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NVIDIA Kepler VBIOS mods - Overclocking Editions, modified clocks, voltage tweaks

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Some more Dell 680m mods, @widezu69 and all other user who flash them -> please provide some feedback, I need to know how well they work, can't test them myself. Let me know what you flashed and how well it worked. Thanks.

The first one ('OCedition') should have higher software overclocking limits.

The second one (OCedition_OV) includes also a slight voltage increase.

And the last one has default 3d clock of 900 and a higher voltage.

This is good, the OCedition vbios allows OC on bios A02. A10 was a bit weird in that it was too aggressive with GPU boost causing throttling etc. Now, using a method I have yet to finalise, I can run constant clocks without any problem whatsoever.

All the vbioses work well. I'll request one with specific clocks after I do some more testing :)

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This is good, the OCedition vbios allows OC on bios A02. A10 was a bit weird in that it was too aggressive with GPU boost causing throttling etc.

I'm confused... thought you were using an R4 atm? BIOS A10?? Do you mean A5? Or are you talking about The R3?

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Interesting... the OCedition allows to overclock on A02? Cool :D

- - - Updated - - -

Hey svl7 would the software unlocked edition work on the m18x that has no boost enabled bios yet?

Well, seems so, at least the one I posted yesterday seems to work in the R4 on BIOS A02 according to widezu... so might be worth giving it a try.

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Actually, I lie. I saw the sliders and moving them and applying them sticks and but in actual fact, the clock speeds don't budge but I do have a work around which also disables GPU Boost by default which in my eyes is a good thing :)

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I get around that score no matter how hard I push my GPU. It just throttles. Maybe it's the card? Maybe it's the bios. I would love to borrow a MSI card to test to rule out some possibilities. Anyone got one? :P

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That's the vbios which can be found on Clevo cards, and the subvendor ID is actually Nvidia. GPU-Z reads Dell?

Svl7, not only Gpuz reads Dell, but it is in the information it passes to the sistem id; when I edited the drivers for making it work, I had to change 1558 (clevo) to Dell (1028), very strange indeed ...

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Svl7, not only Gpuz reads Dell, but it is in the information it passes to the sistem id; when I edited the drivers for making it work, I had to change 1558 (clevo) to Dell (1028), very strange indeed ...

Yeah, no idea why it reads Dell as subvendor, it's not there in the vbios. I guess it's getting this information somewhere else, maybe from the sbios, no idea, kinda weird.

Hey svl is that bios by any chance this bios - http://img193.imageshack.us/img193/7813/3dmark2011gtx680m854125.jpg

Yes, it's exactly this vbios (well, except for the subvendor ID... but apparently there's something weird going on with that anyway.)

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I'm also here from the ASUS ROG forum wondering about your vbios...

For some reason neither nvflash or GPU-Z lets me dump the bios, well, nvflash reports a driver problem, and GPU-Z tells me nothing.

I'm using the stock nvidia drivers instead of ASUS', that might be it, but I did post a screencap of GPU-Z for what that's worth here:


If you want/if it's needed, I'll reinstall the old drivers and see if that helps.


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Any chance that one has no fluctuations during high OC, would it brick an OEM 680M with 2gb ram?

Is yours fluctuating? And what about the vbios you PM'd me about?

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Hey guys,

New to this forum. I'm pretty active on the NBR forums. I'm also trying to figure out if the MSI Vbios would work safely on the Dell 680m. I can't get my 680m not to fluctuate during high overclocks.

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Mine has some fluctuations at high OC about over 850mhz but only in 3dm11 nothing during intensive gaming. This is the OEM alienware 680M vbios though just modded for higher clocks, I have not tried any other subvendors (clevo/msi). Svl7 or anyone else have you tried a 4gb vbios on a 2gb card, does it work or brick?

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Mine has some fluctuations at high OC about over 850mhz but only in 3dm11 nothing during intensive gaming. This is the OEM alienware 680M vbios though just modded for higher clocks, I have not tried any other subvendors (clevo/msi). Svl7 or anyone else have you tried a 4gb vbios on a 2gb card, does it work or brick?

What type of ram modules does the Dell cards use? Mine has Samsung.

Sent from my GT-N7000

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