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Lenovo Y400 / Y500 - unlocked BIOS / wlan whitelist mod


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I got the y500 with the crappy wifi. I read that if you disable bluetooth, it improves the signal, but for me it didn't work. So I got a spare wifi card (dell 1520), and tried to install it, but got the error message saying it's not authorized, which led me to this forum.

I currently got bios 1.05, and willing to go to 2.04, but I'm a bit worried about all the options that looks like will show up. I did read 30 pages or so of the thread, but did not find much discussion on what each option does.

Assuming I just do a simple update, and reset the bios to defaults, will everything work, or do I need to fiddle with the settings to make it work? Any tips?

Also, did anyone brick their laptop with this? Mine is out of the warranty, so I need to be careful. Thanks :)

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I am new to the forum and I am considering removing the whitelist on my Y500 due to the terrible speeds on the stock intel centrino Wlan card. I have a few questions if someone wouldn't mind helping me out. How risky is it to flash bios over to the modified version? Also, has anyone done this mod and tested a 2X2 wireless AC compliant WLAN Card. My goal is to be able to achieve a reliable connection capable of providing 60 Mbps speeds at ranges of 20 ft from my asus RT-ac66u router. In addition I would like to keep Bluetooth functionality as well but will not be using it all the time so any slow downs associated with bluetooth will not be an issue. If anyone has any recommendations that fit these requirements please let me know. Thank you in advance!

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Hello again,

I am trying to backup my bios using the provided tools, however, I am unable to get the batch file to work. After I run as administrator it just instantly closes. Is there a specific directory where it is saving the bios dump? I also tried the win64 tool however I am unable to enter the command above as it just closes the window when I try to enter text. If you think there might be something that I am doing wrong please let me know. Thanks in advance.

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ok guys...for those with SLI gt750m, let's see those results with the newly supported mod bios svl7 provided; in hopes of good news....

To those who can answer this question: what do you guys have for your setting using Nvidia Inspector or the MSI afterburn for most stability? so far, I only got +135 and up to 400mhz for memory still using stock settings.

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Hello and from me :)

After I flashed my bios and unlocked overclock settings in invidia inspector for my video cards (650m sli) I cant get any stable overclock. I play 10-15 min (for example CS:GO) then screen go black for 10 seconds and my clock are stock again... I lower the overclock but same thing... even +50 MHz (mem and base) I tried with different voltages too... no changes. When they went back to normal after the black screen everything run normal no problems. I use latest Nvidia drivers, may be they are the reason I dont know. My os is Windows8.1

If someone has some kind of solution or something please share :D

buy for now

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I just downloaded the 2.02 update, and am ready to install it. I was just wondering how to prevent the new bios from messing with my windows key. I saw it mentioned, but I was wondering if there was something I needed to do to that I was unaware about. I would also like to hear about what to do whenever I update to the modded bios.

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Hello again,

I am trying to backup my bios using the provided tools, however, I am unable to get the batch file to work. After I run as administrator it just instantly closes. Is there a specific directory where it is saving the bios dump? I also tried the win64 tool however I am unable to enter the command above as it just closes the window when I try to enter text. If you think there might be something that I am doing wrong please let me know. Thanks in advance.

u have to open the backup.bat file from windows admin command promt . Open command promt admin mode then type "cd.." twice . Then u wil be in c dive . Now type "cd path to folder/backup.bat" now program will start wrkin and a bios.bin file wil be created in the folder where backup.bat is located .

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Shivanshu, I tried the command you stated in admin command prompt in windows 8.1 but it says it is an unrecognized command. Im not sure why this is being so stubborn...... Do I need to boot into the dos tool to do this.....? and if so could someone provide me with the commands needed after I am booted into DOS.

Also, I don't know if this helps but my bios was already at v2.02 before I even started this process. I think I may have updated it from the Lenovo website awhile back. When I tried to update it to the supplied V2.02 it failed, so I checked the bios version and apparently it is already at v2.02. Ive tried using the fpt tool as well to no avail. I cant seem to find any other posts of users having issues dumping the bios for backup using the tool. Just success success success. When I try to enter the suggested command it produces this error: Error 200: Invalid parameter value specified by user. Use -? option to see help. After 2 or three key presses the program closes and this is what I find in the error log. Very frustrating :confuse:.

I would really appreciate it if someone could help me get this going. I really hope im not stuck with this crap wifi card :(((.

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ok guys...for those with SLI gt750m, let's see those results with the newly supported mod bios svl7 provided; in hopes of good news....

To those who can answer this question: what do you guys have for your setting using Nvidia Inspector or the MSI afterburn for most stability? so far, I only got +135 and up to 400mhz for memory still using stock settings.

I pushed both cores up to 1045 and the mem up to 1250 on my 650M SLI with zero issues.

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Hi -

I get everything to work up till flashing the 2.04 modded bios. I get this error:

Intel ® Flash Programming Tool. Version:

Copyright © 2007 - 2012, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.

Platform : Intel® HM76 Express Chipset

Reading HSFSTS register... Flash Descriptor: Valid

--- Flash Devices Found ---

W25Q32BV ID:0xEF4016 Size: 4096KB (32760Kb)

MX25L1605A ID:0xC22015 Size: 2048KB (16304Kb)

PDR Region does not exist.

GBE Region does not exist.

Error 28: Protected Range Registers are currently set by BIOS preventing f(my camera phone left a few letters out, but guessing it says "full")


Please contact the target system BIOS vendor for an option to disable Protec(again, camera phone left a few letters out)

Range Registers

This is coming after a fresh flash of 2.02 over my previous 1.05.

Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?

Thanks in advance for any advice,,,,

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Did you use the mod bios as provided in this forum?

I did... I have the SLI version of he laptop and was able to get everything working for a short period of time. After a week or so, the power adapter stopped charging. I had Lenovo send me a new power block, which also didn't charge, along with an additional battery. I ended up needing to have the mainboard replaced. I'm assuming this occurrence was directly related to the BIOS mod. Luckily my laptop was under warranty, so it didn't cost me a dime. I haven't tried modifying the BIOS since.

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Hello Everyone,

I'm new to the forum and to the thread. I've modified my Y500 because Lenovo is no help. I have Windows 8.1 Pro with few Lenovo drivers to have a clean slate on a 1TB SSD.

I am currently irritated to NO END with this flipping factory wireless card and I've ordered the Intel 7260AC card from amazon. I had a few questions, after reading though a ton of pages, I felt that could be answered quickly by everyone here that has experience.

First off, my thanks goes to svl7 for providing this type of fix for Lenovos crappy everything. I will be donating to you as soon as I get my first paycheck from my new job.


1) Has the issue with jaxst losing his charging ability happened to anyone else?

2) Can someone confirm that the Y500 - Y400 - SLI 750m - 80.07.9D.00.11 - OC.zip will work on windows 8.1?

3) I've seen some bluetooth errors with windows 8.1 for some users, has this been resolved in the newest edition of bios?

4) svl7, could I per'chance inspire you by donation to make a youtube how to/troubleshooting video for the community and others who like me, like to visually see and learn how to do things? If another person would like to do a video with the newest bios for the 750SLI Y500, I would def. donate for the addition to the community.

Thanks again for the assistance. I don't want to brick my laptop because I use it for military work, and I cannot forsake my Soldier's paperwork due to not having a computer to work with.

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Hello Everyone,

I'm new to the forum and to the thread. I've modified my Y500 because Lenovo is no help. I have Windows 8.1 Pro with few Lenovo drivers to have a clean slate on a 1TB SSD.

I am currently irritated to NO END with this flipping factory wireless card and I've ordered the Intel 7260AC card from amazon. I had a few questions, after reading though a ton of pages, I felt that could be answered quickly by everyone here that has experience.

First off, my thanks goes to svl7 for providing this type of fix for Lenovos crappy everything. I will be donating to you as soon as I get my first paycheck from my new job.


1) Has the issue with jaxst losing his charging ability happened to anyone else?

2) Can someone confirm that the Y500 - Y400 - SLI 750m - 80.07.9D.00.11 - OC.zip will work on windows 8.1?

3) I've seen some bluetooth errors with windows 8.1 for some users, has this been resolved in the newest edition of bios?

4) svl7, could I per'chance inspire you by donation to make a youtube how to/troubleshooting video for the community and others who like me, like to visually see and learn how to do things? If another person would like to do a video with the newest bios for the 750SLI Y500, I would def. donate for the addition to the community.

Thanks again for the assistance. I don't want to brick my laptop because I use it for military work, and I cannot forsake my Soldier's paperwork due to not having a computer to work with.

1) I flashed 3 times, never had the issue.

2) No, it wont.

3) Not using bluetooth, so cant comment on that.

4) You better PM svl7 with your offer directly since he's not browsing those threads often. Also I dont think you can mess up anything if you follow instructions carefully. Well, if you are not an experienced PC user then probably you can.

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1) I flashed 3 times, never had the issue.

2) No, it wont.

3) Not using bluetooth, so cant comment on that.

4) You better PM svl7 with your offer directly since he's not browsing those threads often. Also I dont think you can mess up anything if you follow instructions carefully. Well, if you are not an experienced PC user then probably you can.


Thanks for the reply to my questions. You said that the bios update won't work on windows 8.1, so that leaves me with one more question...is there a bios update that will work on 8.1? I'm kind of at odds end if it won't work, which means that I wouldn't be able to use the card I've ordered. Is there a fix around this that someone has found? Thanks again!

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