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[BIOS/vBIOS - MODS] Prema Mod™ & Stock


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Have Anyone a video bios for 8970m graphic card, to make it as a r9 m290x?

I have clevo P170SM

Probably from P170SM-A will work.

Vbios can be downloaded from GPU-Z

Someone help me ? :)

There is no special vBIOS 8970M & M290x share the same. Clevo just changed the name to m290x in the BIOS, that's all.

After all it's the same card since 7970M...

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After 6 month with a macbook pro, (had to go mac route, work related...), I just ordered a P150SM-A. Feels good to be back in PC camp and seeing Prema hard at work for a bios mod for SM-A!!! I hope I can run OS X hackintosh on the SM-A as well.

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Prema - amd catalyst 14.4 and program see my card as 8970m.

No r9 m290x.

I use Your's bios.

As I said Clevo only renamed the cards in BIOS. They are one and the same. If they share a hardware ID that driver would also show 8970M for a M290x...

If not you can update the vBIOS, but I can't promise that it'll work...your choice...PM me if you want to crossflash...

Anyone here with a P370SM-A or P377SM-A who wants to help test something?

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As I said Clevo only renamed the cards in BIOS. They are one and the same. If they share a hardware ID that driver would also show 8970M for a M290x...

If not you can update the vBIOS, but I can't promise that it'll work...your choice...PM me if you want to crossflash...

Anyone here with a P370SM-A who wants to help test something?

I can confirm, there´s no hardware id change for the graphic card. It´s just a rename in the BIOS.

Still what make it show up like M290X is the driver.

If you get the driver from the ATI website any card will show up like 8970, if you get the driver from CLEVO (wich seems to be only modded?) you will get M290X... no diference, no performance change... just a RENAME of the hardware...

Prema can´t help you with a P370SM-A atm, but i can help with a P570WM if you need :P

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M290x have directx 11.2 support and better codec for video

The vbios is a key for that features :)

Its all just marketing. Whatever features they promised you it's all in the driver.

When AMD went from 7970M to 8970M they at least changed the vBIOS, but when they went from 8970M to M290x, they didn't even bother to do that.

The literally renamed it in the system BIOS and driver.

That being said there are newer vBIOS but they are mere bug-fix releases and to support different mxm board revisions and vRAM manufacturer.

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Hello Prema!

I have clevo p151em, and when I go to step2 command to enter to get a message: Not enough memory avilable.

What can be happening? I used the file P151EM_17_11_PM_v2_K2

thank you

(Google Translation)

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Hello Prema!

I have clevo p151em, and when I go to step2 command to enter to get a message: Not enough memory avilable.

What can be happening? I used the file P151EM_17_11_PM_v2_K2

thank you

(Google Translation)

Try to format the USB stick with 'MS-DOS' and not 'free-DOS' or ttry another USB stick.

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DISABLE BATTERY LOW ALARM BEEP for P170SM not working for me when I have less than 5% of battery.

Yeah it just changes it from 10% to 5%. ;)

Haven't even added that function. It is one of the few things you can do in the stock BIOS... :P

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I have this option with status "disabled" in bios, but beeping is al the time when I have that level of battery :(

Maybe ME 9.1.x.x cause this problem?

As I said, that is normal. It doesn't really disables but reduces it from 10% to 5% before it starts to beep.

It's Clevo's stock BIOS option and it never really disabled the beep on any system. It is working on your system as Clevo intended it.

Just set your Windows to hibernate at 6% or 7% and you'll have your peace. :)

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Thank you Prema for such a dedicated work! I'm expecting my Clevo W230SS in the next coming weeks. I just found the Thread and will have to start studying overclocking / undervolting parameters and strategies not to mess up things. Nevertheless my main concern on the updated BIOS is the possibility to tweak cooling strategies to minimize heat effects and noise on normal operation (I've been reading quite a few posts on noise problems).


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Thank you Prema for such a dedicated work! I'm expecting my Clevo W230SS in the next coming weeks. I just found the Thread and will have to start studying overclocking / undervolting parameters and strategies not to mess up things. Nevertheless my main concern on the updated BIOS is the possibility to tweak cooling strategies to minimize heat effects and noise on normal operation (I've been reading quite a few posts on noise problems).


Hey I have a W370SS and on normal usage that fan is absolutely silent, unless you manually set the fan to maximum speed then that's when you start to hear it. (Or if for some reason you're playing a game that the laptop finds resource intensive) (I've yet to play a game and have the fan reach maximum speed)

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Hey I have a W370SS and on normal usage that fan is absolutely silent, unless you manually set the fan to maximum speed then that's when you start to hear it. (Or if for some reason you're playing a game that the laptop finds resource intensive) (I've yet to play a game and have the fan reach maximum speed)

Thanks Lobofly! Well, bare in mind that your machine is 17". the W230SS is 13" and the space is pretty tight on there. Anyway, I can't wait to start playing with this thing.

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I have just installed the latest prema mod BIOS on my W350ST and I am very happy with the improvements overall. Just one question: I now find that when the laptop is plugged in the fan runs ALL the time (at low speed). Is this correct? This is even when there is no load on CPU/GPU.

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Ok I see. Yes not having the crazy fun bursts anymore is excellent! I actually uninstalled the hotkey app ages ago as it didn't seem to do anything useful! what purpose does it serve??

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Hi Prema,

Just downloaded your bios mod for the Clevo W370ST as the fans drive me nuts on this thing plus the lack of bios options.

I tried to extract the rar folder and it asked for a password? where or how do i get the password?


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Hi Prema,

Just downloaded your bios mod for the Clevo W370ST as the fans drive me nuts on this thing plus the lack of bios options.

I tried to extract the rar folder and it asked for a password? where or how do i get the password?


The Pass is: premamod.com


Enviado do meu SM-N9005 através de Tapatalk

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