@Michael_K I appreciate you replied, thanks! I'm now reading then I will edit
right you basically wrote everything I did hah :), I use setfsb, I lower some values in vbios, and as you said, yep probably investing more into this old laptop is not worth unfortunately.
Btw unocked BIOS (not vbios) I'ts not giving me too much options, I'm not sure if you are familiar and also have it.
I also agree about setfsb, exactly same values! 160 is max.
Overclocking LCD panel is nice right I can also handle 100Hz (CRU utility right).
I don't have pic of panel, but it's front left frame, and also something weird on back :(.
I'll gues I did even too much to OC this old laptop :). I think soon I need to again change thermal pads, because it's getting hot as hell, currently I swapped thermalpads under gpu for thermal paste (lol) it was working far better for like 2 years.