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GTX660M - What's Your OC timing ?


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Hi everybody!

I Just installed modified bios - I have Lenovo Y580.

As default there is (in modified bios) 1000MHz on base clock and 2500MHz on memory.

Currently I have set 1260MHz and 3080MHz. (I used NvidiaInspector)

Imo it's very big difference in compared with standard (non GHz) edition.

Really it's so good card for overclocking ?

Meybe Your clockies are higher ? Let me know in this topic.


GPU-z Shows GPU - 1260MHz and Memory - 1540MHz

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Thank You for response, and what about Your temperatures ? I had 88*C max playing Crysis 3 (1680x1050 and optimal set from GeForce Experience) It is "safe" Temperature ? - Im asking cuz it's my 1st laptop, since 2001 I always used Desktop PC.

BTW anybody else ?

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  • 3 weeks later...

93*C is roasting hot. Although the stock cooler on the 660M does a fairly good job with keep the temps in check with OC'ing even the best fan can't keep up. 93*C is dangerously high and I wouldn't recommend using it as a good relativistic benchmark. Ideally you should be hover between 60-70*C, 80*C is pushing it, and >90*C is just asking for trouble.

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  • 2 months later...

So i got a MSI GE60 i760-281FD

GTX660m Stock and OC values are:

CORE 835Mhz OC---> 970Mhz

MEMORY 2500Mhz OC---> 2700Mhz

BOOST 950Mhz OC---> 1085Mhz

Temperatures(replaced the Stock paste with Artic MX-2):

5min Furmark 1920x1080 Burn-In Test

STOCK ---> 85 C° (Fan not Fullspeed)

OC ---> 85 C° (Fan Fullspeed)

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  • 2 months later...

ASUS G46VW (GTX 660m)


Forced Stable (The clock speeds will always be at the speed no matter what.....well, until I reset them):

GPU Clock: 1120 Mhz

Memory Clock: 3125 Mhz

Gaming Temps (Battlefield 4, Thief, Crysis 3, ect):

Load/Active: 70-72 Celcius

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ASUS G46VW (GTX 660m)


Forced Stable (The clock speeds will always be at the speed no matter what.....well, until I reset them):

GPU Clock: 1120 Mhz

Memory Clock: 3125 Mhz

Gaming Temps (Battlefield 4, Thief, Crysis 3, ect):

Load/Active: 70-72 Celcius

Those are some pretty good temps. What fps do you get in bf4 and crysis 3?

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Those are some pretty good temps. What fps do you get in bf4 and crysis 3?

I put in a 1080p screen on my laptop so I really have to bump the thing down. I do just fine with Medium Settings 1080p (Fullscreen) with around 30-35 FPS. It really depends on maps and such. Usually, I do pretty good. Crisis 3, its been a while so I really dont remember. Though at 768p, you can max everything except for Anti-Aliasing (or whatever that setting that renders the game at a larger resolution then shrinks it down to the played resolution).

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except for Anti-Aliasing (or whatever that setting that renders the game at a larger resolution then shrinks it down to the played resolution).

Thats called super sampling anti aliasing. There are other methods of anti aliasing as well.

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Thats called super sampling anti aliasing. There are other methods of anti aliasing as well.

Thanks. I couldnt remember it. I normally just turn it all off except for FXAA since anything other then that lags bad. The GTX 660m has a small bus width so its best to not even have it on.

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  • 1 month later...

MY GTX 660M runs @ 1100/3000

I played Battelfield 3 on "Ultra" (1080p/45FPS) for 2 hours and the max. temp. was 79°C

I dont worry about my GPU temps, but my CPU temps are a little bit high: 90°C

Not the best cooling system

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