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AMD 7970m - modified VBIOS

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troid, which clevo do you have?

If it's an HM, how is your HDMI?

I have a P150Hm, no luck with the HMDI either. 1.1vcore BIOS is giving the P150HM a hard time, i can reach up to 1065Mhz core but it's not fully stable. Would a bigger PSU help or is this a mobo issue? Getting close to 7K GPU tough :)

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I Would a bigger PSU help or is this a mobo issue?

I think this might be a mobo issue (but I haven't tried using another PSU).

Or it could even be the MXM board as well.

The reason I say that is because when I stress just the GPU (with atitool) it shouldn't use up all 180W from the PSU since the CPU isn't being stressed.

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I am new here but also have a p150hm - Really impressive stuff with the bios - my card arrived with only 0.975v (7970m) , which means any decent overclock is difficult. I intend to try this vbios, once i have the right permissions :)

Thanks for the good work


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Nice clocks guys. Those requesting vbios i think you can just use SVL7 and friends Vbios Patcher. They made it to modify 7970m vbios for your own needs. You can make multiple vbios yourself and just flash the one you want at the time. This way you can figure your own clocks and voltages out. SvL7 is awesome like that.

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Man I'm stupid it can't even work now due to the fact that I have a clevo 7970m with a premodded VBios. I downloaded a valid clevo VBios from another member and it didn't work either.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9300 mit Tapatalk 2

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The only thing that i wanted to know is what stock voltage my 7970m have, cause I have to manually modify my voltage from 1.000 to 1.050 with the AMD drivers Profile trick.

Thanks in advance

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9300 mit Tapatalk 2

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hi guys!!im new to this forum!!(svl7 helped me sometimes in notebookreview forum)yesterday i installed mine 7970m ton my HM laptop and everything works great expect the vbios voltage is 0.975.is it possible to flash 1.05v bios?about overclock why overdrive settings are missing from ccc?thx and congratulations for the hard work!!! :)

edit:svl7 is it possible to make a bios with 1.05v for my card?thx my friend!

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I really assume that this is only an issue with the api or monitoring software... as long as you use a stock vbios the actual voltage should be 1.05V.

How's the card performing in games and benchmarks at stock clocks? No issues?

The only thing that i wanted to know is what stock voltage my 7970m have, cause I have to manually modify my voltage from 1.000 to 1.050 with the AMD drivers Profile trick.

Stock voltage of an unmodified 7970m vbios is 1.05V. The reported value might be wrong or something else is off... how's the card performing? Temps? Clocks? All fine?

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I really assume that this is only an issue with the api or monitoring software... as long as you use a stock vbios the actual voltage should be 1.05V.

How's the card performing in games and benchmarks at stock clocks? No issues?

Stock voltage of an unmodified 7970m vbios is 1.05V. The reported value might be wrong or something else is off... how's the card performing? Temps? Clocks? All fine?

Actually not really cause at stock I can only OC to about 920/1560 and the voltage stays at 1.0v according to several tools i used. Then i tried the old trick that I used on my old 5870 and 6990m and created a OC profile in CCC and opened it with notepad++ and changed the target 3d voltage from 1000 to 1050 and only then my card reports the desired voltage value of 1.050 that i wanted to have (used same tools of course to check the voltage) and can OC to 1000/1560 without any issues

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9300 mit Tapatalk 2

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