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  1. Sometimes, our Computer becomes very slow and gives tough time to make work on it. This makes slow because of hard drive holding the plenty of data, files. So, to make faster speed clear the some space. Some background applications or programs running make computer slow. Remove or disable any TSRs and startup programs that automatically start each time the computer boots. Scan for Malware and Adware, if your system infected by them. Uninstall Programs You Don’t Use
  2. I have several questions on upgrading my M18X R2. My rig's GPU is 680m and video ram is 2GB. It's a relic :p So I will change it to 980m. 1. Is it working on windows 7? (If it works, legacy or UEFI mode?) 2. Is 980m /w G-sync compatible with my rig? 3. Are there any compatibility issues with M18X R2 and Windows 10? I tried to find useful information far as I can do, but my English ability sucks :S Guys, please help me!
  3. Hi! I registered for the specific topic. So, the big question for which I found no answer in internet. Windows 7 on Intel Core 8th generation. Officially, Intel supports windows 7 up to 6th generation. Unofficially, with an easy trick up to 7th generation. The question is, how can we make it work on 8th generation? I installed windows 7 Ultimate 64bit on my new DELL Inspiron 5770 high end non-gaming 17 inch laptop, without any issue apart from the integrated GPU (Intel UHD Graphics 620). This also blocks the functionality of the AMD Graphics card too. So, since for many reasons I want to have windows 7 instead of windows 10 or Linux, I did my best but I got stuck. I created a hybrid driver from 2 different versions of official Intel drivers, the latest, which supports this iGPU, but only on Windows 10 and the last windows 7 compatible, which does not include support for the specific 8th gen processor/graphics card, since it is newer. I mixed some files and also edited the inf file from the old driver. I will share with you what I did, so that someone who has knowledge might get 100% functionality. I get only partial. So, here is my guide. 1. Download the last Win7 compatible driver from Intel for HD Graphics. It is the version win64_15.45.19.4678 2. Download a newer version which is win10 only but contains the driver for your processor. In my case, Intel Core i7 8550U with DEV_5917. I downloaded the latest driver. 3. Make copies/backup of both folders and save elsewhere before starting editing. 4. Unzip both. From the unzipped ones, go to the new driver folder, then Graphics, then copy all components and paste in the Graphics folder of the old ( version. Note; So far in my case I didn't play a role if I replaced the same names of the old files with the new ones or skipped them to keep the old ones. Exception; do NOT replace the igdlh64.inf file and the igdumdim32.dll 5. Find the DEV number of the processor. Device Manager (from Control panel or search), right click on generic VGA Adapter, properties, details, ID. 6. Open the igdlh64 file (with a notepad) from the new version (Graphics folder) find the DEV number under windows 10 and copy the whole line. 7. Paste it under the Windows 7 section in the igdlh64 file of the old driver and correct the ikbl win10 with iskl win7 (known trick for 7th gen). 8. Copy all lines that include the 4-digit number from the igdlh64 file from the new driver and paste in the respective sections of the igdlh64 of old driver. In the end of the text, also add the name of the driver as a label, eg Intel UHD Graphics 620. 9. Install the modified old driver (win64_15.45.19.4678) and reboot. 10. After reboot. Copy the igdumdim32.dll file from the Graphics folder of the new version and paste it to the C:\Windows\SysWOW64 replace the existing files This way, I get all resolutions, full brightness, colour, contrast etc control of the display, intel graphics control panel, full windows 7 effects (aero glass etc), but I dont actually get video support (apart from 3rd party software, like VLC/GOM player which even play 4K video smoothly), 3d applications are not functional, I dont get hardware acceleration etc. I concluded that the solution is to edit the igdumdim32.dll file, so that I copy elements from the new version to the old one. This way, theoretically, it should work. Anyone who has experience with driver and dll modification???
  4. Hi! I registered for the specific topic. So, the big question for which I found no answer in internet. Windows 7 on Intel Core 8th generation. Officially, Intel supports windows 7 up to 6th generation. Unofficially, with an easy trick up to 7th generation. The question is, how can we make it work on 8th generation? I installed windows 7 Ultimate 64bit on my new DELL Inspiron 5770 high end non-gaming 17 inch laptop, without any issue apart from the integrated GPU (Intel UHD Graphics 620). This also blocks the functionality of the AMD Graphics card too. So, since for many reasons I want to have windows 7 instead of windows 10 or Linux, I did my best but I got stuck. I created a hybrid driver from 2 different versions of official Intel drivers, the latest, which supports this iGPU, but only on Windows 10 and the last windows 7 compatible, which does not include support for the specific 8th gen processor/graphics card, since it is newer. I mixed some files and also edited the inf file from the old driver. I will share with you what I did, so that someone who has knowledge might get 100% functionality. I get only partial. So, here is my guide. 1. Download the last Win7 compatible driver from Intel for HD Graphics. It is the version win64_15.45.19.4678 2. Download a newer version which is win10 only but contains the driver for your processor. In my case, Intel Core i7 8550U with DEV_5917. I downloaded the latest driver. 3. Make copies/backup of both folders and save elsewhere before starting editing. 4. Unzip both. From the unzipped ones, go to the new driver folder, then Graphics, then copy all components and paste in the Graphics folder of the old ( version. Note; So far in my case I didn't play a role if I replaced the same names of the old files with the new ones or skipped them to keep the old ones. Exception; do NOT replace the igdlh64.inf file and the igdumdim32.dll 5. Find the DEV number of the processor. Device Manager (from Control panel or search), right click on generic VGA Adapter, properties, details, ID. 6. Open the igdlh64 file (with a notepad) from the new version (Graphics folder) find the DEV number under windows 10 and copy the whole line. 7. Paste it under the Windows 7 section in the igdlh64 file of the old driver and correct the ikbl win10 with iskl win7 (known trick for 7th gen). 8. Copy all lines that include the 4-digit number from the igdlh64 file from the new driver and paste in the respective sections of the igdlh64 of old driver. In the end of the text, also add the name of the driver as a label, eg Intel UHD Graphics 620. 9. Install the modified old driver (win64_15.45.19.4678) and reboot. 10. After reboot. Copy the igdumdim32.dll file from the Graphics folder of the new version and paste it to the C:\Windows\SysWOW64 replace the existing files This way, I get all resolutions, full brightness, colour, contrast etc control of the display, intel graphics control panel, full windows 7 effects (aero glass etc), but I dont actually get video support (apart from 3rd party software, like VLC/GOM player which even play 4K video smoothly), 3d applications are not functional, I dont get hardware acceleration etc. I concluded that the solution is to edit the igdumdim32.dll file, so that I copy elements from the new version to the old one. This way, theoretically, it should work. Anyone who has experience with driver and dll modification???
  5. Hello, I need help trying to put my setup to work. I recently purchased an Akitio Thunder 2 with a GTX 1050 ti Superclocked to implement it as an eGPU for my system. I have a Macbook Pro 15” mid 2012. I’m not interested in using it with OS X (I’ve read that there is not much support by Apple for Nvidia cards Series 10). My main goal is to use it using Windows 8.1. I had some trouble with the initial connection as Windows recognized the external card but it gave me error code 12. I already got rid of the error 12 problem. The situation now is that I connected a second display through the HDMI port of the eGPU and activated it using the Nvidia Control Panel. After a restart I choose to boot windows 8.1 again but the two displays get hanged with black screens and I only see the cursor. Anybody has had this problem and was able to fix it? I did some further testing, decided to boot up with the eGPU connected but without the HDMI cable plugged. I was able to log in to Windows and the eGPU got recognized in device manager, but then I connected the HDMI cable and for one second I saw my Macbook screen displayed in the external monitor, then both screens hanged again with black screens only showing the cursor. I’m exhausted of experimenting and seeing no positive results... My goal is to be able to use the eGPU with the internal monitor of the Macbook (if that is possible with my system). If not, I would like to know how I can set it to work with a second display. I will be very grateful if somebody can help me... Sorry for the long post.
  6. Good day, I am the owner of a used m18x r2 struggling to build it back up into a functional machine. The previous user had his system installed in RAID mode which won't suffice for my desired SSD boot speeds. I've ensured that both AHCI and UEFI are active in the A11 BIOS. I have also ensured to clean the main drive via diskpart CMD upon custom installing my copy of Win 7 Ultimate. Oddly enough, when the setup completes, I'll get an error message stating windows can't finish configuring and needs to restart. Heeding this message will only cause it to happen again on the next reboot, so CMD to the rescue and creating and off to making user account I go. Unfortunately, boot speeds are as slow as ever and I've verified that no RAID controllers have been left installed in the device manager. So far, my only potential lead is that I've noticed during each boot, Windows mentions that "Setup Is Updating Registry Settings" after about of minute of Starting Windows. I've been researching this exact string but I can't say I've found a concrete solution to attempt just yet. So here I am, requesting for advice as to what I should check next. Thanks in advance! EDIT: I've tried out a new install accessing the CD through legacy but still keeping the SDD Boot drive on UEFI mode. So far haven't had to mess with CMD anymore to proceed nor has the Setup needed to Update Registry Settings. I also remembered to install the intel rapid storage driver. Alas, I'm still left with 2 minute boot times(particularly on the Starting Windows screen), so the problem still remains. EDIT2: Diagnosing with a Boot Manager, I discovered it takes about a minute before svchost even starts running. So with that, I ruled out it wasn't a software problem. I then decided on the possibility that maybe the other drives could be interfering with booting. Pulling out the other HDDs had no effect, but the actual culprit was the mSATA SSD that was left in from the last user. Now I can enter windows in 3 seconds! Even fishier, this mSATA drive says its 32 GB but Speccy says its a 1GB drive. But that's a problem for another time, at last my 850 EVO is showing off its expecting speeds.
  7. Hello guys The post is about Windows AutoPilot. I found this article very interesting, very useful and saves a lot of time of settings, so I decided to share, to those interested, follow the link to the article. Good week to everyone ... https://blogs.technet.microsoft.com/windowsitpro/2017/06/29/modernizing-windows-deployment-with-windows-autopilot/
  8. I have Lenovo e540 with an EXP GDC Beast 8.4d and a GTX 660. The nvidia display driver crashes with a black screen for a few seconds when launching some games or when the egpu is used for a while, it sometimes will recover My external power supply is 350W and the card has a power consumption of 140W so I do not think this is a power issue. "Event 4101 Display driver nvlddmkm stopped responding and has successfully recovered." What I have tried: A GTS450 instead of the GTX 660. Setting the PCIe port to Gen 1 in egpu setup. Setting the PCIe port to Gen 2 in egpu setup. Setting the Nvidia power management to maximize performance in the Nvidia control panel. Going back to the driver version 327.23, I got a blue screen instead of a crash when using this version. Disabling HDMI audio in the Nvidia control panel. Any suggestions or advice on this issue? Thank you
  9. Hi all, I have a macbook pro 15 inch retina mid-2015. I joined a Aikitio thunder2 with a graphics card GTX 1070 but there are problems with the internal monitor of my macbook. first of all we will list the specific to this topic. my macbook is equipped with two graphics cards, an integrated and a dedicated, integrated is an intel iris pro graphics while one dedicated is an amd radeon r9 m370x 2 GB gddr5, and obviously the eGPU GTX 1070. the problem is that with the external monitor connected via hdmi to egpu doesn't show any problem while using the internal monitor that should take the video signal from the thunderbolt has lagged. Mafia 3 with settings on external monitor turn 54 fps while on internal monitor turn 9 fps!!! i have windows 10 on bootcamp. There is not much difference and it occurs to me that the problem is the thunderbolt. members of tech hell please help me!
  10. Hi all, I have a macbook pro 15 inch retina mid-2015. I joined a Aikitio thunder2 with a graphics card GTX 1070 but there are problems with the internal monitor of my macbook. first of all we will list the specific to this topic. my macbook is equipped with two graphics cards, an integrated and a dedicated, integrated is an intel iris pro graphics while one dedicated is an amd radeon r9 m370x 2 GB gddr5, and obviously the eGPU GTX 1070. the problem is that with the external monitor connected via hdmi to egpu doesn't show any problem while using the internal monitor that should take the video signal from the thunderbolt has lagged. Mafia 3 with settings on external monitor turn 54 fps while on internal monitor turn 9 fps!!! There is not much difference and it occurs to me that the problem is the thunderbolt. members of tech inferno please help me!
  11. Hi All, We can Unlock the last bios and vbios for ovc the gtx950m of Asus N552VX ? would nice! Specification Notebook Backup bios with afuwinx64 Thanks in Advance If i try to get a backup bios of gtx950M i get this error: (c) 2017 Microsoft Corporation. Tutti i diritti sono riservati. C:\WINDOWS\system32>cd C:\Users\Stefano\Desktop\NVFlash_Certs_Bypassed_v5.287_x64 C:\Users\Stefano\Desktop\NVFlash_Certs_Bypassed_v5.287_x64>nvflash -b backupbios.rom NVIDIA Firmware Update Utility (Version 5.287.0) Modified Version By Joe Dirt Adapter: GeForce GTX 950M (10DE,139A,1043,1C9D) H:--:NRM S:00,B:01,D:00,F:00 WARNING: Debug port will be disabled during EEPROM access. The display may go *BLANK* on and off for up to 10 seconds during access to the EEPROM depending on your display adapter and output device. Command failed to complete mailbox0 = FFFFFFFF Command id:000A Command: NV_UCODE_CMD_COMMAND_PREP failed Command Status:NV_UCODE_CMD_STS_NONE Error: NV_UCODE_ERR_CODE_CMD_TIMEOUT Identifying EEPROM... Command failed to complete mailbox0 = FFFFFFFF Command id:0002 Command: NV_UCODE_CMD_COMMAND_EID failed Command Status:NV_UCODE_CMD_STS_NONE Error: NV_UCODE_ERR_CODE_CMD_TIMEOUT ERROR: Error: Display adapter's EEPROM ID process failed C:\Users\Stefano\Desktop\NVFlash_Certs_Bypassed_v5.287_x64>
  12. Hello people of Tech Inferno. I am trying to get my laptop withing with an eGPU, i have: Lenovo e540 laptop, EXP GDC Beast 8.4d with mPCIe connector, Nvidia GTS 450, Power X3 450W PSU, eGPU setup 1.30 Initially I would get a black screen when trying to boot with the eGPU connected and when trying with plugging the mPCIe connector in during boot I got this error: "0187: EAIA data access error. 2201: Machine UUID is invalid." Connecting the GPU to an external monitor has no effect. I got around this by putting tape on one of the pins as per this post. After that I no longer get the black screen but windows 7 does not detect the GPU, the fan on the GPU still spins when the laptop turns on and there is a green light on the EXP GDC. I followed the guide on this post but I got this BSOD once rebooting after applying the DSDT override in step 2: "The BIOS in this system is not fully ACPI compliant. Please contact your system vendor for an updated BIOS. Technical information: ***STOP: 0x000000A5 (0x0000000000000006,0xFFFFFA80066BCD50,0xFFFFFA8007103CAB,0XFFFFFA80074FD340)" Does anyone have and suggestions or advice? Thank you in advance. UPDATE: Was able to get Win 7 to detect the GPU when swapping the mPCIe connector while in sleep mode but now I have error 12. UPDATE: Tried the DSDT override guide here but loading dsdt-modified.aml as a registry override causes a blue screen and setup 1.3 hangs when loading the dsdt-modified.aml as an in-memory substitution, it does not hang when the SATA mode is changed from AHCI to Compatibility but it is too fast for me to tell what it does and it causes windows to freeze on boot once it is done with no effect on memory for the next boot. Got it working, just trying to get the laptop to switch to the eGPU now.
  13. Hello guys! So my setup works finally, but with on major flaw: whenever I want to get into "gaming mode" - meaning using the eGPU, my only working solution and method is 100% working, however takes ages - Without egpu, boot to windows, uninstall all nVidia drivers Reboot to macOS, turn on egpu, wait around 10 sec, plug it in, run the automate-egpu.sh script, then again in -a mode turn off mac, shutdown egpu, wait until there's no green light, unplug. plug the thunderbolt cable back in, boot to windows without egpu connected, open device manager, turn on egpu, after 10 sec hotplug, see it gets recognized, re-install drivers. turn off mac, shutdown egpu, wait until there's no green light, unplug. plug in the egpu, boot to boot selection, after the cursor is move-able, power on the egpu, boot to windows (if it would freeze w/ black screen or infinite spinning wheel, force shutdown and do step 6. again) after getting to Windows, voila, it's alive. Additional 8th step - whenever I turn off my laptop, I have to re-do everything. +1 : I always use the closest thunderbolt port to the magsafe port. So the question is, did anyone found out a way of booting 100% succesfully without having to reinstall the geforce driver all the time? I mean since my macbook is the most problematic one, even I have a gtx 10x0 series, I should be happy of this method working at least, I'd still love to fasten up the process. ps.: I'm thinking about a solution, what would somehow reset all the caches/temp files of the driver itself when shutting down everything, if there would be a way for doing that, I would try it right away, and post an update. Would it help at all, or should I just keep reinstalling everytime? Thanks, Samu
  14. Microsoft has released on March 8, 2017 another mysterious update ‘Microsoft – WPD – 2/22/2016 12:00:00 AM – 5.2.5326.4762’ for Windows 7, 8,1, 10. Some users are reporting issues with mobile devices after installing this update. Here are a few details. The abbreviation WPD stands for Microsoft Windows Portable Devices. WPD drivers enables the communication with connected mobile devices and storage media. WPD driver should exchange Windows Media Device Manager (WMDM) and Windows Image Acquisition (WIA) drivers for mobile devices and scanners. Currently I haven’t found details about that update on Microsoft’s web pages. At TenForums is a longer discussion about this package. Weighting the experiences with previous INTEL driver updates, my recommendation is, to block installation of this package.
  15. Hey everyone! I was wondering if anyone has some ideas or experience with the Razer Core on Windows 10 via BootCamp. I have a late 2013 MacbookPro attached to a Razer core via the apple Thunderbolt 2/3 connector and a gigabyte 980 ti in the Core. It works on OSX however when I switch over to BootCamp, the core doesn't even show up in the device manager. I have tried various things with drivers, installing windows 8.1, plugging the core in at different times during the boot sequence, and a couple of other things but nothing so far has worked. Even though it doesn't show up in the device manager, it still will occasionally cause problems during the boot sequence and the core/card powers on and makes noise while windows is running. I'm lost as to what else to try and would love some input.
  16. I am having trouble setting up my egpu for a Dell Inspiron 15R-5521. I can't get it to detect my egpu. I have egpu setup 1.30 installed on a usb drive but I can't get it to chainload to windows. It works fine if I plug it into my destop PC so I know it's not the egpu board. The only thing I can think of is to reformat the hard drive to mbr instead of gpt, but I don't want to do that if I don't have to. Please help. Notebook 15" Dell Inspiron 15R-5521 i5-3337U 1.8GHz CPU 8GB RAM Intel HD4000 iGPU Windows 10 eGPU hardware ELEGIANT PCI-E USB 3.0 EVGA GTX750Ti video card Corsair CX 500 PSU Samsung External Display
  17. Hi folks! Thank you all for the great resources here. With your help I've been able to get up and running with my eGPU fairly easily on my Dell Precision m4800 (details below) with an EVGA 1070 FTW. My question is when I boot up with both the internal and external GPUs enabled, the fans crank up to 100% on the external card and I'm unable to control the fan speed with SpeedFan or the EVGA Precision app. I found that if I disable the built-in card (K2100M) via the Device Manager and reboot, then the fans run properly on the external unit. The fans on this card are almost as loud as a rack server when running at full blast! While this work-around gets me up and running, it's a bit obnoxious when I switch between gaming and working. Has anyone else run into a similar situation with their setups? Thanks! Dell Precision m4800 Core i7-4800MQ 8G RAM Windows 10 Pro 1607 Nvidia Quadro K2100M (internal card) EVGA Nvidia GTX 1070 FTW DT EVGA 850p2 supply for the card PE4C-EC060A V3.0 Nvidia Driver 375.95 Direct3D 12 No BIOS mods made, just installed the updated drivers, plugged in the card and rebooted. Works great even though the card is definitely overkill for the ExpressCard buss (but I can throw it in a desktop when I need to).
  18. Hey tech inferno, I started my eGPU/docking station project a little while ago, using a cooler master elite 120 white as the enclosure, an akitio board, a gtx 970, and a 1tb samsung ssd (for external windows 10). Everything is powered by a 650 watt evga power supply, and the akitio is connected with a soldiered barrel plug to a chopped molex cable. The first time I tested it with a 750ti (before buying a 970) everything just worked. I pugged the thunderbolt in while windows was booted, and installed the latest drivers. The screen flickered, and that was it. Done. Everything worked. Optimus worked flawlessly, external monitor worked flawlessly, frame rates were amazing (for a macbook) and my computer itself stayed cool. I immediately returned my friend's 750ti and bought a 970. Once I got around to installing it I was at college, but it was the same as before. Once I got the computer to recognize the card (in device manager), I installed the drivers, the screen flickered, and everything worked, just faster. I had a blast playing some games that I had been missing while working on the project. For several days I was able to either connect the egpu by plugging it in while the computer was off, turning on the power supply, waiting 15 seconds, and then booting, holding alt, and booting onto my external ssd; or just booting into windows and then hotplugging my egpu. It always worked, and it was better than I ever expected. Then, one day, I came back after class, and nothing worked. No hotplugging, no successful boots, and no accelerated video. Once in a while I could get it to boot, but when it did that it was only because it didnt recognize the card at all, and just used iris pro. Can someone help me get my setup working again? My laptop is the 2015 macbook pro 15" (for which there are few guides). I'm hoping someone else has overcome this problem. I have tried reinstalling drivers, but it no longer freezes the screen and works, it instead requires me to restart, and when I do, it breaks. Major karma to anyone who helps me out. I can put pictures (or video of boot failures) if someone wants me to. thanks! -Hunter
  19. Hi, Long time member and even longer a lurker. I've modded and OC'ed various GPU's using the vbios' shared in the forums, however I'm having problem with the 970M 3gb, which I've gathered recently from ebay. I hope it hasn't been asked a zillion times. I bought a 970M 3gb model which goes by the model name MS-1W0J1, and been trying to get it working on an Alienware M18x r2. I've successfully installed the card and it seemed to work plug and play. The card is recognised by BIOS and I get video output in startup menus, both in EFI and LEGACY modes(I'm using Swick's latest bios for this model). However, there seems to be a problem when installing the Geforce drivers(both 380&390) in Windows 10, as the screen goes black instantly when the driver has been updated. I can't get any video output in Windows, and the only option is to switch to integrated card and remove the drivers. I've seen different mods and modded vbios' for 970M cards, but none seems to be for the 3gb model. I wonder if there is a way to set-up this card on this hardware and flash a compatible CLEVO vbios to get it running without issues. Current vBIOS is attached. Thanks in advance, Wejgomi GM204.rom
  20. Is there a way to use eGPU on external display with lid closed in Windows 10? Because if I close the lid now, the system starts lagging badly. Even simple animations like opening a folder or making a selection with a mouse are dramatically slow. How to eliminate this performance drop, when closing a lid?
  21. Hi, I would like to share my eGPU experience with EXP GDC V8 ExpressCard on my W520, Quad core i7, 12GB RAM, Quadro 2000M 2GB dedicated VRAM, Windows 10 Pro 64bit. last month after weeks of fails and errors, (specially the famous Error 43), i finally got my EXP GDC running using mPCIE version with NVIDIA Quadro 4000 for Mac (yes, for Mac!) I make it works by setting the PTD switch to 7s. But by the time Windows successfully detect my Q4000 i straught away hook up my external monitor (EIZO CG245W 24-inch) to my eGPU, then the system blinks, i assume it detect a display signal. but it wasnt. And my W520 suddenly shutdown. And i can not make it work again. Even after hundreds of time reinstall-uninstall NVIDIA Drivers with DDU it wont make it work again. So, at this point i switch the GPU to my Quadro 6000 6GB GDDR5, and repeat the last success process. Nothing happened. Our good friend Error 43 back again and stay there forever. In my desperate time, i finally ordered the ExpressCard signal Cable. While waiting it's enroute somewhere in China, I test the EXP GDC with my AJA Kona 3G 4K I/O Video Capture Card, and hey it's working! i can do Edit & Realtime Preview 4K RAW video files thru the card flawlessly, It utilized the card's hardware encoding, (4K RAW files from ARRI & RED Camera) as well as output 16-Channels 192KHz Audio signal from my DAW. (no additional 6-pin power required for this card) Then i test my both Quadro 4000 & Quadro 6000 GPU back to my HP Z800 workstation, guess what? They're both bricked! It received power, but system cannot boot up. Beeping. means GPU is faulty. The next day, my AJA Kona 3G card also bricked! Today the ExpressCard signal cable finally arrived along with my 6-pin + 6+2 pin, but again, when i use the ExpressCard setup it doesnt do anything. No power comes in to the EXP GDC. My 500W ATX PSU is running though, but the LED indicator on the EXP GDC not lit. i set the slot to Generation 1 power mode in BIOS. So, I've tried both mPCIe and ExpressCard on W520 with nothing but frustrations. Did i miss anything here? I appreciate any workaround on this. Since i've never found any eGPU setup with W520 anywhere in the net. specially using ExpressCard & a High end Quadro GPU. Here's my last config that i've managed to make Q4000 work: mPCIe method: BIOS: Whitelist latest BIOS 1.42 Power Management: Both for Processor and PCI set to Disabled Display Mode: Integrated Graphic OS Detection Mode for Optimus Graphic: Disabled PXE Boot and all Network Boot options including PCI LAN Boot order : Disabled Win 10: Device Manager: System Detect eGPU, Error 43 Uninstall NVIDIA Driver with DDU (safe mode) Reboot Check BIOS first, usually it will set back the Display to Optimus Mode, i Let it Boot in OPTIMUS MODE Make sure Graphic Card(s) is detected in Device Manager as a 'Basic Microsoft Display Adapter' Install Quadro driver for both Discreet Graphic & eGPU Reboot to BIOS Display Mode: Integrated Graphic OS Detection Mode for Optimus Graphic: Disabled Quadro 4000 for Mac successfully detected in Device Manager. Plug my external monitor to eGPU GPU Bricked ExpressCard Method: Same as mPCIe method ExpressCard Power mode: Generation 1 Nothing happened eGPU setup: EXP GDC Beast V8 500W ATX PSU DELL 220W Power Adapter (backup for small cards) PCIe 6pin+6pin+2 auxiliary power cable (backup spare) ExpressCard Signal Cable mPCIe Signal Cable [IMPORTANT NOTE]: You will know your graphic card is working fine when you power on your laptop, normally all Quadro cards fan spin at normal speed, then it will spin faster/accelerate for 3-4 sec at Windows logo, means the system & OS detects your card then it back to normal fan speed. During the setup, i often get my Quadro 4000 fan spin so freakin fast. Faster then the POST boot init, but then back to normal speed Bricked Quadro Graphic Card: Quadro 4000 Fan spin fast forever, while Quadro 6000 stays low speed. Thanks a lot!
  22. Hi! I've currently got my Akitio Thunder 2 + MBPr setup working beautifully with Windows 10 - except for one annoying issue. Sometimes when I boot up Windows 10, the OS will try to output on the output of my eGPU (GTX 960) instead of the internal display. This means that I can't log into the OS and that I have to force-reboot. Sometimes I time the bootup correctly, and everything works perfectly, but sometimes it doesn't - which is very annoying. Do any of you guys know a way to force Windows 10 to use the internal display - always - even if an eGPU is plugged in (basically forced Optimus)?
  23. hi all. i just downloaded a large video file which is in rar format. when i try to open file winrar says that the archive is either unknown format or damaged. is there anyway to repair this problem? any help would be great.
  24. One month ago, i've started my first eGPU project. I was looking for a solution to improve my render times. I've searched the web for possible solutions and i found this site. After two days reading a lot of articles in this forum, i've made my decision. So i started a new thread "eGPU with IMac 21" 4k (late 2015)" in the section "Apple eGPU discussion" and wrote down my questions. Within a few hours, I've got all the answers i needed (many thanks to @Dschijn! Without his recommendations, gain experiences and hints, i never would be able to build my egpu). When i finished my first part of my egpu project, Tech Inferno Fan asked me to post an implementation guide. So here is my implementation guide: Because i want to speed up my render times, i needed an GPU with a lot of CUDA cores. So i decided to built up my eGPU with a high performance GTX 980 TI. My Hardware: iMac (Retina 4K, 21.5", Late 2015) 3.3 GHz Intel Core i7 1TB Fusion Frive HDD 16GB 1867 MHz DDR3 RAM The components, I bought: Akitio Thunderbolt2 PCIe Expansion Box MP-TB-PCIE ( https://www.format.de/Products/5961/index.php?gclid=CPDWsYn2hsUCFUblwgodMa0AVA) ASUS STRIX GTX 980 Ti (http://www.hiq24.de/shop//GeForce-STRIX-GTX980TI-DC3-6GD5-GAMING,-Grafikkarte/170245/100/i.html?) PSU: Thermaltake Smart SE 630W (http://www.hiq24.de/shop/Hardware/Komponenten/Netzteile/ab-500-Watt/Smart-SE-630W,-PC-Netzteil/81758/9512/i.html?) 24-Pin ATX adapter (https://www.caseking.de/bitspower-24-pin-atx-ueberbrueckungsstecker-zuad-083.html) DC cable (http://www.reichelt.de/DC-AKS-7525/3/index.html?&ACTION=3&LA=446&ARTICLE=150126&artnr=DC+AKS+7525&SEARCH=niedervoltstecker+2.5mm) MOLEX adapter (http://www.reichelt.de/DELOCK-82315/3/index.html?&ACTION=3&LA=446&ARTICLE=143815&artnr=DELOCK+82315&SEARCH=6-pin+pcie+kabel) Within a few days, i have got everything, i need. I've opened the AKiTiO. I bend the back part of the case a bit because the GTX980TI is to long. I put the GPU into the PCIe slot I connected the two 6+2 power cables from the PSU to the GPU With the DC cable and the MOLEX adapter, i've built up a power connector for the AKiTiO (as described here in the forum) I prepared the ATX adapter for the paper clip trick After this steps, i connected everything together and so i've got my eGPU in the "ghetto-mod" version I connected the TB2 cable (included within the AKiTiO) and switched on power at the PSU Then i've turned on my iMac (now the blue LED at the AKiTiO lights) For the driver installation, i've downloaded the script: https://www.techinferno.com/index.php?/forums/topic/7989-script-automating-the-installation-of-egpu-on-os-x-inc-display-output/ I've followed the instructions in the thread. This script is doing the installation automatically (thanks to goalque for this amazing work) After the first try, I've got the message "nvram: Error getting variable - 'csr-active-config': (iokit/common) data was not found" To solve this, the SIP has to be switched off (csrutil disable) when using MAC OS X El Capitan (here is a link http://www.macworld.com/article/2986118/security/how-to-modify-system-integrity-protection-in-el-capitan.html) Then i boot up my system and installed the latest CUDA driver package from NVIDEA I started my 3D program and the external GPU was recognized directly. I did a few test render,, the performance was great :-) Then i connected an external monitor to the eGPU via a HDMI cable and after i made the external monitor to my primary monitor (https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202351) everything works fine. Conclusion: The whole project has lasted one week. The system runs very stable and the fans are very quiet. Many thanks to this forum! The next steps will be: finding a suitable case for my PSU, AKiTiO and GTX upgrading to OS X 10.11.3 and the latest NVIDEA driver installing Windows 10 (via BootCamp) and make the eGPU running under Windows Update: I have just updated to MAC OS X 10.11.3 and NVIDEA Web Driver 346.03.05f01 (incl. CUDA Driver Version: 7.5.25). Everything works fine. Update: A few days ago, I also installed Windows 10 /with Bootcamp). I followed the instructions (and the power up sequence) by ZapCord and everything works fine. The eGPU will be recognized and i am able to do fast renders. On the external display, the eGPU works brilliant, only OPTIMUS will not work.
  25. Hello everyone, I just installed a new 880M into my M17x r4, booted into Debian and everything worked perfectly (using proprietary drivers from previous 675M) But things didn't look so nice when I logged into my Win7. I downloaded the latest drivers from Nvidia(361.43), created a modded inf and the installation failed The error looks like the screenshot on this page: http://www.custompcguide.net/2-methods-to-fix-nvidia-installer-failed-issue-for-geforce-video-cards/ I have tried: DDU, Safe Mode, Disabled Driver Signing Mode, "Manual" Install through device manager, two other versions of the driver and more(tm) So after trying all possible guides that I could find online, I decided to install another copy of win7 onto a clean partition. The driver install worked flawlessly and I managed to even get a stable +60/+200 overclock on the card, yay Migrating my previous windows installation by reinstalling all programs would at least take me another two full days and cost a lot of nerves :/ Thus I'm asking you guys whether you know a way to either - get the drivers to install - copy the drivers from one windows installation to the other (both are win7 ultimate x64) - easily get the old programs moved over to the new partition (including registry, user accounts and all other windows stuff) my old windows installation has experienced dd(cloning hdd) and multiple partition resizes besides being windows and thus slowly decaying over time. looking forward to your answers bonus questions: my 1440p screen flickers sometimes. might this be caused by the integrated graphics and could i disable it somehow? (i have tried different dp cables) what OCs have you achieved on the 880M? what's the maximum voltage that you'd classify as safe? temps with current OC dont go over 70C, stock cooler is pretty loud though
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