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Hi guys my name is Charly from Spain.

You can see my setup in the signature, but I,m buying probably the Zotac 970 that fit in the Akitio next black friday.

At the moment eGPU is not working right in OS X 10.11.1, the problems look like is my 650M iGPU but still finding a solution, now I´ve just installed Win 8.1 and I´m going to try with nando soft.

This forum is great, really nice and smart people¡¡¡

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Hi everyone,

I'm N3wH and new here. I live in Germany .

Just found this Forum and I am amazed already.

The technical background and comptence here is on an other level.

I hope to learn from you guys.


Lenovo y510P

i5 4200M

GT755m SLI



1080p Display

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Hello everyone,

My name is Ivan, I'm from Bulgaria. My hobbies are PC hardware, gaming to some extend, photography, and cars (I'm participating in the drift series here in my country). I feel sorry I haven't found this forum before, because it is full of quality information, and the community seems nice.

I'm currently using an ASUS RoG G750JZ

Core i7-4700hq

8gigs 1600mhz

GTX 880m 4gigs

OCZ Vertex 460 120gb + 1TB optical hdd

Sent from my Lumia 830 using Tapatalk

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I got here a few months ago when i was investigating eGPU and stuck around. There are some pretty nice stuff on these parts of the internet :)

Im running a mid 2012 Macbook with

(not working) egpu setup: corsair cx430 psu

and a gtx 950 through the akitio thunder 2 box

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Hello Dislexican From Florida

Cant find just the right game yet for me but im enjoying what is coming out like Fallout and a little H1Z1 on the side

unfortunately like my friend up there im constricted to what i have for now

Lenovo ideapad Y510p

just got a new moniter thats 144hz and wanted to use the nvidia graphics to use the monitor to full potential

so and help with making this laptop better will help till i build a pc for next year

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I joined here year ago but start more active last month

I'm living in Nederland and with computer selling and repair also trade

If need any advice please ask and add to frends

I'm owner Alienware 18

I7 4700mq

16gb ddr3

Micron m500 1tb ssd

Dual GTX 880M 8gb

Sent from my SM-G928F using Tapatalk

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Hi there,

I'm from NortWest-Germany, running a MBPr 15" Late 2013 + (soon) an Akitio Thunder 2 and a EVGA 960 GTX. Think this site is awesome, came here from Youtube - Was checking out some commercial eGPU, found some Member (probably from here) posting a "Rip-Off Warning" and this lead me here. :)

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