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Brazilian guy here. I'm a very happy W230SS owner and still looking to extract the best from this little beast. I'm not an Windows guy: my primary OS is an Ubuntu 14.04 LTS and it's running like a charm. I'll look forward to see if I can help other guys with the same barebone. Regards!

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Hi guys, dragonizer here, just joined a few moments ago.

I own 2 laptops and 2 desktops. The laptop I am using is Lenovo Ideapad Y500. The one chucked in the storeroom is a Acer Aspire 4743G. I am aware that both of them is behind time now. But I am a student with very little money and therefore can't invest much in technology. Hope I can learn about more about stuff here.


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i'm a 30 year old tech enthusiast living in Germany. I'm a owner of a Macbook Pro 2012, iMac 2010, iPad 4, iPhone 5, Xbox 360. My first steps to the world of computers was in the early 90's with a 80386. I modfied and build computers from then till now. Around 2010 I make the decision to use Apple products because the benefits of the OS X. I'm a Web Developer and in my thoughts there are better IDEs and better Unix/Linux support with the built-in terminal.

My currently centerpiece is my 2010 iMac which I recently upgraded from Intel Core i5 680 to Intel Core i7 880, 1 TB HHD to 3 TB HDD and a 256 GB SSD (making a Fusion Drive) and the graphics card upgrade to a Nvidia Geforce GTX 780M.

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Hi There,

Im a new father, with a very busy baby, looking for some ways to improve my existing hardware, and take advantage of every bit of performance that it has to offer, as right now I'm on a tight budget and can't afford to upgrade all the time :)

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Hello every member! I joined, like many others, trying to learn how to get rid of that nasty whitelist on my Lenovo Y510p. The Lenovo replaced my beloved Sony Vaio, which is now a full Linux machine, which was initially ditched because the touchpad stopped working :/ And actually to my surprise, when my brother was installing Linux, the touchpad magically started working again...wtf Vaio!!

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