mod then I can go back original bios?sorry my english:pudency:

Sure, just make sure to use the stock BIOS that are inn the first post, too.

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Thank you Prema for your fast response. i do have another question. i'm pretty sure you have posted it before but i cant find it so ill ask, what temps are the fans supposed to increase at and by what percentage?

for some reason my rig seams to have heat/fan related issues. whe system is idle fans run very low, start game and no fan change, play game for about 45 min no fan change and system locks up.

but if i start game fans idle, hit Fn+1(hear fans go full throttle), play game for 2 hours no problem.

Again i only ask cause listening to the fans there is no change in sound from idle to moderate load/heat rise or high heat/load and lockup.

any help would be appreciated.

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Thank you Prema for your fast response. i do have another question. i'm pretty sure you have posted it before but i cant find it so ill ask, what temps are the fans supposed to increase at and by what percentage?

for some reason my rig seams to have heat/fan related issues. whe system is idle fans run very low, start game and no fan change, play game for about 45 min no fan change and system locks up.

but if i start game fans idle, hit Fn+1(hear fans go full throttle), play game for 2 hours no problem.

Again i only ask cause listening to the fans there is no change in sound from idle to moderate load/heat rise or high heat/load and lockup.

any help would be appreciated.

That doesn't sound right, they should spin higher at about 70c+...please set Clevo Control Center to high performance and unplug and replug the PSU once while the system is running to reset the EC/power states.

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I mailed BTO again about what's happening with my laptop. And the answer was that the laptop motherboard and cpu both were replaced. I don't have to pay anything because they gave me extra service, so thumbs up for BTO! Normally if you have a custom bios flashed you have to pay everything but now just nothing :semi-twins: And they think there is a chance that i receive the laptop this friday

But now the big question; could the cpu actually be damaged by this bios?

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Even with the Mods there are many Throttle and protection mechanisms by Intel in place for too high temps, voltage etc.

Those will kick in in long before any physical damage can take place. ;)

Since your system just ran for 3-4 days I think what you got there was just a bad apple.

Glad you will be up and kicking again soon! :D

Drop me a line once you get it, have something for You! ;)

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No change to bios menu options after flashing Perma Mod on my P150EM?

Being that everyone seems so giddy about the bios mod, it sound's like more menu options (fine tune for instance) should pop up in the bios.

Hate to be a newbie, but after searching, I found no similar posts... what did I miss?



After Prema update:



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I just got access to the Prema vbios mod but I'm thinking should I first up date the system bios I mean I will at some point OC this beast. my KBC/EC version is 1.03.01 and my ME version is (what does the acronym ME stand for? Mechanical edition?, Mobile Evolution?).

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No change to bios menu options after flashing Perma Mod on my P150EM?

Being that everyone seems so giddy about the bios mod, it sound's like more menu options (fine tune for instance) should pop up in the bios.

Hate to be a newbie, but after searching, I found no similar posts... what did I miss?



I replied to you hours ago, but looks like the internet swallowed it. :P

Look at my reply here: http://forum.techinferno.com/clevo/3119-%5Bbios-mods%5D-prema-mod-latest-stock-bios-33.html#post51457

Latest XTU is here: https://downloadcenter.intel.com/SearchResult.aspx?keyword=%22%22extreme+tuning+utility%22%22


I just got access to the Prema vbios mod but I'm thinking should I first up date the system bios I mean I will at some point OC this beast. my KBC/EC version is 1.03.01 and my ME version is (what does the acronym ME stand for? Mechanical edition?, Mobile Evolution?).

You can directly flash the Mod. It will flash EC (Keyboard Controller), BIOS & ME (Management Engine Firmware. Controls mainly bus clocks).


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Thanks Prema for your reply,

K so ME is an acronym for (Management Engine). Or is it an acronym for (Management Engine Firmware. Controls mainly bus clocks). I only ask because it seems logical for the first but knowing people these days the second is more likely:) Also can I revert to my original bios at any time?

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ME = Management Engine

ME Firmware is hosted on it's own chip on the motherboard

ME Software has to be installed in OS

You can use the stock BIOS from the OP at any time in case you want to return to the unaltered version.

Don't flash any random versions and always follow the readme. ;)

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