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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/10/11 in all areas

  1. If you choose to post in other forums, Please have the integrity to list STEVENXOWENS792 as the solution... 1. Step 1, hit f2 on bootup and go into bios. 2. Choose Advanced tab. (Note also make sure you have stock bclk) 3. F10 to save and exit. 4. Boot into Windows 7. 5. Create a power option called GAMING ON BATTERY. 6. Choose advanced options for this power setting. 7. Set PROCESSOR POWER MANAGEMENT TO MINIMUM 90 AND MAXIMUM 90 PERCENT FOR BATTERY. (For Steady FPS) 8 Set Intel Graphic Settings to Balanced for Battery. 9 Set (Graphic Processor State) Nvidia Graphic Settings to Balanced for Battery 10. Save 11. Choose your new gaming on battery setting and reboot! Go have fun and game for approx an hour on battery. Your welcome... StevenX
    5 points
  2. It looks like your fix sacrifices some CPU performance which reduces power consumption and probably helps prevent the throttling that most users are seeing while trying to game on battery power. Nice work Steven. Not sure why NBR doesn't want knowledgeable people like yourself posting on their forum. After you left they decided to harass Martin, the brains behind HWiNFO. In typical communist fashion, they deleted any posts supporting Martin and his contributions to the community and then locked the thread to prevent further discussion. Great. You won't see that kind of asinine behavior over here on Tech | Inferno.
    4 points
  3. Thanks to steve1ddd Got it working on M17xR2. Just download and install this. Drivers and Downloads And follow steve1ddd's instructions. Works without any problem so far. In Windows MP change options in pref & Visualisations Itunes Copy c:\Program files\Alienware\commandcenter\Media plugin\Itunes\WiTunesAlienFXPlugin.dll to C:\Users\[YOUR PROFILE NAME]\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\iTunes\iTunes Plug-ins\ Then open itunes and go to VIEW select Visualizer...select "Alienware Alien FX" ...... YOU MUST CLICK "show visulizer" or it wont work....ez way is jsut to togle back and forth with "CTL T"....
    3 points
  4. New AMD drivers are up, can be found here: Links updated, thanks Michael: 11.5 drivers, direct link from ATI site In case it doesn't work for you, get the Mobility Mod from here, this should work no matter from which vendor you have your card.
    2 points
  5. 2 points
  6. I used to use a VHS tape to prop up my laptop. It was topgun. Topgun was pretty cool so I figure it worked better than taped re runs of the price is right. Wait... Wat.....
    2 points
  7. HAHAHAHA, death star canteen... one of my favorite clips on youtube "I'll take the penne a la arrabiata!!" roflmao Check out these two if you don't know them... same comedian as in the death star canteen video:
    2 points
  8. Interesting/amazing/amusing http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QjA5faZF1A8 And some downright funny ones - Ok, so I got slightly carried away, but they're all worth it...
    2 points
  9. Nice job steven, this is going to be very useful for M14x users. And yeah it's NBR's loss and our gain. Give us your downtrodden, give us your knowledgeable posters, give us your poor...okay..you get my drift
    2 points
  10. Porcelain and the tramps.. Gasoline! YouTube - PORCELAIN And The Tramps - Gasoline
    2 points
  11. I'd also add to disable your WiFi and lighting if you're not using it. Every little bit counts.
    2 points
  12. Brink Official Site Brink is an upcoming first-person shooter video game developed by Splash Damage. In Brink, two factions, Resistance and Security, battle in a once-utopian city called The Ark, a floating city above the waters of a flooded Earth.(wiki) I have been watching the videos on their site and it looks pretty darn fun! It comes out tomorrow, May 10th.
    1 point
  13. It fits, I personally respect everybody's opinion, it doesn't mean that because a mod or an admin says it, it is 100% correct, at least in programming there are many ways to solve a problem, here we provide suggestions and advices, we don't dictate others, so when I suggest one solution/approach, it doesn't mean that someone else won't come up with a better one, or they should follow my approach because I am the admin here... I hope you see my point of view. We have evolved as a species because of our variety and our uniqueness and I would rather see that in here as well, plus our forum targets members with critical and creative thinking, that allows them to filter what they read and take it one step further and improve it. One thing I always try to remember though is that with great power comes great responsibility
    1 point
  14. Nah, you sound more like a mod at NBR.
    1 point
  15. The only thing is... I think sometimes folks get tired of the "StevenX" opinion and have a real desire to hear from others... Truthfully I don't blame them. Getting a variety of thoughts, ideas, opinions (even when they are drastically different from yours) can help shed light on issues. My opinion has always been as follows.. (which is much different than I was raised due to my Marine Step Father). If I ask you, any of you to give me the number 10 with two numbers, some of you might say, easy... 10 and Zero, or 5 and 5 or 1 and 9. Others might be even more creative and say 1000 minus 990. The point is that most of the time their is many different ways to resolve a problem or provide an answer. It's not my personality to stifle creative solutions or assume that MY WAY is the best. So when it comes to moderation, It's not my style to say MY WAY or the HIGHWAY. It's more like Let me hear your thoughts, and hear are my thoughts, what can we do to provide value to everyone. If this sounds like something that fits the T/I mentality then let me know. Thanks again to everyone. StevenX
    1 point
  16. Timbuk2 D-Lux Laptop Messenger: Bondage - S $110 (really nice!)
    1 point
  17. Vinnie Moore - Check it out. well, nothing to add... check it out, especially if you like some crazy guitar stuff
    1 point
  18. i agree! PD: andale andale? Speedy was saying that in the old cartoon ... a classic! el ratón más veloz de todo México!
    1 point
  19. 1 point
  20. I vote Steven:78: "¡Andale! ¡Andale! ¡Arriba! ¡Arriba! ¡Yii-hah!"
    1 point
  21. 1 point
  22. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xUHSE2aFiz0
    1 point
  23. very nice video.. i like it
    1 point
  24. Haha yeah... I'd like to "unbox" that. ^^ It made me laugh.
    1 point
  25. Australian alienware website just came up with pricing. Its fucking hilarious. Dell AU is even greedier than USA. Starting price is $3299 AUD. Yeah, fuck that. -Ash Thats the email I sent the rep who notified me. Cant wait for the response! -Ash
    1 point
  26. This takes balls I guess
    1 point

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