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NVIDIA GTX 700 series - modified VBIOS


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I have an EVGA 780 FTW - I flashed the bios in the downloads section (Nvidia GTX 780 - 'OC edition' VBIOS (update: v03)) and it really messed up my card, had to flash back Fun process. Is there a more appropriate one to use?

Since you have a aftermarket cooler, you should have tried the Classified ou ACX bios, though you dont specify your problem.

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I don't see why you would need a default voltage of 1.212V to get to 1.3V with MSI AB, that has nothing in common.

Even with the stock vbios you can get to 1.3V with MSI AB.

With only +100mv in AB I just get 1.223v monitoring AB Beta 15 SE

Workaround: When I first set in Nvidia-Inspector +287,5mv and then second in AB +100mv is the result 1,3v

Is this the right way?

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hi svl7 if u want evga gtx 780 ti superclocked orig bios let me know bro:02.47-tranquillity:

Thanks, already have it, unless you have something newer than

With only +100mv in AB I just get 1.223v monitoring AB Beta 15 SE

Workaround: When I first set in Nvidia-Inspector +287,5mv and then second in AB +100mv is the result 1,3v

Is this the right way?

I'm sorry, I'm afraid I can't completely follow your explanation. So if you set the voltage to 1.212V per Nvidia Inspector you can still add another 100mV per MSI AB? But no matter what you can't apply more than 100mV per MSI AB? For me that sounds ike MSI AB has yet some more strange issues.

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You are right that's what I said:

Only using AB +100mv gives me 1.223v (around +100mv more than default voltage of the bios - AB - Monitor is not exactly)


- with default voltage = 1050v I get 1150v with +100mv setting in AB

- with default voltage = 1150 and set +100mv in AB I get 1250v

If I set first (before using AB) voltage in nvidia inspector AB gives me the voltage above! Example :

- Set NI=1212v and after that in AB +50mv I get 1262v

- Set NI=1212v and after that in AB +100mv I get 1,3v

With every Bios Nvidia Inspector gives (max) 1.212v but AB gives (only) +100mv over the default voltage (without using NI before). So if default voltage is only 1.050v using (only) AB I can get no more than 1.150v (1.050v +100mv from AB)

That's is realy mysterious AB

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Okay, now there's one thing I'm curious about... if you use MSI AB and give those additional 100mV does the card still idle at the original 2d voltage?

Also - any idea why you can go only for +100mV? In the reviews I've seen all have been able to go to at least 1.3V with the stock vbios.

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Yes the card idle at original 2D voltage (0,875).

Another interesting point: That's the same behavior Rbby258 AB Voltage Mod works with my card:

If default voltage is 1.050v and I set 100 into the Rbby258 Tool I get 1.150v.

If default voltage is 1.150 and I set 100 into the Tool I get 1.250v.

That's an offset input - equal to the GPU offset input.

Maybe it depends on the new B1 stepping my Lightning works with

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No, that depends on the voltage regulator and how it is controlled. It seems to be a CHiL 8318, with MSI AB you should be able to control it beyond 100mV offset, offset mode really makes no sense and I don't understand how reviewers got the card to 1.30V and up while you only get a 100mV offset.

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vmanuelgm just for the record, how much could you achieve with stock bios?

Those results are great by the way!!! Wish mine would do the same xD

Did not play for long with stock bios. As soon as I saw svl7 bios, I changed to it. I suppose stock bios could reach 1210-1240, depending on card asic/quality..

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Hey, im having a little question here, i wonder if someone has a working Modbios for the GTX 780 Super Jetstream from Palit, the card i have has the the BIOS "80.10.3A.00.07", what i really need is the possibility to increase the powertarget, and maybe raise the vcore to 1.21 or something, so i can clock higher, since i run into powertarget throttling with my 2 cards all the time.

Any help is appreciated alot, thanks.

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Hi there

I have a MSI 780 Gaming Twin Frozr, I downloaded your Nvidia_GTX_780_(EVGA)_80.10.3A.00.82_-_'OC_edition_v03', I used dos nvflash -6 to flash and I have : Ovveride subsystem, I said Yes. Now I have : Board ID mismatch.

Is it because my card is non reference design ?

Thanks a lot

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Will you be creating a bios for the newer cards, I have the EVGA GTX 780 SC ACX. I would be willing to donate for it.



Yes, that's on my list, hopefully tomorrow.

Hey, im having a little question here, i wonder if someone has a working Modbios for the GTX 780 Super Jetstream from Palit, the card i have has the the BIOS "80.10.3A.00.07", what i really need is the possibility to increase the powertarget, and maybe raise the vcore to 1.21 or something, so i can clock higher, since i run into powertarget throttling with my 2 cards all the time.

That card has a custom cooler, right? You could use one of the ACX vbios, that will work, but the fan control might be a bit off for your cooler.

Haven't modified the Jetstream vbios yet.

I have a MSI 780 Gaming Twin Frozr, I downloaded your Nvidia_GTX_780_(EVGA)_80.10.3A.00.82_-_'OC_edition_v03', I used dos nvflash -6 to flash and I have : Ovveride subsystem, I said Yes. Now I have : Board ID mismatch.

Is it because my card is non reference design ?

You probably have a card with a B1 chip. Haven't modified the vbios for that yet. Can you send me a copy of your verison?

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That card has a custom cooler, right? You could use one of the ACX vbios, that will work, but the fan control might be a bit off for your cooler.

Haven't modified the Jetstream vbios yet.

Thanks, the fancontrol is no problem, since im on water anyway :P

Edit: could someone upload me the "EVGA 780 - SC ACX - 80.10.3A.00.81 - 'OC edition v03' " somewhere? i cannot seem to access the attachments, thanks.

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