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m14x r1 help on repaste


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I will do a re-paste on my m14x r1, I have searched a lot in the last days and haven't found yet what paste will be the best one.

My choice is among these : IC diamond, tuniq ( tx-4 or tx-2 ?), artic silver mx-4, Liquid Ultra.

anyone can help me to choose which one will help my laptop to stay bellow the 90s celcius ?

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I have re-pasted my m14x R1 twice using IC Diamond and have been really happy with it. It brought my temps down between 10 and 20C under load compared to stock paste. My numbers might be a bit off, it's been a while since I did my first re-paste but I know it was solid improvement in both idle and load temperatures.

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In my experience I haven't had any scratches. It's important to remember that different thermal pastes have different application methods. IC Diamond does not need to be spread in a layer over the CPU and GPU and instead will spread itself when the heatsink is applied, I suppose improper application could cause scratching but I have never had that problem. T|I has a review of IC Diamond you might take a look at. Innovation Cooling - Diamond 24 Review - Tech|Inferno

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've used Arctic Silver 5 many times without any issues. IC Diamond is pretty good too, I use it on laptops because it's very thick. I'm not worried about it moving around when I transport the laptop around. It is true that it can scratch the CPU if you don't use it correctly. With the IC Diamond my temps are down about 8C on both CPU and GPU on my m14x R2.

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I used Arctic silver 5 about 4 months ago on my m14x r2 and It made a great difference at the begainning, but not so much nowadays so I think I need another repaste. I bought an IC diamond and planning to repaste this weekend along with cleaning and maintainance.

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In my experience I haven't had any scratches. It's important to remember that different thermal pastes have different application methods. IC Diamond does not need to be spread in a layer over the CPU and GPU and instead will spread itself when the heatsink is applied, I suppose improper application could cause scratching but I have never had that problem. T|I has a review of IC Diamond you might take a look at. Innovation Cooling - Diamond 24 Review - Tech|Inferno

How did you past the GPU ? I believed the GPU was welded on the motherboard.

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  • 3 weeks later...
I will do a re-paste on my m14x r1, I have searched a lot in the last days and haven't found yet what paste will be the best one.

My choice is among these : IC diamond, tuniq ( tx-4 or tx-2 ?), artic silver mx-4, Liquid Ultra.

anyone can help me to choose which one will help my laptop to stay bellow the 90s celcius ?

Liquid Ultra - i repaste with is and for ex my Gpu with overclocking was about 90 celcius after 30 mins of playing crysis 1 on A08 bios and after repaste it never rises above 75c.

I also read a comparison between this pastes and Liquid Ultra is the best because of its performance and it is Easy to apply

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I find laptops to be hit or miss if the applying a small dot in the middle and letting it spread itself method works. You need to have high even pressure on the die for it to work, or else it will produce inferior results to the manually spreading thinly method. For example on my last laptop the dot method did work well, but on this clevo tightening the cooler down puts relatively low pressure on the middle of the die compared to the edges, so I found that the paste would be staying thick in the middle of the die. By spreading the paste myself I get around 7C lower CPU temps.

For spreading the paste myself, I never got using a razor blade to work. There's always some bump on the blade that ruins the spread, so I just use plastic pulled tight around my finger. What I found really make a difference is that when spreading the paste, if looking straight on at the die it will look like you completely covered the die, but if you look at an angle you'll see the die shining through in several spots. Processor die = shiny while paste is not, so you need to make sure you don't see any shiny spots when spreading the paste yourself.

I have definitely put scratches in the die with PK-1 and Shin-itsu, so I think IC diamond is not special in this regard. I don't think the tiny scratches have a significant impact on cooling and they are too minor to damage the CPU. If not then people would be destroying processors all the time since I feel like most pastes scratch the die some.

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Scratches appear on CPU or GPU if you do not use a proper cleaning agent. Its best to put few drops of alcohol and let it "eat" the paste. Then start cleaning it off with a lint free cloth.

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Scratches happen every time you rub something across the contact pads. They may be too small to see with the naked eye but they're there. Filling in these imperfections is the point of using flowing compounds between the contact pads.

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  • 10 months later...

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