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NVIDIA GTX 700 series - modified VBIOS


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One question guys. I have this issue with my acx sc gtx 780. I recently bought a second card but when i installed it the fans kick to 100% and stays that way as soon as i install the driver or boot into windows. If i go into bios or boot into safe mode it runs fine. So im guessing is a driver issue? Would flashing a modded bios help? Cause atm its on the stock bios

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Yesterday I tried to flash the 780 Classified OC Edition v00 bios to my 780 Classified card. After successful flashing I got major artifacts all over the screen, even outside Windows. Wasn't this supposed to work fine with all A1 stepping 780 Classified cards?

Or do I need to get the v03 version to have the compatible and correctly working bios for my card?

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One question guys. I have this issue with my acx sc gtx 780. I recently bought a second card but when i installed it the fans kick to 100% and stays that way as soon as i install the driver or boot into windows. If i go into bios or boot into safe mode it runs fine. So im guessing is a driver issue? Would flashing a modded bios help? Cause atm its on the stock bios

Sounds like a driver issue.

Hello Guys,

i have a MSI GTX 780 Twin Frozer, the card have the Bios P2083-0021

can someone tell me which mod bios with this card works

Any of the reference 780 80.80.xx vbios should work fine.

hi svl7, do you have any plans to create a 780 ti classified bios. I should be getting mine tommorrow and I can send you the bios. it looks like a lot of people are ordering this card so I think it would be a popular bios. Thanks for your help.

I need the vbios.

Yesterday I tried to flash the 780 Classified OC Edition v00 bios to my 780 Classified card. After successful flashing I got major artifacts all over the screen, even outside Windows. Wasn't this supposed to work fine with all A1 stepping 780 Classified cards?

Or do I need to get the v03 version to have the compatible and correctly working bios for my card?

Well, which stepping do you have?

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Well, which stepping do you have?

GPU-Z claims that the revision is A1, which I believe is the same thing than stepping.

Is there any other way to confirm this?

EDIT: Never mind, solved my problem. I downloaded and flashed the OC Edition v03 for Classified on my card from the attachment in the 1st post on this thread. It's an excellent bios, got rid of all the throttling issues I had with the previous bioses I've tested. It's all good now.

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Here is the normal and LN2 bios for the GTX 780 TI Classified. If you can please mod them that would be awesome. I also wanted to let you know that EVGA has acknowledge that these two bios being shipped with every GTX 780 TI Classified have issues with overclocking and overvolting them past 1.21 with the classified tool, or evbot and is resulting in crashes / BSOD. EVGA has come forward and said that they are working on a new bios for these cards that should fix the issues and will release it when its ready. Nonetheless here are the bios my cards shipped with hope you can fix the issues and mod them.

Thank You

GTX 780 TI Classified Bios.zip

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OK if i understand it correctly, the main thing this bios mod does is allow you to have the card run at whatever speed you want (within OC limits obviously) without the boost interferring?

Cant you do the same thing with a nvidia inspector .bat file?

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Hi there

I have a question, if thats oki

My boy got this gigabyte gtx 780 OC for xmas. He had a gtx 570 before. But when he is playing this LOL game. The FPS droped to almost nothing compare to the old one. BF4 is no problem, only this LOL thing. :)

Can i use one of these ROMs with this new card. And everything will be better/good?.

If so, what file. And what program do i use to update the card with....

Been searching around, but i havent found anything. Maby im bad to search also... :/

Looking forward for any info that can help me out here.


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Hey, will this work on a Gigabyte windforce 780, GV-N780OC-3GD? Or can anybody help me modify mine to up the power target?

Nvm, flashed it and works like a charm. My card throttled at 105% PT even at 1189 and now I can do 1250 no problem. Artifacts at 1300 though...

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registered also for the sole purpose to thank svl7 for his amazing work!

i myself are a proud new owner of a reference evga gtx780. before flashing and brikking my card i wanted to educate myself and join the discussion here... any tipps for me, got mine under custom watercooling loop and atm running roughly 1130 with pt 106 in precision x. i think i can greatly up the speed and memory if i increase the power target... btw bios 80.10.3A.00.80.

thanks guys

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