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Y510p Ultrabay Graphics card


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I cant speak to the inner processes of how that application works. I would assume that you would actually have to have 3.05 installed for it to extract/read from.


I think I may actually have the bios files on a flash drive, will have to dig for it, give me a minute.

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10 minutes ago, Zwierzak said:

I have installed bios 3.05 :D around 2 hours ago :P

I guess you still think I'm not very smart do you ? ;)

I cant keep up with your edits is all. I only see original posts immediately after notification from the forum that the post was made.


It will be a lot easier to just wait or hell make a double post for all I care ( I dont know if its against ToS though lol)


Im studying Thermodynamics in university right now, refreshing forum posts to ensure edits arent being made is not something I am doing to say the least...

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Lol I can understand that but I've explained my problem in normal post too - edits are just add-ons after some new tries I've done - I dint think about stating that I've upgraded to 3.05 bios because that was obvious for me - as I wrote in a PM its first thing on the list ;)

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md5 checksum file for those that want to ensure integrity. I accept no responsibility in results these are just the files from my flash process (without issue, I might add lol)


In any case, YMMV, you have been warned!


Edited by TheReciever
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No worries fortunately you can unbrick y510p bios so i hope everything will be ok - I'm more worried about possible incompatibility between your backup and my laptop but will see ;)

And thanks a bunch for the files, sorry for being irritated prick but Lenovo laptops and windows from 8 up makes my skin crawl sometimes. Still y510p is wayyy better than y50-70 and y700 :D

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I dont like ultrabooks, y510p is prolly the thinnest I would go and I do like it. I may still grab a y410p later on the cheap and plop the 755m I have now in it for MMO box or something.


Well pre flash was all stock, previous owner didnt know about this sort of thing beyond it was SLI verison of the laptop and removing grill helps air flow.


Personally the y50-70 didnt make sense to me. Same performance level of the 755m SLI in a new chassis. I fully expected an 850m SLI or 950m SLI but that never happened and I never bought another Lenovo anything because of it. Doesnt make sense to me, ultrabay shows eGPU is easily possible with proper bandwidth but we are still with mpcie/NVME/TB1/2/3 solutions that do make it a better experience but isnt a future proofing solution IMHO. Even Alienwares touted eGPU is only what? pcie 3.0 x4? y700 showed up late as hell and was just weird all around to me...Lenovo cant see to get it right...Really liked my y510p in its hay day though


Its just another way to inflate the pricing on this type of demand, and when it fails claim that there was no market demand for it. Quite irritating.

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I did, belive me I tried all I could think of including setting permanent administrative privileges - and didn't get squat with it, no output file. But unlocked bios from TheReciver worked, unfortunately... overclocking of 4930mx still don't work, at least preliminary results aren't encouraging. All the proper controls for TDP exist in unlocked bios but they don't have any impact on CPU behaviour - it looks like TDP is either hardware locked to CPU basic states or EC controlled.

Ill play with them some more but I don't have much hope as it looks similar to MSI GT gen2 and 3 and there is no TDP offset option.

Probably best CPU for y510p will be 4900mq - its a shame really because with eGPU adapter and 4930/40xm you could make mighty fine gaming rig with it.

Edited by Zwierzak
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22 minutes ago, Zwierzak said:

I did, belive me I tried all I could think of including setting permanent administrative privileges - and didn't get squat with it, no output file. But unlocked bios from TheReciver worked, unfortunately... overclocking of 4930mx still don't work, at least preliminary results aren't encouraging. All the proper controls for TDP exist in unlocked bios but they don't have any impact on CPU behaviour - it looks like TDP is either hardware locked to CPU basic states or EC controlled.

Ill play with them some more but I don't have much hope as it looks similar to MSI GT gen2 and 3 and there is no TDP offset option.

Probably best CPU for y510p will be 4900mq - its a shame really because with eGPU adapter and 4930/40xm you could make mighty fine gaming rig with it.

The link of the fan mod had @ghoul explaining his experience with the 4930mx, wasnt able to maintain clocks as any settings changed didnt seem to stick.


I guess we will have to request the aid of BIOS modders, though I dont know any lol


Should still be able to push 4910mq, but obviously performance will be determined by how TDP measures

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I know but I was hoping he might have missed IOUT SLOPE option in the bios that allows to falsify TDP in MSI GT - here is a link to polish laptop forum where they discovered it can be used to workaround TDP limit http://www.nhl.pl/index.php?showtopic=95475&st=0 - unfortunately there is no such option in y510p bios and I wasn't able to find any analogue for it although I did manage to brick it :hyper:Ill try blind flash procedure later on - with tweaked settings I was able to set 39+ multiplier but it wasn't stable :(. Of cours 3800/3900mhz is still much better than 4700mq and probably better than what I could get out of 4900mq - by the way do you know if someone tested 4900mq on y510p and if so what results he got ?

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12 minutes ago, jxordan said:

I think you would need to do this to our bios to achieve the OC you want 



If I'm not mistaking this concerns Clevo laptops and normal cpus and it wont work on y510p - in Prema bios for Clevo there is no TDP limit so only limiting factor with normal cpus is their multiplayer and temperatures. Unfortunately in y510p there is a limit on total power drawn by CPU and as I'm using unlocked one there is, by default, no limit on multiplier.

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On 30/06/2016 at 4:31 PM, Tesla said:

yeah me too, i think it worked with 2.07. i have no way to confirm it since i dont have any graphics card now. but at least now it doesnt show that msg and boots to windows and well the screen is black.


here is a link of the bios v2.07 https://mega.nz/#!M04jhbqA!jrAhvWiEwSrtx6TlJ4HiZNOUXLi62mh0t1ZZsI-Q5A8

Hi, I just got the adapter and graphic card
But i have been stuck at BIOS setting for a week. I have no idea how to downgrade my BIOS from 3.08 to 2.04. Would you give me some advise? plz.

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On 02/07/2016 at 3:24 PM, ManyStrongWords said:

MAJOR CHANGE to setup: Just Run the 2.07 EXE 






Extra: Also make sure to uninstall drivers for video cards as you switch them them out. Not the 750m drives but I went from a 6670 to the RX 480 and needed to wipe them.


Gerald you can remove your uploaded bios as I was just trying 2.07 with Windows 7 which does not work. I just now tried 2.07 with Windows 10 and it works with the setup for 2.07 being much easier.


sorry, the link is dead, may you send it again?

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md5 checksum file for those that want to ensure integrity. I accept no responsibility in results these are just the files from my flash process (without issue, I might add lol)


In any case, YMMV, you have been warned!


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6 hours ago, gerald said:



md5 checksum file for those that want to ensure integrity. I accept no responsibility in results these are just the files from my flash process (without issue, I might add lol)


In any case, YMMV, you have been warned!



Gerald from what I've been able to see 3.05 don't work with Your adapter as Leonov blocked also Radeon cards in it - the same applies to unlocked 3.05 so to connect your eGPU you need 2.07 or erlier bios -

for those who look for it its in

 in Y510p-Y410p_v207_[stock].zip as self installing archive. If you cant download it send me a PM.

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