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Everything posted by BAKED

  1. That's a shame.. So there's no chance of being able to use xtu? I can increase the BCLK in BIOS though. EDIT: I'm now able to change the reference clock with xtu Working versions: 3.​1.​201.​5,
  2. Thanks dude! Yeah I would never flash using the windows version. Image including BIOS/ME/DESC [h=2]http://www.fildirekt.se/dl/1379447135.rar[/h]Only firmware [h=2]http://www.fildirekt.se/dl/1379444521.rar[/h]
  3. I have edited my firmware with FITC and programmed an empty chip with it, desoldered the old one and so on and now I've got read and write access I have'nt tried flashing anything yet though.
  4. Here are the tools for 5 series if someone is interested [h=2]http://www.fildirekt.se/dl/1379410115.rar[/h]
  5. It's called in circuit programming, you need a programmer and an adapter which in this case is a sop8 clamp.
  6. They are soldered, I can flash them without unsoldering though.
  7. You'll probably need a modded .inf to be able to install the drivers. I'm currently abroad and don't have access to my computer but i think svl7 might have one.
  8. BAKED

    AMD CPU on 16f2

    No.. Only 2nd gen intel i3, i5 and i7 CPUs. 2XXXM, 2XXXQM, 2XXXXM.
  9. Reseat the card in the slot and try again, if nvflash still doesn't find the card my guess would be it's DOA.
  10. NO! I'll unlock a win7 version and PM it to you.
  11. I can't really answer your questions as I don't have your system but I've unlocked the BIOS for you, It's for windows 8.
  12. I think Tech Inferno Fan will be able to give you an answer.
  13. NEW Nvidia Geforce GTX 770M 3GB DDR5 MXM 3 0 Type B FOR Clevo Alienware MSI | eBay
  14. I don´t think you´ll need a 1300W PSU, a 750W would probably be sufficient. I would go with one gtx 780 instead of two 760's, the performance of the 780 isn't far from the TITAN and it's so much cheaper ;D EVGA GTX 780 Classified http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814130943
  15. I don't know if putting pressure on the heatsink will do anything, it depends on the heatsinks design. It´s better to use a copper shim with thermal paste rather than a thermal pad because the heat dispatch will be greater that way. Is there thermal pads on the memory and vrm's? In that case you'll probably be able to make better contact by replacing them with thinner ones.
  16. Is there any thermal pads on the card? If so they may be too thick and lead to bad contact between heatsink and GPU die. In this case you can sort this out by replacing the thermal pads with thinner ones. Or add copper shims to the heatsink.
  17. Awesome! That's a lot of heatsinks
  18. Have you read this? http://forum.techinferno.com/msi/1839-msi-g-series-unlocked-bios-46.html#post50102
  19. When I had a Asus G53 a few years ago this happened sometimes, to fix it I had to set the keyboard brightness by hitting Fn + F4 a couple of times.
  20. You should use intel XTU as Captmario suggested, i will also show throttling if supported.
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