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  1. Version 1.0.0


    Files contained in this archive: ms_gx740.zip MSI 16F1 Unlocked.zip MSI 1762 Unlocked.zip MSI GT60 Unlocked.zip MSI GT70 Unlocked.zip MSI GT683 Unlocked.zip MSI GT783 Unlocked.zip MSI MS-16F2 Unlocked.zip MSI MS-1761 Unlocked.zip SecondGenAMDAPU.zip Should I Flash These BIOS? See thread link below to learn which notebooks these bios files should be used with. Who this does NOT apply to: - If you are afraid to brick your notebook, this is NOT for you. There is always a possibility for errors and accidents to occur. - If you do not understand what any or most of these acronyms mean, this is NOT for you. You will probably find little use for the unlocked features and the potential for risk is much greater than the reward. Who this applies to: - If you have an understanding of most of this thread and are willing to learn, continue reading. - If you are an enthusiast who loves modding and overclocking and have experience with this field, continue reading. Features: So what are these features that MSI had locked out? A short list would include:* - XMP RAM support (Up to 2133Mhz) [Warning: 4 DIMMs at 1866Mhz(+) may not be stable, 2 DIMMs are stable at 2133Mhz]. - BCLK Overclocking (Up to 5%, your mileage may vary, no guarantees). - TPL limits unlocked (With the combination of ThrottleStop, CPU throttling can be overcome). To learn more about how to use the files in this archive, please visit the thread below:
  2. There are several threads on requesting BIOS modifications here on T | I but I thought another one wouldn't hurt. Your request should look like: Brand Model Type of modification(For example: Unlocked, added support, Logo, microcode, ME firmware etc I'll respond as soon as I have time as I'm also currently working on other projects(Requests by PM is also ok) If anyone else have the knowledge and time feel free to respond to requests
  3. Version 1.0.0


    Klem's_vbios_MSI_GTX880M_80.04.EA.00.03_UNLOCKED.rar For both, 4Gb and 8Gb card. 1. Unlocked Nvidia core limit +135 MHz. 2. Unlocked Power Limit. 3. Unlocked Power adjustment by software (for example with Nvidia Inspector). 4. Increased Power Limit and Power Target. 5. Enabled some additional tweaks. If you liked my mod, you can buy me some beer: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/timqsh
  4. Version 1.0.0


    Klem's_vbios_MSI_GTX880M_80.04.F7.00.07_UNLOCKED.rar For both, 4Gb and 8Gb card. 1. Unlocked Nvidia core limit +135 MHz. 2. Unlocked Power Limit. 3. Unlocked Power adjustment by software (for example with Nvidia Inspector). 4. Increased Power Limit and Power Target. 5. Enabled some additional tweaks. If you liked my mod, you can buy me some beer: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/timqsh
  5. Hello fellow tech enthusiasts, I could really use some assistance and insights on a problem I'm facing with my MSI GT72 6QD gaming laptop. Recently, my GTX 970M graphics card became faulty, prompting me to purchase a replacement GTX 980M. However, after installation, I've encountered a perplexing issue. The problem is as follows: 1. The laptop screen remains blank; there is no display whatsoever. 2. The laptop does seem to be functioning correctly as the external display (LED) works without any issues. After encountering these problems I decided to install vbios without having any experience and ended up flashing wrong bios, however I got the display but gpuz show GTX 980 without Physx and few other. Sequentially, I tried so many bios but none of them worked, came up with mismatch GPU, mismatch device ID, wrong firmware etc. Have any of you experienced a similar situation when upgrading a GPU on an MSI GT72 6QD laptop? Your valuable expertise would be greatly appreciated, and any guidance you can provide will be a huge help to me. Thank you in advance for your time and assistance..
  6. Disclaimer: Apologies for long post. Hello everyone(active), I have a possible huge problem with my GT70 MS-17621 ver 1.0 motherboard as I believe the GTX 680M videocard has fried the onboard video circuit of the motherboard(mobo). The mobo did work fine before after taking out thr videocard, but came with problem of the fan blowing 100% after few seconds starting up from power button press. After trying to get the videocard to work/post (without consulting any forums,at the time), I tried to make the card work again by installing back in 5 or more times in span of 1 hour. After fifth time install card back in, then take out the card, the system will not ever post anymore, the power LED will not change from white to orange anymore and nothing will post on screen display. I have tried to do blind flash of unlocked bios method but spamming pressing keys Ctrl+Home, (Ctrl+FN+PageUp)(even Shift variation) to no avail in beeps or changes in status. I believe now the issue has resided to hardware IC chip failure on the motherboard since it will not ever post anymore, with or without the videocard installed. what I am afraid now is to install new(used) videocard MSI GTX770M 3GB card in, and the motherboard could also fry up the new videocard also. I have dealt with a non-working GT70 laptop for this past month now and been reading all threads in this MSI category for solution but it seems no one has come across this problem, from dead videocard also make the mobo die along with it after a couple of more tests for any signs of electronic life. If someone can chime in about which area on the motherboard can be the problem, I would like to try and diagnosis+troubleshoot why this is happening. So, basically signs of life from MS-17621 motherboard are: Pressing Turbo, Fan, Backlight, Monitor buttons on trim panel = lights up/or fades out keyboard backlight lights up all white after pressing backlight button, pressing second time and third time turns off backlight sections and off. battery charging still works for good battery, battery light lights up when 180w ACadapter is plugged in. After about 30-45 seconds without pressing turbofan button, the fan kicks into high RPM mode and when pressing Turbo button after, the fan will not change speed and stay on high. Power button LED will remain white and never change to orange. No error code beeps ever come out of speakers since problem happened, and will not beep for blindflash attempt. I truly need the help, just knowing I bought this laptop back in December 2012 for $2,300 makes me feel this GT70 needs CPR rescue to come back to life, either by a certified gaming laptop technician or by MSI support, it has worked very well up till this past month.
  7. As the title says; is it possible to upgrade the old MSI 16f2 with any pascal card? Or is the 980M the highest possible? Looking forward to your answers. Thanks
  8. Please follow the instructions below. • Specs. • Device manager ->Display Adapters ->Details ->Device Description ->Hardware Ids, post results (request). - Extract downloaded driver using 7-Zip/winrar. - Extracted Nvidia...International\Display.Driver folder\ -> copy/overwrite nvdmi.inf - Nvidia...International folder\ -> run setup.exe - Windows 8 - disable driver signing Command Prompt (Admin) Win key + X Type: bcdedit /set {current} testsigning yes -> "The operation completed successfully" ->reboot ->Install drivers. Exit test mode, cmd (admin). bcdedit /set {current} testsigning no ->reboot. - Use DDU to remove previous drivers/GPU installations (Nvidia & AMD), create restore point then select first uninstall option (safe mode). GeForce 334.89 WHQL Modded nvdmi.inf v334.89 AW M17XR2/R3/R4 3D + M18XR1/R2 GTX 680M / 780M Modded nvdmi.inf v334.89 AW M18XR1/R2 GTX 680M / 780M SLI Enabled - - - Updated - - - Quadro Notebook Driver 334.95 PhysX 9.13.1220 - Extract - Nvidia...International folder\ -> delete the following folders: Display.NView Display.Update Display.Optimus NVWMI - Display.Driver copy/overwrite nvdmwi.inf - Nvidia...International\ -> run setup exe - Install Physx -> reboot Fire Strike NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780M video card benchmark result - Intel Core i7-3940XM,Alienware M17xR4 [ nvdmwi.inf_v334.95_AW_M17XR2_R3_R4_3D_M18XR1_R2_GTX_680M_780M.zip nvdmwi.inf_v334.95_AW_M18XR1_R2_GTX_680M_780M_SLI_Enabled.zip
  9. I got a msi ge60 2pf Apache pro & its specs : Processor-i7 4710MQ Ram-16GB VGA- GTX 860M 2GB Maxwell Could anyone tell me the best overclock that I could use on this GPU? Please keep in mind that the voltage cannot be changed as this is a laptop Thank you
  10. While searching for the solution to my various problems I began wondering if there were any other motherboards that will fit into my gt70 case (or any another msi case for that matter) What are the physical differences between the various models of msi motherboards and how many are swappable/compatible? Is an msi Frankenstein possible?
  11. Hey y'all! I'm planning on releasing BIOS mods for the newer MSI laptops. So I'm looking for some testers to evaluate my mods and give input. If you're interested just PM me and we'll take it from there
  12. Hey i have an idea to change my old msi gx720 laptop Motherboard to one from a msi gx740 they look to have the same cutouts to screws and both laptops chassis look to be the same with outputs and that so my question is do you guys think it is possible to do it msi gx720 motherboard – Google Søgning msi gx740 motherboard – Google Søgning
  13. I have tried to update nvidia drivers of my notebook ge72vr6rf apache pro. The only drivers that works are the ones provided by the msi. The problem is that they haven't updated those since 2016 and I can't play newer games. Some say you need to mod your 1060 drivers, which I have no idea how to some says you need to update the flags in ini files. So please help me Thanks for your time.
  14. Hello Everyone, I am an owner of MSI GT70-20C and my GTX770m gpu i now dead. I have a question and i hope someone will help. I have ordered GTX 970m 6GB DDR5 and i cannot find the exact vBios for that graphic card. My current bios version is: E1763IMS.51B Thanks in advance,
  15. Dear modders, Hope you all are doing well. I wished to ask if someone could guide me for flashing a vbios to the GTX 970M 6GB for to be installed on the MSI GT-683 laptop (with modded GTX 560M heatsink). I need to know how to get a display to be able to flash (also, flash with what software?) if the gtx 970m is of clevo (is the IGPU supposed to work? do i need an unlocked laptop bios?) I intend to buy this GTX 970M : https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4000264805962.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.62d77e93DGQl5O&algo_pvid=bccc80d9-9944-4dc3-a1e6-ef3d45bda0e3&algo_expid=bccc80d9-9944-4dc3-a1e6-ef3d45bda0e3-5&btsid=12b502b9-dbe1-4c35-be48-930446a31235&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_3,searchweb201603_53 Please help it will be of great service to me. Regards- a new member. @Bloetschkopf your expertise please..
  16. Hello. I have a problem here. I installed Radeon HD8970M, and it worked out-of-the-box in MSI GX740, but now I have problem, with 3D clocks. Under stress it didn't want to go full 950/1250, and I have done everything that I can do in Windows (Afterburner, Clockblocker, Maximize performance in Powerplay). I think it's a problem with vbios, that my laptop can't read quite properly. I want to edit those close, which are at 450/300, but VBE7 doesn't let me do it, and the voltage is there locked too. So I thought that hex editior would do the job, but still - I don't know where to edit it (which lines), and how change voltage (from 0.9V to 1.0-1.05V). I have attached my original HD8970M Vbios dumped with GPU-Z. Thanks in advance! ori8970m.rom
  17. Hey guys, I have a MSI 16F4 with a 970m GTX and an i7 4800MQ. I get around 80C on my GPU and CPU if I play a game like Darksiders Warmastered, but 90C on my CPU if I play a CPU heavy game like Dota 2. So I applied some thermal grizzly conductonaut liquid metal paste on my CPU and GPU about 2 months ago. After I applied it, I noticed that there weren't any changes in the termperature, so I applied a little more paste again and still noticed no changes. I decided to let it be and give it time to settle in. 2 months later, still the same. Well, last week I thought I'd have another look at it, so I opened it up and sure enough the paste was still liquid and not dried up. I added a tiny droplet more just in case, and yet again I see NO CHANGES in temperatures. I'm fairly sure the paste has been applied correctly, as I've had a look at how several other people have done it on youtube. Can someone help me with why my CPU is heating up so much? The vents are clean, my laptop is dustless. Sure, I turn up the turbo boost on the fan, but that's just so noisy.
  18. Hello Everyone! I have problem with VBIOS/EEPROM(?) after installing of a GTX1060 N17E-G1-A1 GPU NVIDIA Graphics Chipset (old one has temp. damages). I modified new 416 and old 391 nvmii.inf file and try to install drivers, but every combination gave me no success. There is only yellow triangle in Windows Device Manager :| Is there a way to bring my card to life?
  19. Hi All! First thread poste here! Very happy with my beast ..again! m18x R2 on modded bios (SG mode needed, optimus mode igfx+dGpu) So my msi 1060 from alezka.com (Woodzstack thank you) was arrived yesterday, fast, very well packaged , and with a bit of icdiamond7. Removed (not very well..buyed and used a dremel for first time) the tiny metal square on heatsink , that touch ram on 1060. put thermal pads everywhere to match heatsink space. Absolutely do not tight or strengt too much the gpu because has on his backside a big squared capacitator that push on motherboard Here 3dmark11 to start benching msi1060 (stock clocks) + 3920xm(4.2Ghz) on m18xR2 . http://www.3dmark.com/3dm11/12179815 Score 13581 GraphicScore 14934 Physics 10877 CombinedScore 10396 Max GPU temp 71° (at 24° t.amb). And Here 3dMark http://www.3dmark.com/3dm/19968894 Score 9849 GraphicScore 11547 Physics 11182 CombinedScore 4318 Max GPU temp 71° (at 24° t.amb). Superposition benchmark GPU max temp 72° Now I'm start to look if performance is aligned with other 1060's powered laptops. All suggestion are very welcome! Bye All!
  20. Hello, I'm on an alienware m17 r4 and am trying mod my vbios for a 970m 3GB msi. I've managed to get the max boost with an increase in voltage, however I believe my voltage settings maybe unstable. When attempting to load programs capable of high gpu usage capabilities, the gpu begins to become pretty unstable. would anyone be able to provide assistance? I have both my edited and original roms as well. *update I'm not sure how to delete this thread but disregard this please. I've figured out the issue.
  21. Wlc, I want to create an afermarket diy cooling solution for my laptop.
  22. Does anyone have experience with this? Some threads I've seen have done it on a 17 inch laptop, I was wondering if it was possible on the 15 inch version as well. What issues will I face? I read about having to have a custom BIOS and vBIOS..but also HDMI/audio issues. I guess I should also upgrade my CPU, which runs really hot (i7 4800MQ), but not sure another Haswell chip will run any cooler. I've used liquid metal and even that hasn't changed temperatures much, it still reaches 93C pretty easily.
  23. Hi, I own gx740 with i5-430m, 4GB RAM, and I planned to do some upgrades. Currently I did: - upgrade SSD, move HDD to dvd drive space - have some unlocked bios (but didn't found usage for it currently) - have modified vbios but not sure if the values I've used are good I was thinking about: - upgrading CPU to i7-640M - upgrading RAM (not sure which will fit) I would like to also: - fix broken/cracked frame around screen, but it wont be easy and cheap I guess? - replace screen to something brighter (?) but this will probably not be worth the cost 1) What do you guys think about it? Is it even worth? 2) I've also see something like 'grain effect' moving grey stripes on same page elements (long time I remember it could be related to faulty bios/vbios)?
  24. Hello guys, Thanks for this incredible forum, I hope I will learn a lot from the gurus ! I am trying to make my eGpu MSI GT X970 work on my laptop with K1100M integrated GPU. This are my specs: CPU: 2.7GHz Intel Core i7-4800MQ (quad-core, 6MB cache, up to 3.7GHz with Turbo Boost) PSU : ??? Graphics: NVIDIA Quadro K1100M / Intel HD Graphics 4600 RAM: 32 GB Storage: 1TB I got a V8.0 EXP GDC Laptop External Independent Video Card Dock with the express card version ( I am not really hw savy) and I am looking for a good psu to power my MSI GTX 970 4G Could you kindly suggest a good PSU that i could use to power this GPU ? I am also willing to do as many experiments needed Thanks for reading my post -zepvalue
  25. Hello people of Tech Inferno! I was wondering if I could install a custom vBios on my MSI GE72 2QC Apache Laptop But I'm also wondering if it could brick your system like a normal bios flash. It's for the GTX 960M 2gb version. Thanks!
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