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BF3 BETA screen shots


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Clocks at 750/1000 ultra settings (all ultra, hbao disabled, aa/af 0) 30-45 fps. Higher indoors and less outdoors.

The game plays like MOH vs BC2. I love BC2 and didn't care for MOH as much (multiplayer). The engines were the same but the gameplay was a bit different. Graphics are ok, not stellar, but I want to see the finished product before i fully comment.

So far.. so good. Watch for the campers in your spawns. For some reason they didn't resolve that issue.


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After playing this on different servers, on and off (not really going nuts to level up or anything) mostly just performance measurements. I can honestly say.. im just not too impressed. Why..

1. Snipers need serious balancing.

2. Spawn areas need to be protected.

3. It plays more like MOH MP than BFBC2 (and i dont like it)

4. The sound is good but something strange is afoot at the circle k when the enemy can hear me behind a cement wall CRAWLING on the ground over bullets and grenades and over 100 feet away. (Must be BF3 with Cryo uniforms)

5. the map is boring (hope others are better)

6. The gameplay is more than slow really. Meaning you spend most of the time running, diving, crawling and I emphasis CRAWLING unless you want a .34 K/D ratio.

7. Map looks the same as last time really.

All in all .. 6 outta 10 so far. BFBC2 I would give 9 outta 10.

Just my .02


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After playing this on different servers, on and off (not really going nuts to level up or anything) mostly just performance measurements. I can honestly say.. im just not too impressed. Why..

1. Snipers need serious balancing.

2. Spawn areas need to be protected.

3. It plays more like MOH MP than BFBC2 (and i dont like it)

4. The sound is good but something strange is afoot at the circle k when the enemy can hear me behind a cement wall CRAWLING on the ground over bullets and grenades and over 100 feet away. (Must be BF3 with Cryo uniforms)

5. the map is boring (hope others are better)

6. The gameplay is more than slow really. Meaning you spend most of the time running, diving, crawling and I emphasis CRAWLING unless you want a .34 K/D ratio.

7. Map looks the same as last time really.

All in all .. 6 outta 10 so far. BFBC2 I would give 9 outta 10.

Just my .02


Wow that's pretty bad for a beta review but I gotta ask: Did you ever play BF2 and did you like it? If BF3 is anything like BF2 and BF1942, then I think I'm going to love it. I didn't really care for BFBC2 so if it is styled after BF2 (and with prone I see it may be) then I'll be in heaven.

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I played it for a while yesterday, and I agree with pretty much every point StevenX mentions... Though I have to say that I never really played BF or BFBC2, but I bought and played MoH.

The game does indeed feel a lot like MoH, the movements, the weapon handling, the speed and acceleration of the player... pretty much everything that defines a shooter. Graphics are definitely pretty impressive so far and better than MoH (which is still full of artefacts and bugs when it comes to the graphics...).

Spawn areas are ridiculously protected, was alive for about 0.5 seconds sometimes...

I realized that the sniper sometimes can be easily spotted, because the reflections of their scopes can be seen from miles and miles away, but it's usually too late when you see the flashing.

Well, it's still beta, but there are tons of bugs and bad designs... for example you can't change the video settings or key bindings when you're dead. You have to do this while you're alive, playing a game on the map. Same bullshit as with MoH.

Sometimes you get spawned below the map. The water is tessellated very nicely, but some spots are just missing this post processing... not nice to look at.

For my taste the game is way too slow and the maps are too big, especially for the speed of the player. I have to admit that I'm a very big fan of the MW2 multiplayer, which was/is a very fast paced game, more rushing (or run and gun) than just camping. The MW2 maps were very good imo, good size and an appropriate complexity.

The BF3 beta is just too much like MoH, which I didn't like at all. Slow, mainly a camping came and too much walking for almost no action, and you get sniped before you can kill someone.

The game looks much more like alpha to me than as a beta, that's a very bad thing. I expect the final version to be beta level, there'll probably be a "day one patch", but chances are that the game is going to be as buggy as Black Ops during the first weeks.

They should rather postpone the release and really finalize the game, but I know they won't do this.

Not sure if I'm going to buy the game... I really hope that MW3 gets a lot like MW2, not like BO, then I'm going the CoD route.

Positive thing about the beta are the graphics. As soon as you raise the settings and shader details, it gets pretty astonishing!! Crazy light effects, unfortunately rather exaggerated than realistic, but it looks definitely impressive, and there are a lot of details in the maps, very nice.

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After playing this on different servers, on and off (not really going nuts to level up or anything) mostly just performance measurements. I can honestly say.. im just not too impressed. Why..

1. Snipers need serious balancing.

2. Spawn areas need to be protected.

3. It plays more like MOH MP than BFBC2 (and i dont like it)

4. The sound is good but something strange is afoot at the circle k when the enemy can hear me behind a cement wall CRAWLING on the ground over bullets and grenades and over 100 feet away. (Must be BF3 with Cryo uniforms)

5. the map is boring (hope others are better)

6. The gameplay is more than slow really. Meaning you spend most of the time running, diving, crawling and I emphasis CRAWLING unless you want a .34 K/D ratio.

7. Map looks the same as last time really.

All in all .. 6 outta 10 so far. BFBC2 I would give 9 outta 10.

Just my .02


I have to agree a lot with everything you said here. I waas getting SO ANNOYED by the whole sound thing when i was playing a little bit ago. I would craw past a rock, and 1000 feet away a sniper would fire through the rock into me, when i hadn't even risked going into the open ONCE. I'm starting to think that those deaths are from a sniper being underground, and it showing them being above ground.

Spawn kills are pretty constant.

Maps are massive, and yet if you try to run through them, you get picked off. Basically you can either run through the open, and die. Hide behind stuff, and die. OR the weirdest option yet the most effective in my opinion. CRAWL through the areas that you think would be the most popular. I seem to die more when i crawl through far away areas off to the sides, then when i crawl through a pathway in the middle of the freaking map.

I am pretty optimistic that EA will iron this stuff out though, and i'm really hoping that this game will be more polished. That said, i haven't pre-ordered the game.

By the way stevenx, i was pretty surprised with the FPS i was getting, can you check my post in the m14x gaming thread and read my settings and fps? I tried imitating your settings without the overclock, and i was surprised because i got the same fps. :o

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