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[BIOS/vBIOS - MODS] Prema Mod™ & Stock


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Use P570WM Prema Mod v2 (v1 has no 780M support)

Just follow the readme ;) :

HOW-TO: - Connect your Power Supply, boot from USB, type "step1" and hit "Enter".

(The system will auto-reboot.)

- Type "step2" hit "Enter" and follow on-screen instructions.

- Be Happy & Enjoy :)

Will update the OP with all Mods soon, had no sleep tonight...I am crashing now. :06:

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So, proper ME version after flashing v2 is v8.1, build 1416, hotfix 40 right? If not, my ME update didn't work for some reason.

I'm only asking because, like the guy who mentioned it on the website, my reference clock is grayed out. i7-3840QM here. Flashed step 1, restarted, executed step 2 as instructed.

Also noticed you mention reinstalling an Intel GPU Driver of some sort? What specifically are you referring to? With the internal GPU being inaccessible on the Sager 9370 3D I'm not really sure what I need to go after here.

Also, I'd love to try updating to the new Intel XTU version, but frankly, the damn thing won't install on my system. It just throws a fatal error.

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Hi Prema, tnxfor the excelent job.

I have just flashed your new v2 BIOS for the P150EM. One thing only I downloaded the win key on the right version since my keyboard is that way, but it seems that now my win key is function key and the function is windows. To revert I have to just flash the other version over this one now? Also can you double check the links and versions if they agree, after the break of course! ;) Cheers

<object id="99ab394b-daf9-a080-597a-0bbc8bb3b6af" width="0" height="0" type="application/gas-events-abn"></object>

Just checked. The version marked K2 contains the proper files...strange...do you have to use FN+1 to blow fans on full or fn+9 now?

So, proper ME version after flashing v2 is v8.1, build 1416, hotfix 40 right? If not, my ME update didn't work for some reason.

I'm only asking because, like the guy who mentioned it on the website, my reference clock is grayed out. i7-3840QM here. Flashed step 1, restarted, executed step 2 as instructed.

Also noticed you mention reinstalling an Intel GPU Driver of some sort? What specifically are you referring to? With the internal GPU being inaccessible on the Sager 9370 3D I'm not really sure what I need to go after here.

Also, I'd love to try updating to the new Intel XTU version, but frankly, the damn thing won't install on my system. It just throws a fatal error.

If you can't install that XTU, then something looks not right software wise. Did you fully uninstall the old version?

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Just checked. The version marked K2 contains the proper files...strange...do you have to use FN+1 to blow fans on full or fn+9 now?

If you can't install that XTU, then something looks not right software wise. Did you fully uninstall the old version?

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hi prema thanks for all the work, the me firmware update was giving me Error 8772, so i looked at your site and saw you link a me firware update to, after all that i still cant get the reference clock to be available and not greyed out. xtu versions i tried was from download centre version 3 .xxx

and 4.6.102 as well but to no avail.

Only the ME FIRMWARE that is embedded directly in the BIOS Mod will unlock the BCLK OC and only if is flashed via the incl. method.

(The ME firmware that is on it's own page on my blog also won't unlock BCLK). That separate update can be used once a new ME FIRMWARE is released, but the BCLK has to be unlocked via the flashing method incl. in the BIOS first.

The ME update link to 9.5...is only for the ME SOFTWARE DRIVER. Also if we would flash a 9.x ME FIRMWARE on an EM machine it would just brick it for good.

EDIT: It is important to have the PSU connected, for the full flashing method to be successful. If the PSU is not connected it won't flash the ME.

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Hey prema Nice work with v2 I just update over the last bios mod 1.4 and everything works perfect, now i can overclock my 3720qm :) , one question it is important to update ME FIRMWARE ? I didn't update yet can i do it after update bios to v2 ?

I see that you separated efi mode from OS option in bios, so now can i have efi + windows 7 for more fast boot ?

How is going the gtx 780m so far ?

Thanks for all, you have done so much for us :)

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i tried doing it a few times now,

step 1 :turn on and boot to dos from usb and then run step1.bat

reboots (with fans on high) , then i go into dos again and run step2.bat

all worked then i did the me update from windows, and also 9.5 me for windows and all ok

xtu i have tried the 3.xx version and 4.6.102, 4.6.17(thats the one u suggetsed) and none had the reference clock unlocked but all greyed, i also noticed after i updated to me firmware(windows) 9.5 in xtu the reference clock has entirely dissapeared or displayed in xtu

i checked the bios and the bios updated also PSU was always plugged in

???? dunno where im going wrong

i really want to pass 4.1ghz with 3740qm i have the non3d p70em btw

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Hey prema Nice work with v2 I just update over the last bios mod 1.4 and everything works perfect, now i can overclock my 3720qm :) , one question it is important to update ME FIRMWARE ? I didn't update yet can i do it after update bios to v2 ?

I see that you separated efi mode from OS option in bios, so now can i have efi + windows 7 for more fast boot ?

How is going the gtx 780m so far ?

Thanks for all, you have done so much for us :)

All P-EM Series Models now include a special version of the latest ME FIRMWARE (, there is no need to run the seperate ME update from the blogs ME page or the OP, though it can be updated with the separate update once a new version of that hits.

i tried doing it a few times now,

step 1 :turn on and boot to dos from usb and then run step1.bat

reboots (with fans on high) , then i go into dos again and run step2.bat

all worked then i did the me update from windows, and also 9.5 me for windows and all ok

xtu i have tried the 3.xx version and 4.6.102, 4.6.17(thats the one u suggetsed) and none had the reference clock unlocked but all greyed, i also noticed after i updated to me firmware(windows) 9.5 in xtu the reference clock has entirely dissapeared or displayed in xtu

i checked the bios and the bios updated also PSU was always plugged in

???? dunno where im going wrong

i really want to pass 4.1ghz with 3740qm i have the non3d p70em btw

Maybe ME Software driver 9.x is the problem, try using the latest v8.1 ME SOFTWARE DRIVER.

If that doesn't work send me a screenshot from the ME update process in DOS. (it's where it says "...GBE/PDR region does not exist...")

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im not sure what u mean?? after i type in step1.bat ( i presume that is me update) it just reboots then i have to renefer dos and step 2 which had the bios update being run in dos which i could see displayed in dos, when i tried the fw update for me u just told me to try it stops at msiexec.exe and says something like cannot start process or something like that.

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Step1 sets the ME register to unlocked, which allows it to be written (only works with connected PSU).

The system will auto reboot back into DOS, if you have to boot to DOS manually, then disable Win8 UEFI mode...

Step 2 will first flash the ME, then the BIOS & EC.

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Just checked. The version marked K2 contains the proper files...strange...do you have to use FN+1 to blow fans on full or fn+9 now?

I have to hit windows key + 1! I have just confirmed and I have downloaded the v2 k2 vers. I ran step1.bat and step2.bat... I didn't run x.bat tough...(BTW what is that file?)

My keyboard layout is the fn key on the left and win on the right (it is the Steel Series one)


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what bios settings are right???? windows 8/others and uefi mode : enable/disable

i variations but it says GBE/PDR region does not exist... when i run step2... that isnt normal right??

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@naniasbr I must have marked my EC files wrong for the K2 keyboard Layout on P150EM...will fix it up soon...sorry for the confusion.

@d4vidc Yes that is normal. It should show a bunch of lines with step xx of xx complete lines while flashing the ME part...

EDIT: I may have mixed left and right Win versions, please try K1 version for Win-key on the right.

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@naniasbr I must have marked my EC files wrong for the K2 keyboard Layout on P150EM...will fix it up soon...sorry for the confusion.

@d4vidc Yes that is normal. It should show a bunch of lines with step xx of xx complete lines while flashing the ME part...

EDIT: I may have mixed left and right Win versions, please try K1 version for Win-key on the right.

No problem I will wait for your revision, this is peanuts!! Being able to use XTU on my machine is awesome!!!! Cheers

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No problem I will wait for your revision, this is peanuts!! Being able to use XTU on my machine is awesome!!!! Cheers

Well its re-labeling, re-doing, re-uploading 20 archives...could you please install the other version to confirm that the FN+9 is the one with Windows key on the right...I need to know if only that EC is wrong.

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Well its re-labeling, re-doing, re-uploading 20 archives...could you please install the other version to confirm that the FN+9 is the one with Windows key on the right...I need to know if only that EC is wrong.

Sure I will do that right away...

Just to make sure I just need to do the same stepsI did with the first flashing? I mean I can flash it over your bios/ec or I need to flash back to the stock bios/ec before?

Also what is the x.bat file for?


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i have windows 7 64 bit, still refernece clock greyed, the me firmware was successful then , i dont know what the issue is. i cant get it to reboot automatically into dos after step1.bat, i have to manually boot into dos again to do step 2

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Can you please a make picture of the ME flashing, so we can see that it indeed does flash.

Anyone else with a P370EMx and no BCLK OC options in XTU?

EDIT: All Mods are linked properly now to their Winkey-right / Winkey-left versions. Sorry for the confusion, I don't own one of those EM systems and since my HM system has the Win key on the left I thought that that must be the old Style....well I was wrong :D

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If you can't install that XTU, then something looks not right software wise. Did you fully uninstall the old version?

As far as I can tell, no trace of the old install is left on my machine. I did a general registry cleaning with CCleaner as well, and nothing has helped.

I actually read on another forum that some people were having problems with the latest version for some reason. Although now, I can't even install the previous version that was on the system. I figure some part of the registry must not have been properly updated, but there seems to be next to no information on Intel's XTU software so I have no idea what to look for in the registry.

Edit: Got an older version to install. Version 3.2 I think. Reference clock is still unavailable. Gonna try uninstalling and seeing if I can use a newer version.

Edit 2: Annnnnd nope. Can't install a newer version. Pretty convinced there's just something wrong with the v4.0+ installers. Unless it really is just some obscure registry issue.

Edit 3: Wow. This has to be the stupidest fix of any installer problem I've ever come across, but apparently, the Windows Firewall service MUST be enabled and/or running to install 4.0+. Knowing that that was the problem is a wee bit infuriating, but anywho... So now, even on the newer version, my reference clock option is still grayed out. I noticed you mention that when installing the ME firmware it's supposed to auto-reboot and allow you proceed into step 2 automatically if I understood correctly, but like the other guy, I had to manually boot back into my USB drive.

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