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GTX 9xxM overclocking thread


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i wanted to ask if some1 already has the 980m oder 970m and tried overclocking , also how far are the bios works,

maybe this could be a thread to share the experiances made

i see the new clevo by schneker called p705 has m.2 ssd via pci e 2x oder even 4x, so i will definately have to wait for those barebones

the downside of those is that they will have a soldered cpu package with iris which is imho bullshi*

will there be any other new barebones without soldered cpu?

also it comes with a 4710hq which makes it even worse because it doesnt have the 4 extra multiplicators...

anyways post your eoverflocking expericances here, because it will be very important fpr the most of us with the decicion to get a 970/980 or not


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hey there, im actually waiting for the xmg u505 which is based on the clevo p751zm, u should wait for that! probable eta at schenker is middle of december. sports desktop cpu, compatibility with broadwell desktop cpus, z97 chipset, single mxm gpu and very stylish design at a form factor thats actually thinner than the current p150 series ;)

check out premas thread here "imagine new clevo models" or take a look over at NBR where us ZM-candidates also have our own lil thread in the clevo section to discuss this nice upcoming machine ;)


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i have 375sm-a. did some overclocking on both cores to 1260Mhz(+135) with 25mV overvolt(~1.025v) and 369Mhz on the memory stable in Valley for a few hours.

both GPUs have ~75% ASIC quality, samsung memory and were reaching 78-80C on primary GPU and and 74-78 on secondary.

during my tests i have noticed that increasing core without increasing memory did 0 performance boost in Valley.

what do you think? will modded bios allow slight better overclock on the memory?

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is that the max. oc? what thermal paste are you using?

have you tried several benchmarks for the ram issue?

for example, make some oc profiles, then go into a game and try the diffrent profiles whilst beeing in the same place and scenery

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is that the max. oc? what thermal paste are you using?

have you tried several benchmarks for the ram issue?

for example, make some oc profiles, then go into a game and try the diffrent profiles whilst beeing in the same place and scenery

with stock bios that is the maximum that the slider allows +135Mhz. on the memory though +369Hz was the last 100% stable point.

overvolting is allowed max +25mV.

i did not repaste my card, since the laptop in new. it was made with advanced "freeze" cooling option from Xnotebooks.com.

i must admit, with this overclock it goes well beyond the performance of the destop 780 sli with stock figures that i have.

i have tried only 2 things yet on this machine: AC unity and Valley benchmark. but even Aero doesnt hold the memory overclock beyond +400Mhz

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have you tried various oc programms like evga msi afterburner and so on? or is it really bios limited. with my 7970m evga was the best so much and evry program has its differences

normally the ram shouldn t limit the gpu but it could be.... would be very inbteresting to know

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yes, +135mhz is a bios limitation on core, +25mV on voltage. tested with Evga precision. something is have seen on Nvidia cards before,,,

the ram always limits top end GPU's with decent overclock, from my own experience. not in every application though. i depends on resolution, texture size, antialiacing etc.

just run a quick test with furmark and run the test with max MSAA - then add some to the memory and you will see frames go up almost on any card, especially top mobile one!

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normally the gpu and cpu dont run on full power on battery.

if you set it up manually (i did it once to try it) the laptop will shut itself down if you drain too much amperes from the battery.

we live in 2014 there is no frying or damaging anything.

the battery life gets a little worse if you overclock, but as long as you dont overvolt it will be manageable

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right, but even in 2014, the question still stands: whats the practical application of being able to run a system on performance mode / overclocked for, say, 30-50 minutes? cuz thats exactly how much ull get out of any highend laptop these days... and no matter the year it is, itll still wear ur battery down waaaaaay too fast...

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non overclocked it wount be much longer

to get good battery life you will have to use framelimiters and so on...but in the end the laptop is a desktop replacement, i dont think many people play high end games and overclocked on battery...

for having a good battery life you will have to choose weaker laptops not the high end ones

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'll have these (980s) soon if you want Clevo dumps @svl7 since they work on any machine that is MXM 3.0b

Hit me up.

No, they don't need to be overclocked especially in SLI (load balancing bad drivers aside) but I'll gladly contribute the BIOS. Machine was sent yesterday to Sager, 880s going to be 980s. But I'm not going to be a Guinea pig again, I'll help any way I can except Guinea pigging.

Don't think my M17xR1 can handle any more fussing with it before a clip or sleuthing goes poof and these cards are 720 a piece at rjtech.

Anyway they promised before Christmas and I purchased shipping that's 3 day so it's not standard ground fare... I'll dump them if you have not gotten Clevo dumps already.

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  • 5 weeks later...

That's right...the 347.09 should be avoided by Maxwell user. Apart from no OC it has also no SLI support and many models are not even included in the driver inf.

This driver was made intentionally by NVIDIA to tackle throttling on stock clocks with the new Maxwell cards on certain systems, call it a public beta.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Careful, even with modded inf some drivers will not work for 980M. Get the latest 9xxM from nVidias site or you might just get a white flash and a black screen and if you have windows 8 or 8.1 getting into safe mode is a pain so read how to do that first. First hand experience.

And I swear Colorado is invading. I'm in Denver by the Capitol myself.

Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk

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