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Lets enable overclocking on all 6 and 7 series laptops


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Just out of curious, why would you flash ME8 using software peovided for 7-th version for your chipset?

And how can you be sure that your BIOS doesn't believe that your ME firmware is bricked and that's why it loads without it (and thetefore you got all that)?

I red several threads on the net stating that ME8 was used on 6 series mobo's to enable Ivy Bridge support, so I had quite some expectations that things work. I will ask a friend if I can get a Ivy to test. Maybe Im lucky. :)

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I red several threads on the net stating that ME8 was used on 6 series mobo's to enable Ivy Bridge support, so I had quite some expectations that things work. I will ask a friend if I can get a Ivy to test. Maybe Im lucky. :)

My congrats if it will.

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I red several threads on the net stating that ME8 was used on 6 series mobo's to enable Ivy Bridge support, so I had quite some expectations that things work. I will ask a friend if I can get a Ivy to test. Maybe Im lucky. :)

Have you confirmed that the ME FW is running?

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Lol, I flashed again and after restarting the system wouldn't post at first.. When it did I got a error message saying "End of post message to ME failed" I could enter the BIOS and I guess the ME was pretty messed up this time :Dpost-6549-1449499635502_thumb.jpg And I could not boot from anything to do a reflash.

I ended up desoldering, programming and resoldering the chip again :P

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  • 3 weeks later...

I had now the opportunity to test a ivy bridge in my system and as expected, it failed. After that I ran MEInfo and to my surprise it didnt update the fw. Seems to me that it updated some other parts. Thats probably why my system still booted. While it failed for others. I even included some new microcode in the bios. So sorry for the noise, though I really dont understand what went wrong as windows even detected new hardware after ME flash... post-19235-14494996559583_thumb.jpg

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  • 1 month later...

Hi everyone,

I need some help. I would like to overclock my i7 2960XM cpu wich is in a MSI GT780DX laptop. If I understood right this is possible if I follow the guide in the first post.

This is confused me a little:

"Update 4: SUCCESS by Rhadamanthis on MSI gt780 dxr


Enable your flash descriptor override. Clevo users can use MESET.exe. HP users can use the keyboard sequence "WIN+left_arrow+right_arrow" during POST (got this info from Tech Inferno Fan). ASUS users don't have to do anything since they don't have the lock engaged. The rest of you guys are at this time out of luck."

So where should I start.

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Hi everyone,

I need some help. I would like to overclock my i7 2960XM cpu wich is in a MSI GT780DX laptop. If I understood right this is possible if I follow the guide in the first post.

This is confused me a little:

"Update 4: SUCCESS by Rhadamanthis on MSI gt780 dxr


Enable your flash descriptor override. Clevo users can use MESET.exe. HP users can use the keyboard sequence "WIN+left_arrow+right_arrow" during POST (got this info from Tech Inferno Fan). ASUS users don't have to do anything since they don't have the lock engaged. The rest of you guys are at this time out of luck."

So where should I start.

Oh sorry, forgot to update it saying that MSI doesn't have the lock on as well. You can read and flash whenever you want.

Also you can just link me your firmware and I'll mod it for you. I think there is an unlocked BIOS for your laptop to overclock multipliers as well.

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Oh sorry, forgot to update it saying that MSI doesn't have the lock on as well. You can read and flash whenever you want.

Also you can just link me your firmware and I'll mod it for you. I think there is an unlocked BIOS for your laptop to overclock multipliers as well.

Thank you for your offer I will send you my firmware shortly. I'm flashed an unlocked bios a while ago but i'm not sure the multipliers are unlocked in it. If not, could you unlock.

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Thank you for your offer I will send you my firmware shortly. I'm flashed an unlocked bios a while ago but i'm not sure the multipliers are unlocked in it. If not, could you unlock.

Unlocking multiplier control is usually one of the first things people do to make an unlocked BIOS. So if it's not already done, I can't.

What I can do though is hard set multipliers. If you'd like I can set say x41 for you.

- - - Updated - - -

Hey can you give me a tutorial to use this on my GT70-2OC??? and which files i need?

Would be very nice!! :)

You have an ME9 system. Proper documentation has not been released for your ME FW and chipset.

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Oh sorry, forgot to update it saying that MSI doesn't have the lock on as well. You can read and flash whenever you want.

Also you can just link me your firmware and I'll mod it for you. I think there is an unlocked BIOS for your laptop to overclock multipliers as well.

Which MSI systems does that apply to? My was locked down (16f2).

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I got this when i tried to run fpt:

error 201 cannot be run on the current platform. Please contact your vendor.

Same under DOS or Windows.

Do i need to install first the intel driver from the pack wich is in the first post then run fpt.

MSI GT780DX, chipset: HM67

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It sounds like fpt does not recognize your flash rom or spi flash device. Look up your chips in fpt and check the fparts file in the same folder as fpt and see if it's there. If not the me8 fparts file may contain your chip. The me8 fpt is also backwards compatible with me7 if you want to try that directly. Me8 ftic is not backwards compatible though.

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Thank you for your help Khenglish. me8 fparts file contain my chip. W25Q32BV, 0xEF4016

me8 fpt error:

Error 26: The host CPU does not have read access to the target flash area. To enable read access for this operation you must modify the descriptor settings to give host access to this region.

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Thank you for your help Khenglish. me8 fparts file contain my chip. W25Q32BV, 0xEF4016

me8 fpt error:

Error 26: The host CPU does not have read access to the target flash area. To enable read access for this operation you must modify the descriptor settings to give host access to this region.

Try running the meset.exe file that I have in the first post for clevo systems. It may work on msi since both use an ami bios. If not then we have to give up unless you get an spi programmer and desolder your me fw flash rom.

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XTU BCLK adjustment -> what is it doing? Can we get Throttlestop to do it instead?

Wondering.. has anyone debugged XTU to figure out what the BCLK over/underclocking code is doing? As XTU has been a bit hit-and-miss in terms of getting it installed and working it would be great if Throttlestop could be enhanced with BCLK adjustment instead.

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XTU BCLK adjustment -> what is it doing? Can we get Throttlestop to do it instead?

Wondering.. has anyone debugged XTU to figure out what the BCLK over/underclocking code is doing? As XTU has been a bit hit-and-miss in terms of getting it installed and working it would be great if Throttlestop could be enhanced with BCLK adjustment instead.

Adjusting bclk requires writing to the nvram section on the bios flash rom via me fw functions. It's a lot of work.

For me installing xtu 4.0 or older with the mei driver installed always gets bclk working.

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Adjusting bclk requires writing to the nvram section on the bios flash rom via me fw functions. It's a lot of work.

For me installing xtu 4.0 or older with the mei driver installed always gets bclk working.

Strange. MEI interface driver doesn't appear with my i7-3740QM. The CPU does supposedly have VPRO support.

First, big thanks to Khenglish for modding the ME FW for me! I didn't think there would be any chance of overclocking my machine (HP Elitebook 2570p) but I was wrong! :Banane11:

Here's the detailed info on how to flash and were to get the modded BIOS.

So after flashing I still couldn't see the reference clock slider in XTU. So, I reinstalled it a few times and eventually used one of the older versions. Dunno what exactly did the trick, maybe an older version, a number of reinstalls but it got unlocked in the end! Previously the CPU was locked at 38-39W and 3.4ghz on all cores, but as you can see from the screenshot below it can now hold 3.55Ghz @40W and 104.8BCLK!!!

Am in the same boat. Flashed the 2570P BCLK ME overclocking firmware and afterwards the BCLK slider disappeared. Tried installing XTU 3.1, 3.2, 4.0, 4.2. None making it reappear. There's talk in this thread that the BIOS itself has XTU-enabling flags. I'm running 2570P F.42. Can you advise what version of bios you have on yours?


What I've discovered it that flashing the supplied 2570P overclocking ME firmware at http://forum.techinferno.com/hp-business-class-notebooks/2537-12-5-hp-elitebook-2570p-owners-lounge-12.html#post65904 broke my ME firmware. The alarm was raised when the ME 'key' system tray icon failed to appear. I then went into my BIOS doing a 'reset bios defaults' and 'unconfigure AMT'. After which my system rebooted with a ME FW error.

I then flashed back my original ME and re-tried those changes in BIOS and now the 'unconfigure AMT' did boot and give a "unconfigured ME" type bios message which was reassuring. In addition, XTU 4.x now once again has the reference (BCLK) slider appearing BUT is grayed out.

Wondering if the system's own ME firmware must be modded rather than using a pre-modded one from someone else even if they are the same system?

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I had F.41 when flashed ME FW but updated to F.42 later on. I think you have to reinstall XTU several times to get the BCLK slider. Not sure if that makes any difference but I also did a complete power cycle of the machine between the installs.

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Try running the meset.exe file that I have in the first post for clevo systems. It may work on msi since both use an ami bios. If not then we have to give up unless you get an spi programmer and desolder your me fw flash rom.

Unfortunately not working. I typed in the command line MESET hit enter and nothing happened.

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