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[BIOS/vBIOS - MODS] Prema Mod™ & Stock


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The only reason to disable UEFI is that the system (everything after EM Series) can't boot from the non-UEFI USB stick as long as UEFI is enabled.

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The only reason to disable UEFI is that the system (everything after EM Series) can't boot from the non-UEFI USB stick as long as UEFI is enabled.

Right, so to flash... disable UEFI.

Once Prema-BIOS is flashed, re-enable UEFI.

Then enjoy.

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Right, so to flash... disable UEFI.

Once Prema-BIOS is flashed, re-enable UEFI.

Then enjoy.

Thanks Prema!

So now that the BIOS is flashed to PremaMOD mode, if I want to put in 2133 RAM, I just plug it in, and then what? (I'm thinking 32GB DDR3-2133 for a faster RAM drive)


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The RAM settings are in BIOS under "Advanced" > "Performance Tuning" > "Memory & iGPU Overclocking" > set to 1.33 x 16 for 2133Mhz, then save and exit and make a full shutdown from windows. On the next boot the new speed will take effect if stable.

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Is it possible to add 'hdd password' to BIOS so I can take advantage of the encryption in my SSD (Samsung 840 pro)?

Yes. It is in the BIOS settings. Conversely, I believe there is an encryption option as well in Samsung Magician 4.3.

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Yes. It is in the BIOS settings. Conversely, I believe there is an encryption option as well in Samsung Magician 4.3.

The standard bios only have system password. I need hdd password.

Magician dont have software encryption for 840 pro.

When hdd password is enabled is uses hardware encryption.

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I Installed your modded bios on my p370sm3 and it crashes all the time. Seems to crash when the temps get too high and the fans don't kick in high.

just a heads up.

Now sadly back to the stock bios firmware:(

Looking forward to when there is a stable modded bios up for the P370SM3.

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Clevo P150EM

EM Systems don't gain extra options like all the others. All changes are under the hood.


I Installed your modded bios on my p370sm3 and it crashes all the time. Seems to crash when the temps get too high and the fans don't kick in high.

just a heads up.

Now sadly back to the stock bios firmware:(

Looking forward to when there is a stable modded bios up for the P370SM3.

Clevo has different motherboard revisions for this model, some don't like certain tweaks.

Check your PM for an alternative Mod.

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Is there a stock Sager NP9377 BIOS + EC around?

Or even a P377SM-A Clevo BIOS + EC?

I can find stock for all but my model and I might be RMAing this machine so I'd like to put the stock Sager BIOS back.

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Hey, can anyone steer me to a Prema modded BIOS for a Clevo W860CU/NP8690? Some accompanying info would be useful also.


That system was BMe

@ALL Prema Mod v1 for P375SM-A is now in the OP.


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Getting a new Sager NP9377-S (Clevo P377SM-A) on Monday. 880M SLI . Has no OS yet, going to put Windows 8.1 on it.

I don't know much about OC'ing etc.. so will prob not do anything like that. Will the new bios help me if am not going to mess with it? If so, should I flash before installing the OS, or after?



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Hi Prema, I have a question.

I have my Sager NP7338 (Clevo W230ss) and had installed your last moded BIOS right after receiving it. I'm running Linux (Mint 17) and encountered some weird issues when plugging a USB sound Card (Tascam US122L). When I plug it in, the card is recognized but right after it, linux encounters a problem related to XHCI and shuts down all my USB ports. I know that there could be several issues going on but my question is how the BIOS part works as I disabled XHCI and EHCI, just in case under USB settings, but I still having the issue. Shall this settings work like that?

Another one, if I want to go back to stock BIOS just to try.. is there any "briking risk"? Or I should be good to give it a try?

Thanks in advance for the help!!

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Getting a new Sager NP9377-S (Clevo P377SM-A) on Monday. 880M SLI . Has no OS yet, going to put Windows 8.1 on it.

I don't know much about OC'ing etc.. so will prob not do anything like that. Will the new bios help me if am not going to mess with it? If so, should I flash before installing the OS, or after?



Without adjusting things the difference on this model will be minimal. But it has many other things updated to have the latest bug-fixes. Ideal is to update the BIOS before installing windows/driver etc...

Hi Prema, I have a question.

I have my Sager NP7338 (Clevo W230ss) and had installed your last moded BIOS right after receiving it. I'm running Linux (Mint 17) and encountered some weird issues when plugging a USB sound Card (Tascam US122L). When I plug it in, the card is recognized but right after it, linux encounters a problem related to XHCI and shuts down all my USB ports. I know that there could be several issues going on but my question is how the BIOS part works as I disabled XHCI and EHCI, just in case under USB settings, but I still having the issue. Shall this settings work like that?

Another one, if I want to go back to stock BIOS just to try.. is there any "briking risk"? Or I should be good to give it a try?

Thanks in advance for the help!!

The XHCI Hand-off function is just a workaround for certain scenarios, it doesn't disable or alter basic XHCI mode functionality. The stock BIOS won't change the way USB is handled, except taking all USB option away. But yes you can flash Stock and Mod back and forth the way you feel, no problem. Just use the packages here or on the blog and you will be fine.

I can make you a test version with advanced XHCI functionality, just PM me.

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