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AMD 7970m - modified VBIOS

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i think i found a way to stop the screen flickering while on the desktop, i used the ov1075v.bios and then overclocked the card to 1000/1550 the screen would flicker, i then ran gta 4 from steam for about an hour and now the screen has stopped flickering, im not sure whats the cause of this, but im thinking it may be a driver issue, svl7 have you ever heard of this before ?

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so you dont think it has to do with the 2d clocks then ? i cant understand why this is happening

i now have access to your vbios patcher and i will be testing higher 2d clocks and 2d voltages, i really want to thank you for all that you have done and released to the public. my performance is outstanding now. and so far no screen flickering even after a few rounds on bf3 with the settings on max, love it

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ok so after playing around with the vbios patcher and messing with some 2d overclocks i managed to patch a very stable vbios on my 7970m. the settings are

core 3d 1000

memory 3d 1500

voltage 3d 1075

core 2d 350

memory 2d 250

voltage 2d 850

no flicker what so ever, and because i never take this laptop off my coolermaster sf-19 i don't mind the higher clocks/temps @ 24/7 idle 47ºC / load 71ºC very happy with the overclock now, thanks again svl7

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ok so after some massive testing and many different vbios flashes i found the best settings for stability, 1000 core 1500 memory.

core 3d 1000

memory 3d 1500

voltage 3d 1125

core 2d 300

memory 2d 150

voltage 2d 850

the other settings i had in the previous post was stable until i ran furmark for about 10 min, the screen started getting artifacts then the driver crashed, i also tried 1.1v and this also made the driver crash, i guess my 7970m needs more juice to overclock well. the extra 25mV to the 2d voltage stopped the screen flicker and my 2d to 3d transition is now working, before the gpu would stay at 2d clocks while running a game in full screen. i will continue testing until i hit my wall, but i have a feeling that this is the best stable overclock i can achieve on my system

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Don't run furmark, problem solved. Furmark is useful for only one thing - killing GPUs. It stresses the voltage supply circuits way beyond any scenario, without actually completely loading the GPU. It really doesn't make sense using this tool, same with Kombustor.

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Max before it shuts down automatically is 105-110°C, can't remember exactly. But that's not really a healthy temperature for your GPU, try staying below 80-85°C. The lower the better.

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Hi svl7,

I would like to try 1.175 on my 7970m, I have tested that voltage with a software mod (changing the profile xml file with ccc).

It seems I should be able to handle the temps.

Could you please mod my clevo vbios (attached to this post) to set the frequency to 1200mhz and the voltage to 1.175 please?

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SLV7 Can you look at my VBIOS for my 7970M. It's for the G73JH upgrade so it should have enduro disabled. I'm getting that weird flickering and then it shuts off like I told you in PM. I'd like to try again but only if there is something you see wrong with the VBIOS. I tried to use MSI combuster and it shut down when it got to 71C. That was the start of the issues I'm having now. Did I kill my card?

https://www.dropbox.com/s/h702yvqqeisyejs/7970M.zip There is the 7970M ROM

Here is the video:


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SLV7 Can you look at my VBIOS for my 7970M. It's for the G73JH upgrade so it should have enduro disabled. I'm getting that weird flickering and then it shuts off like I told you in PM. I'd like to try again but only if there is something you see wrong with the VBIOS. I tried to use MSI combuster and it shut down when it got to 71C. That was the start of the issues I'm having now. Did I kill my card?

https://www.dropbox.com/s/h702yvqqeisyejs/7970M.zip There is the 7970M ROM

Here is the video:

What happens when you run it in safe mode? Also, are you already running a modded vbios or is it the stock one? If its the stock one, you could try changing the voltage (either higher or lower) and/or clocks using vbios patcher to see if that has any effect. If not, then I'd guess the card is the problem or your mainboard. Either way it might be a good idea to contact whoever you bought it from and see if you can get an RMA.

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That is a modified one that sosa106 and robtherob are using on NBR. When I try to open it with the patcher, it errors out and doesn't work. I think the card might just be dead though. This is what it looks like now:


I might just try it one more time, just to see what happens.

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Thanks again for the modded bios!

I don't know why, but still I can't get past the login screen, it will just BSOD.

I know it's happy with 1.075V and 1030mhz.

Also I know it's happy with 1.175V and 1030mhz.

Why would 1.175V and 1100mhz not work?

Maybe I should try stock clocks and 1.175V and see if the overclock is too high?

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