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Bricked my ASUS G73JH!! Plz help


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I don't know why ASUS would allow you to update your bios from ntfs when it bricks your laptop! I've been researching it for a few days now and it seems my only options are either RMA to ASUS or reprogram the one that's causing the issue. I've tried everything as far as removing CMOS battery for a minute to removing hard drives and RAM. Still. When I plug it back up. I get no power. No lights. Nothing. I am leaning towards buying a programmer but before I did, I was wondering if anyone else had any solutions. Thank you

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I have flashed mine G75vx with asus flash program and end up no power like you,i tought i briked it but then removed one of my ram i added earlier which is lower Mhz then the others,flashed 204>206.So if put recently a new ram memory remove it and try .

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