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Bring Red Dead Redemption To PC Petition


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I really hate the game become exclusively ¬.¬ it just forces us to buy the console while we are able to play it in computer with maximum setting.

There are too many console-owned good games like metal gear solid, halo, the last of us, final fantasy....

One of the advantage for PC games is the mod, it just amazingly extend the gaming life pan especially for sandbox game like Skyrim and GTA.

Hence Red Dead should come to PC as well to maximize the game utility!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Signed it also. Sad thing is that I used to have a PS3 before I gave it to a friend, and my brother actually gave the game away before I even managed to finish it.. It was definitely one of the better ones out there.

Red Dead Revolver was pretty awesome too.

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  • 3 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I'm pretty sure Rockstar is more focused on the PC release of GTA V and the not as spoken but will most likely happen PS4/XBone releases. We do know they still have Red Dead on their heads since there is an easter egg in GTA V regarding that.

I believe that because of GTA's PC heritage, that series will always have a PC Port and if it's not just for that reason, it's also their golden goose and releasing it on every platform is a no brainer. I'm just pretty sure their trying to milk GTA V on last gen consoles as much as they can before they get buyers to buy the game again for the other platforms. As for Red Dead, the previous title didn't come out for PC (Red Dead Revolver) and I'm not sure if that plays a factor in this. With the exception of The Warriors (not their greatest title), most of their games got a PC port (Bully took awhile). Maybe it's a heritage thing as pointed out earlier? Maybe they think it's too risky to put a cowboy game on PC? Beats me.

Either way - if it comes out for PC, I'm grabbing it!

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