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Unstable core clock while gaming with GT 650M


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One weird problem happened while gaming that i noticed, i have overclocked the core speed of 650M to 880Mhz, while in turbo mode should have increased the speed to 967Mhz, the problem is when i was gaming(in any game,etc Dota 2 , X com..) in the 1st 2 mins, my game was running smooth , subsequently my framerate dropped till the whole game was unplayable, i felt so weird, hence monitor the core speed using MSI afterburner then only i noticed that the core speed would dropped till 250++Mhz after a few minutes of gaming..

at first, i thought that mayb it's due to overheating issue that forced the corespeed to cut down to a safety limit, so i changed the corespeed to its default speed, however, the same problem still persisting..

Could anyone help me solve the problem that i m facing..

thanks in advance:Banane55:

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With the new Kepler cards, there is temperature and power based throttling. If you are throttling at default GPU clocks, then its likely temperature based. I've heard reports from some people that are experiencing throttling as low as 60C. How high were your temps when you experienced this?

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Hey guys,

I have figured out how to avoid the throttling issue on GT650m. Below is my solution:


Nvidia Inspector


1) Launch Nvidia Inspector. Navigate to Over Clock panel on the right side. Select "Performance Level 1 (P5).

2) Unlock max. Adjust gpu clock and memory clock for your own, I prefer 700-750 Mhz for GPU and 2000Mhz for Mem.

3) Create a shortcut for this settings, it is saved at Desktop by default so you just run this file next time and no need to launch Nvidia Inpector

4) Create a Bat file (e.g: Gaming.bat) and place it in Nvidia Inspector folder where nvidiaInspector.exe locate in. Paste the command below into the Bat file

nvidiaInspector.exe -forcepstate:0,5


Each time you want to play game, just run the Clock shortcut first then run the Bat file. It will force the GT650m always performs at your configured clock


I tested my own and it works perfectly although the temp increased quite high (70-80). 81 is max of my laptop (I am from Vietnam, a hot country :D) but I think this temp is acceptable.

The test is performed with default Bios A09

TRY IT and let me know your result.I guarantee it works.

// Sorry for my English :)

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Hey guys,

I have figured out how to avoid the throttling issue on GT650m. Below is my solution:


Nvidia Inspector


1) Launch Nvidia Inspector. Navigate to Over Clock panel on the right side. Select "Performance Level 1 (P5).

2) Unlock max. Adjust gpu clock and memory clock for your own, I prefer 700-750 Mhz for GPU and 2000Mhz for Mem.

3) Create a shortcut for this settings, it is saved at Desktop by default so you just run this file next time and no need to launch Nvidia Inpector

4) Create a Bat file (e.g: Gaming.bat) and place it in Nvidia Inspector folder where nvidiaInspector.exe locate in. Paste the command below into the Bat file

nvidiaInspector.exe -forcepstate:0,5


Each time you want to play game, just run the Clock shortcut first then run the Bat file. It will force the GT650m always performs at your configured clock


I tested my own and it works perfectly although the temp increased quite high (70-80). 81 is max of my laptop (I am from Vietnam, a hot country :D) but I think this temp is acceptable.

The test is performed with default Bios A09

TRY IT and let me know your result.I guarantee it works.

// Sorry for my English :)

is this the only alternative to stop temp throttling?

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one question, i dun understand the way to create a bat file in nvidia inspector folder.

my nvidia inspector is directly can be found on my desktop, i tried to search for its folder but couldnt get it, in which directory should i look for?

the folder that you downloaded that came with nvidiainspector. it's a binary (portable app) so just drag your bat file into the folder. It should only have 2-3 files in the original download.

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the folder that you downloaded that came with nvidiainspector. it's a binary (portable app) so just drag your bat file into the folder.

Or adjust the path of nvidiainspector.exe in your batch file accordingly, so you can put the batch on the desktop (or wherever you want). Something like this should work fine:

  %cd%/[path to nvidia inspector]
/nvidiainspector.exe -[your commands]</path> <commands>

Or you can put the simple batch file in the nvidia inspector folder and then create a shortcut to the batch to the desktop (or to the autostart folder, or to wherever).</commands>

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mmm..so,i have set my clockspeed to 1035Mhz n it runs stably in any game so far, no flickering at all, however, there is only a minimal increment in my framerate in any game that i run(+4-6 FPS) only ..

is that normal.

oh ya, i feel so weird that my laptop temperature doesnt increase at all as i expected , still maintaining the same although i have overclocked it till 1035Mhz by using Piratefly's method..

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  • 5 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks a lot for the results sh0gunshin. I haven't tried an unlocked BIOS so I have only tried to run +135/+1000 which is 100% stable. Do you think if I increase my core to +300 I will still be able to run +1000 memory?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have the same exact card so I know exactly what you're talking about. Before using an unlocked BIOS, I used MSI Afterburner and anything over +135 core and +300 memory overclock would bluescreen me, Try the link here http://forum.techinferno.com/alienware-m14x/3214-m14x-r2-physx-fps-drop-fix.html along with the unlocked BIOS or else the card will limit itself basically and either dial itself back on its own after your laptop hits 67 Celsius. This is because the main processor heating drastically affects the heating of the GPU on these laptops. Hope it works out for you, and don't forget to turn off the "Turbo Boost" option in the BIOS as well.

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  • 4 months later...

Problem was solved some time ago for me I have called customer care and they said it is common problem with Kepler overheating - something to do with bad batch of processors. Engineer arrived with new motherboard next day - I got no problems with overheating since, btw i use that cooling pad from cooler master because i like keeping laptop on my laps.

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  • 3 months later...

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