Welcome to the real world where refreshes and new models arrive every 12-18 months. You had the choice of waiting or buying when you did. You choose to buy and you got your R2 several months before those who waited for the new models. That's not a matter of fairness. That was your choice, the same choice that anyone who buys computers has to make. GTX 765m is not "much better" than GT 650m. It's incrementally better. The SPU and clock specs look good on paper but in actual use, with real games, 765m functions as an overclocked 650m with more SPUs -- because it is an overclocked 650m with more SPUs. We won't see "much better" until nVidia starts shipping the Maxwell GPUs next year. PS4 and Xbone will have about as much processing power as a mid-range Core i3 which means what you have is already several times better. AMD's Jaguar FPUs? They're for netbooks. They're made for low price and low power consumption, not for performance. Don't get me wrong. I love AMD's Fusion architectures of which Jaguar is the latest iteration. It's just that Fusion is terrible for high-end gaming. But then, neither Xbone nor PS4 are for high-end gaming. They're for the iPhone generation of social networking and media sharing. If you're having problems with BF3 then it's not the GPU. It's something you've done or haven't done. Install the latest nVidia drivers. Set the game to use the nVidia GPU instead of the Intel IGP.