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IdeaFan for y510p y500 G500 Y580 y410p


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73.0% for first GPU, 68.3% for the Ultrabay card. So that's why I can't undervolt as much as you guys, huh? But in the end I can overclock/overvolt higher?

I'm not sure as I've never needed to undervolt my GPU's, but I'm assuming it works both ways, as undervolting is technically just overclocking at a lower voltage. I could push my clocks and voltage a lot higher if I wanted to, but it's only suitable for short benchmark runs. Not practical for real usage and games because I run into a thermal wall pretty quick.

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I don't think it's possible to slow it down more than the default 9 seconds, not unless we get access to the EC to do real fan control. I believe what allstone's app does is start Dust Removal, cancels it after 4.5 seconds, starts it again immediately, cancels after 4.5 seconds, and so on and so forth. The 1 second gap is probably the minimum amount of time it takes to stop and start the Dust Removal command. If that's the case, maybe the best we can do is 8 or 8.5 seconds on, 1 second off. I won't know for sure until this weekend when I look at the AutoHotkey scripting documentation and play around with it. Modifying the script shouldn't be very hard, I just don't have time ATM.

Yes its all in EC. The thing I have noticed is that 2 seconds in between 9s intervals is what causes gpu to heat more than w/o dust function. I tried a lot of different timeouts combinations and it seems that more than 4-5s and after several cycles I still get 2s gaps from time to time (my guess is because of EC design) which still causes gpu to overheat. Would it do any good if i let to modify those intervals for testing purposes? Some of you might find some other sweet spot of sending commands to the EC then maybe.

Sent from my X8 using Tapatalk 2

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@Jerenny, Valley, not Heaven....

What benchmark is not boring for you? Furmark? :D

And yes, it takes time, beacuse if you want co compare coolings, they have to reach working temperature.

After that, you have to eliminate heatup readings, you have to reset hwinfo so all the readings are done during load. And yes, even the screenshot have to be taken during that time.

And you have to sroll down to show gpu readings, cpu is irrelevant in this case. ( almost... )

Notice, there is 3C fluctuation, so thermal load is almost constant, no idle readings to alter average and minimum.

Let me give you an example:


It was taken with 26-28C ambient, CPU is down to 2 cores with HT, max 3.1GHz, to match i5. Laptop is slightly elevated, no external cooling, since we want to compare effectiveness of raised fan speed.

So the upper case is with default fan speeds


There is another 6C is shaved, so if you are near boiling temp, increasing fan speed can help you. Note, this is still without external cooling.


Why do you need to shave more degrees, if you are very far from the maximum? Ok, you can say enthusiasm, i can accept it.

Maybe, strong maybe, i could accept the elevated noise because of high rpm, but hey, this is a laptop, won't be that silent as a watercooled desktop.

But in current state, this pulsating noise is a killer. :(

So if you can do the same as above, extending it with 2 other cases, when laptop cooler is on, we could get a better picture, what can one expect from a cooler, this mod, this mod with a cooler, etc..

To bulk answer all the remaings post since that:

Using high msaa can lead to lower GPU usage, because performance will be narrowed by membus width, and gpu will be bored.

@1V 1124/1350 is stable with 2-3 degrees higher, still under 80.

ASIC is 84/76, so there are similar quality chip like 650m, but it is silicon lottery, some gets better ones.

@1.2V with low ambient i was able to benchmark @ 1.3Ghz, but not usable for 24/7, not just cooling, PSU was about to explode too.


About cooling mods:

With that you are able to squish thermal pads a bit more, so heatsink is touching and/or pushed to gpu better.

Modifying ultrabay fan is a tricky one, a wouldn't recommend that, only if you want to reach 1.2Ghz or higher.

Don't wait for a video tutorial, read that through a few more times, and it will be clear. If don't, feel free to ask.

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Yes its all in EC. The thing I have noticed is that 2 seconds in between 9s intervals is what causes gpu to heat more than w/o dust function. I tried a lot of different timeouts combinations and it seems that more than 4-5s and after several cycles I still get 2s gaps from time to time (my guess is because of EC design) which still causes gpu to overheat. Would it do any good if i let to modify those intervals for testing purposes? Some of you might find some other sweet spot of sending commands to the EC then maybe.

Sent from my X8 using Tapatalk 2

Yep, it's just gonna heat up more unless the gap can be reduced to well under 1 second or removed altogether, not to mention the on-and-off fan noise is quite annoying.

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Yep, it's just gonna heat up more unless the gap can be reduced to well under 1 second or removed altogether, not to mention the on-and-off fan noise is quite annoying.

Unless you or anyone else is up to modifying the EC, it might. But for now it seems we cannot remove that gap because of internal EC controls.

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So I was reading the Embedded Controller for changes when the fan was full speed using your utility.

As you can see it full speed the dword = 002F0000 and idle = 00130000 or less.How do you modify the DWORD as I change it but it does not save.


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So I was reading the Embedded Controller for changes when the fan was full speed using your utility.

As you can see it full speed the dword = 002F0000 and idle = 00130000 or less.How do you modify the DWORD as I change it but it does not save.


Again, EC is locked on y510p. You cannot change it. You can read more in this thread http://forum.techinferno.com/hwinfo32-64-discussion/7207-lenovo-y510p-y410p-exploit-fan-control.html

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I have updated IdeaFan to v1.1. Now it can run also dust function based on temperature readings. I have used OpenHardwareMonitor as it was faster for me to code that in. By default, if you reach 90C (any sensor) it will run dust function. Anything lower will not make much difference, but you can change it.

Also, in ini file you can change timeouts. I have left the previous ones because running for 1 hour Unigine Benchmark 4.0 I get best results with it. If you manage to find better timeout values, tell me - I will test those and update the default ones.

P.S. Btw, does it work for y410p/y500/y400/y480/y580 or these have different energy management drivers?

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What's the temperature difference between this and normal fan speed for you?

When I run unigine benchmark on SLI setup (and cpu is not idle either), I get to 97C degrees and then GPU throttles (I run into it in first 30 min of running intensive game or i.e. unigine benchmark usually, ambient T is ~28C). When I use dust removal, it keeps temperatures about 88-92 and thus my GPU never throttles.

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Works fine on my Y500 with Windows 8 Pro x64 and Energy Management After extensive testing, I've found these are the best IdeaFan settings in the .ini file. I suggest you make these the default.







Best cooling possible with the current EC limitation. 9 seconds on, 0.5-1 second off (bare minimum for it to stop and restart the command). Best of all, it is consistent. The gap never exceeds 1 second and the fans always spin for the maximum possible period of 9 seconds.

Not a huge temperature drop for me personally. -5C/-6C/-4C on primary/Ultrabay/CPU. But if you're prone to overheating and don't mind the extra fan noise, I'd recommend it. And it works a lot better than the infinite loop Dust Removal script I was using before, which actually increased temperatures slightly due to the large 2-second gap.

w/o IdeaFan




P.S. @allstone what's with Chrome flagging your download as malicious? LOL

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Is it possible to run IdeaFan without Open Hardware Monitor? I never use the temperature function and it's kinda redundant having 4 different monitoring programs running at the same time.

Just turn Auto off - it will not start that monitor then.

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I suggest you make these the default.







9 seconds on, 0.5-1 second off (bare minimum for it to stop and restart the command). Best of all, it is consistent. The gap never exceeds 1 second and the fans always spin for the maximum possible period of 9 seconds.

Thanks for testing. For me, for first 30-40 seconds it runs inconsistently, but later on intervals decrease, maybe EC is fooled somehow. Updated defaults in v1.2.

P.S. @allstone what's with Chrome flagging your download as malicious? LOL

Dunno =D Maybe because its meddling with fan speeds where manufacturer *ekhem* lenovo failed to provide us in a first place..

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Just turn Auto off - it will not start that monitor then.

Doh! Thanks. :)

Thanks for testing. For me, for first 30-40 seconds it runs inconsistently, but later on intervals decrease, maybe EC is fooled somehow. Updated defaults in v1.2.

Yeah it takes a little bit before it falls into rhythm, but after that it stays there. Your previous defaults were inconsistent the entire time. ;)

It seems the EC has some sort of memory. For example, if you stop it 5 seconds into a spin cycle, it remembers that, and the next time you start it, fans will only spin for 4 seconds on the first run.

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A couple more findings.


If you want the fans to start hitting the 9s/0.5-1s cadence right off the bat, make sure that the last time you stopped the fans, you did it within that 0.5-1s gap. This is due to the EC somehow remembering where it left off the last time and resuming from there. If you stopped it in the middle of a spin cycle, the next time you run it the fans will be inconsistent inside the first minute before finding their rhythm again. The length of the gap is also determined by last your stopping point. I've gotten it anywhere from basically none (fans spin down and spin up immediately) up to 1s, but it never goes above that.


If you have the fans running, do not right-click on the IdeaFan icon in the taskbar or open any of its dialog boxes. It will mess up the cadence and eventually go back to 9s/2s as long as you keep the menu or window(s) open. Once they're closed, normal fan behavior will resume within a minute. I recommend using the keyboard shortcut to toggle high fan speeds so you never have to click on the taskbar icon.

Seems like a minor issue, but perhaps you can make changes in your program so that clicking the taskbar icon does not alter fan behavior?

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Used and loved it. Way better than Lenovo's standart approach to keeping their computers cool (cut the performance and it'll be cool type of crap). It's far from being a proper cooling method but shame on Lenovo for pushing us to do things like this. Also Internet Explorer on my computer says hi and thanks for being used since the chrome downloading session when i bought my computer. I don't know why Chrome didn't let me download it.

Anyway. Thanks again for the script. I don't have the coding knowledge, but hope to see a nonstop %100 fan speed version later.

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FYI the auto start option doesn't work. It adds an IdeaFan shortcut to the Startup folder but it is automatically blocked by UAC in Windows 8 after log on. I'd recommend creating a startup task for IdeaFan in Task Scheduler if you want it to start with Windows.

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FYI the auto start option doesn't work. It adds an IdeaFan shortcut to the Startup folder but it is automatically blocked by UAC in Windows 8 after log on. I'd recommend creating a startup task for IdeaFan in Task Scheduler if you want it to start with Windows.
IdeaFan has high CPU usage at idle? Goes down to 0% when I start the fans.

Put everything into the improvement list.

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Put everything into the improvement list.

Thanks. Seems like I'm the only one actively testing this software besides you. :D

I was doing some runs of TS Bench last night to gauge current CPU temperatures before repasting my whole system and I discovered something else. When running 32M and 1024M on all 8 threads with IdeaFan running, it will occasionally cause the fans to break rhythm or even stop altogether for more than 2 seconds. I'm guessing it's due to the extreme CPU usage (even dragging windows around stutters) which disturbs background programs such as IdeaFan and makes it inconsistent. Maybe you can verify this behavior yourself when CPU is maxed out, such as when rendering videos or running stress tests. Without extreme CPU load, the fans behave perfectly while playing games or idling on the desktop.

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Thanks. Seems like I'm the only one actively testing this software besides you. :D

I was doing some runs of TS Bench last night to gauge current CPU temperatures before repasting my whole system and I discovered something else. When running 32M and 1024M on all 8 threads with IdeaFan running, it will occasionally cause the fans to break rhythm or even stop altogether for more than 2 seconds. I'm guessing it's due to the extreme CPU usage (even dragging windows around stutters) which disturbs background programs such as IdeaFan and makes it inconsistent. Maybe you can verify this behavior yourself when CPU is maxed out, such as when rendering videos or running stress tests. Without extreme CPU load, the fans behave perfectly while playing games or idling on the desktop.

I have noticed this from the start - when CPU usage is VERY high, the initial setup of 5s works best. But when its not, your 9s works better. Nothing new, but I still changed defaults because when CPU is relatively not high, it works better with your settings. I will use this program in daily basis with you settings from now on, after a week or two well see how it works..

Is there any way to make them constantly running?

Yes, if there is someone who knows how to disassemble the EC program / change it. But for now the answer is NO.

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